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How do people meet people (romantically)?

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  • Originally posted by child of Thor
    It has to be the gayest dancing EVAR! what was he thinking? forever will it haunt him.( the movie was one of his better ones i thought - "kickboxer"? not sure)
    So be carefull Provost and Jon and who ever else gets involved in dancing
    Bloodsport was his best


    • diss since you ask how people met, ill give you our story - QOTM and I met at a Synagogue we both belonged to, and were introduced by a mutual friend (or acquaintance in my case, it was really QOTM's friend)

      which gives you 2 ways to meet women - via a religious institution, or by being set up by a friend. Not sure if either works for you.
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • Originally posted by Dis

        Bloodsport was his best
        I always liked Cyborg and Double Impact
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • Laura and I met at the movies. I wanted to sit down and she was hogging an entire table to herself. Being a gentleman, I asked her if I could sit. She assented.

          I then noticed that she was reading the Cliff Notes to Frankenstein. Being an *******, I started laughing. Asking me what was so funny, I pointed to the CN and said "The original damn book isn't that thick!"

          Romance. Who the hell knows how it happens?

          The moral of the story: you gotta be a gentlemanly ******* in order to get the good stuff.


          • You people go to the movies to sit at tables and read books? What?


            • It was before the movie started, smartass.


              • I met my wife during medieval dance practice - it was one of those dances where the ladies and men line up, do various steps, then make a tunnel and a couple goes up it, then they go to the end and extend the tunnel. After everybody goes through there are some rotations and you switch partners. Very patterned, you need very little rythem, and you dance with multiple partners.

                I was actually interested in another young lady, but when I ended up partnered with my future wife, I still gave her all my attention. That's just the right thing to do when you do that kind of dance. I neither looked past her - a constant problem for ladies who are 4'10" - nor stared down her bustline (which was quite nice but by 30 one learns to subtle about such things) even though the 12th century gown she had on showed off some quite nice cleavage.

                She liked the kind of attention I gave her, liked the fact I was an older male, and decided to chase me. It didn't take her very long, either. Having a young, attractive lady ten years younger then you chasing you is very flattering. We used to do all kinds of social stuff, now we have a toddler, which cuts things way down. Of course, they bring their own kind of joy, but also irritations and I fear I am needed to deal with Miss Fussy Britches. Bye.
                The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
                And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
                Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
                Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.


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                  that is why I have no desire for a live in relationship.

                  That's why I asked this thread question not for myself (mostly), but out of curiousity.


                  • can they teach you a sense of rythym?
                    Babies can be taught rythym. Perhaps, like languages, it is far easier to learn when young.

                    Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                    Dancing is not really my cup of tea - way too self conscious for anything like will have to be something more cerebral...
                    For a physical activity some social dances can be quite "cerebral" with leading her, remembering your steps, floorcraft (ie- don't crash into others, protect her), staying on time/rhythm/beat, etc.

                    This only covers ballroom dancing, but...
                    Of 11 physical activities considered, only dancing was tied to a lower dementia risk, Verghese tells WebMD.
                    Dementia - n - 1.Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is sometimes accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.
                    2.Madness; insanity.

                    I didn't post this earlier since I prefer reading posts from Apolyton members with dementia.
                    Last edited by Pyrodrew; July 20, 2005, 23:47.

