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Prostitution- Germany

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  • #16
    Hmm. When people sign up for jobless benefits, give them two (or more) choices in terms of which prospective employers can contact them.

    If they allow the full spectrum (i.e. any employer can contact them), their jobless benefits last for, say, two full years. If they allow only certain employers to contact them, their benefits last, say, for 1.5 years. If they're really picky about who may contact them, the benefits run out after one year. And so on ...

    This way, folks have *some* control over their futures while knowing up-front that, hey, the government can and will reduce their unemployment benefits after a set amount of time should the unemployed folks be picky about who can and cannot contact them.

    "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

    "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


    • #17
      And what happens beyond 2 years if the worst comes to the worst?
      Speaking of Erith:

      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


      • #18
        It's selling a service. And re: modeling, that's even more absurd. I fail to see how nude modeling is any more "selling your body" than a Victoria's Secret model, a kid who's modelling in a Lands' End catalogue, or hell, an actor on a TV show.
        In what other industry can a person be stigmatized by possible future fiancees, etc.?

        A person can argue that by prostituting herself- less men would want to join with her in marriage... and if she's married- it's very unfair to her spouse who might

        a: conduct a STD due to the interaction,
        b: have an added fear of 'underperforming' in bed, etc.
        admittedly, nude modelling is an issue I have less trouble with since it's more of a 'societal status' issue, in that a person might be ostracized from a church, friends, etc. for doing so- but even nude models today aren't chattle slaves in that they have to show their faces/certain parts of their bodies etc if they don't want to- they'll be paid less, yes- but they'll still be paid.

        Making unemployment benefits contingent upon nude modelling is a grave double standard- those who don't want, say their face to be shown, might be argued by the nude modeling agency to be overly picky in resisting the job- and therefore should be inelgible for unemployment benefits... whereas people going into that industry of their own choice would not have that option.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #19
          It never happened.

          A couple of German publications mooted the theoretical example of someone being forced into prostitution, whereupon the Torygraph (a notably anti-European Union paper) inexplicably decided it had actually happened.
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • #20
            Do women in Germany face the loss of unemployment benefits if they decline to accept work in brothels?
            The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


            • #21

              btw, treating people like cattle would be raising them to be eaten. If that's what prostitution is in Germany, by all means ban it.

              Well, there was this case in Germany where.....


              • #22

                old news, and a hoax


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Provost Harrison
                  And what happens beyond 2 years if the worst comes to the worst?
                  Why should the government keep paying for this person after two years?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Az

                    btw, treating people like cattle would be raising them to be eaten. If that's what prostitution is in Germany, by all means ban it.

                    Well, there was this case in Germany where.....
                    I actually remembered that, which is what triggered my comment


                    • #25
                      This was posted ca. half a dozen times before it is not only wrong, but now extremely boring.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DarkCloud
                        In what other industry can a person be stigmatized by possible future fiancees, etc.?
                        What does that have to do with anything?

                        You're confirming my point: people are having an emotional, irrational response to prostitution.

                        A person can argue that by prostituting herself- less men would want to join with her in marriage...

                        So? Guynemer recently lost (well, dumped) his gf because she couldn't take the 80 hour weeks - we should extend this protection to doctors!

                        and if she's married- it's very unfair to her spouse who might

                        Well, sucks for the spouse. Is this your only argument that prostitution should be in its own category - that it hurts marriages?

                        a: conduct a STD due to the interaction,

                        AIUI from Diss, legalized, regulated prostitution has a very low rate STD infections.

                        b: have an added fear of 'underperforming' in bed, etc.

                        That's an argument?

                        admittedly, nude modelling is an issue I have less trouble with since it's more of a 'societal status' issue, in that a person might be ostracized from a church, friends, etc. for doing so- but even nude models today aren't chattle slaves in that they have to show their faces/certain parts of their bodies etc if they don't want to- they'll be paid less, yes- but they'll still be paid.

                        Eh, actually, by definition a nude model would have to show everything

                        Making unemployment benefits contingent upon nude modelling is a grave double standard- those who don't want, say their face to be shown, might be argued by the nude modeling agency to be overly picky in resisting the job- and therefore should be inelgible for unemployment benefits... whereas people going into that industry of their own choice would not have that option.

                        It's not a double standard at all. It's consistent, rational application of a principle, disregarding our irrational, emotional prejudices.


                        • #27
                          Prostitution is bad, don't go to prostitutes. Merely accept that when no girl wants to bang with you, you've been chosen for natural selection


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Kuciwalker

                            Why should the government keep paying for this person after two years?
                            Is starving them to death preferable? If they have genuinely not been able to find work in that time (try it at a time of economic hardship).
                            Speaking of Erith:

                            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Provost Harrison

                              Is starving them to death preferable? If they have genuinely not been able to find work in that time (try it at a time of economic hardship).
                              no one can truelly starve to death in the U.S. It's impossible (despite what the liberals say). Though it is very easy to become homeless. And once you become homeless, it's very difficult to get out of that situation. But most cities provide free food to the homeless. so it's not like you can starve to death.


                              • #30
                                any work?

                                I don't think a person should only take jobs in his line of career. It's unfair and degrading to all of the people who do routinely the jobs he denies.

