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Bustin' on the Jesus Freaks...

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  • #16
    Exactly. Disney is an organization that provides benefits to same-sex partners. Why ruin a fine company as that by associating it with the wrong element?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kuciwalker
      There's also damage done to Disney's image. Who would want to be associated with these people?
      Evil retarded rednecks.
      Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

      It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
      The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


      • #18


        • #19
          Disney once went after a nursery school (in Nebraska, iirc) whose kids had painted Mickey Mouse on the building as part of a school mural.

          If Disney unleashes their lawyers, the Farrgut folks will get a first-hand introduction to Satan's minions.

          "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


          • #20
            Wait--I didn't notice this before--did you really put an emoticon in that message?
            "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


            • #21
              I've got a couple of auto-responses...

              From Disney:

              Thank you for your message. We want you to know that we very much
              appreciate the time you took to bring this matter to our attention.

              We regard our investigations as confidential. We do not reveal our
              sources and you will not hear from us again about this matter unless we
              require further information.

              Please feel free to use this email address (
              or our Antipiracy voice mail hotline, 818-560-3300, if you want to
              report a suspected infringement in the future.


              Antipiracy Group, Corporate Legal
              The Walt Disney Company
              500 South Buena Vista Street
              Burbank, California 91521-0644

              From Pixar...

              Greetings, stranger from the outside! We welcome your contact. Your questions are many, so we must respond to you as one. May you find what you seek here!

              Thank you for contacting Regrettably, due to the large amount of email we receive from cyberspace, we are unable to respond personally to your message.

              Below are answers to a number of frequently asked questions. We hope they will provide the information or direction you are seeking.

              Media Inquiries:
              If you are a journalist seeking an interview with a Pixar employee, please send an email message containing the pertinent details (the nature of the story, the person with whom you wish to speak, your deadline, information regarding your publication/outlet, etc.) to

              Donations, Charities, Scholarships:
              Pixar's charitable giving focuses most often on local organizations that benefit children. We receive many requests for donations that meet these criteria and take a great deal of care in determining which initiatives to support. Regrettably, we are not able to accommodate all of the worthy requests we receive.

              Pixar does not have a scholarship program at this time.

              Student Projects:
              We receive a large number of requests for information in connection with student projects, and unfortunately are not able to respond to each one personally. However, on our website we have posted answers to many of the most commonly asked questions about the work that Pixar does and the animation industry as a whole. You can view that information on our FAQ.

              Licensing Questions, Copyright Questions, Screening Questions:
              To request permission to screen one of Pixar's feature films, or to use our characters or other intellectual property in a book or in any other way, please send an email message containing the pertinent details (the material you wish to use, the manner in which you wish to use it, etc.) to

              Speaking Requests:
              If you wish to contact Pixar regarding a potential speaking engagement, please send an email message describing the opportunity (the nature, date and location of the event, who you wish to have speak, etc.) to

              Tour Requests:
              Pixar is a closed working studio and does not offer tours to the public.

              The Incredibles DVD
              For technical assistance with The Incredibles DVD, visit us at or call 1-800-723-4763 (US)/ 1-888-877-2843 (Canada).


              • #22
                I resent the email to as instructed by their autoreply.

                Koyaanisqatsi - yeah. The phrasing of the previous sentence was a bit harsh, so I used the emoticon to lighten it a bit. Sure I could've rephrased it, but I didn't feel like it and took the easy way out - after all, the substance of the letter is more important than the style of it.

                Oh, and the emoticon didn't come out as a smilie, only as the keyboard strokes that makes the smilie.


                • #23
                  Wow, what an arsehole you are!
                  Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                      I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                      • #26
                        JohnT is a ****ing narc...
                        KH FOR OWNER!
                        ASHER FOR CEO!!
                        GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                        • #27
                          See? Two for one! How could I resist?


                          • #28
                            If Drake disapproves you know you've done good...
                            I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                            I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                            • #29
                              A part of me does applaud your crushing of the little guy in favor of a giant corporation though. You definitely live up to the billing in your location field...
                              KH FOR OWNER!
                              ASHER FOR CEO!!
                              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                              • #30
                                Hey, it's my daughter at stake here. I don't want her attracted to some damn cult because they're using images that kids like.

