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Explosion heard in London

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  • why does the news have to point out if any americans were injured or killed?

    Is an american life worth more than a british life?


    • There's nothing wrong with that, Diss. If the main headline on CNN was "4 Americans hurt in terrorist attack!" and all else was being ignored then it would be a problem, but that isn't what is happening.

      Why shouldn't an American news network report how many Americans had been hurt? Isn't that a relevant story to their viewers?
      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


      • For example, in the days after 911 most news agencies over here were reporting how many British people had been killed or were still missing. It's normal to do so.
        If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


        • Originally posted by Dissident
          why does the news have to point out if any americans were injured or killed?

          Is an american life worth more than a british life?

          No more than is a Polish or French life. At least one Polish woman and one Frenchman are among the missing, so far. London is an international city, with a multi-national multi-cultural heritage and workforce.

          Rudolph Giuliani was at a meeting near Liverpool Street when one of the bombs went off- he was on television on Thursday praising the British emergency services and the response of the British public and police.

          A couple from 'a small town in Georgia', as they put it, had just left their hotel when the bus bomb went off.

          It's only natural for the news media of other countries to be concerned about the welfare of citizens from those countries, especially when as seems unfortunately likely, they may be counted among the murdered.

          Oh and diplomat ?

          Ignoring terrorism will not defeat it! Destroying terrorism will defeat it!

          So far I've managed most of my adult life not to let terrorism alter my way of life- it doesn't mean I ignore it, it just means I don't let it TERRORISE me- which is after all one of the objectives of urban terrorism.

          You might want to refresh your memory on I.R.A bombing campaigns in the United Kingdom- there've been quite a few, so the British are used to this sort of thing.
          Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

          ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


          • This demonstrates how this affects many people from many background including nationalities and ethnicities. The thing is I suspect there will be muslims who have been killed and injured by this attack. It just demonstrates how indiscriminate these killings are...
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • Originally posted by Provost Harrison
              This demonstrates how this affects many people from many background including nationalities and ethnicities. The thing is I suspect there will be muslims who have been killed and injured by this attack. It just demonstrates how indiscriminate these killings are...

              At least one- her father and brother and grandfather were interviewed on television last night outside the East London mosque in Whitechapel. She had been on the tube at Aldgate on her way to work.

              The attack was unreservedly condemned at Friday prayers by the mosque's imam.
              Last edited by molly bloom; July 9, 2005, 08:42.
              Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

              ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


              • yeah saw that on the news last night, goes to show that grief is the same, whatever your colour or creed
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • about all these attacks. First on the list would be the iraq one. greek journalists had free passage everywhere and some of them did very daring stuff like going exactly to the places the angloamericans bombarded. that was foolish but it provided us shocking images with babies being blown apart, the screaming pain of black clad mothers seeing their children dismebered etc. These are all in the archives btw and were all shown on TV.
                  I particulalry remember a journalist running down a street as the angloamericans were bombarding it and other people were running too and there was a young Iraqi who saw the greek journalist running with his microphone and commenting and went straight to him shouting "**** USA" (apparently mistaking him for american). he was saved after he shouted back "yunan! yunan!" which is what greece is called in iraqi I guess.

                  Next were the blasts in constantinople/Istabul. those were shocking too because they were so close, actually they were exactly outside our door. those were frightening indeed and seeing what they caused was bad enough. to the honest greek I think there was also compassion much like when the earthquakes hit both countries. the turks didnt owe nothing to have to go through this.

                  next came the attacks on spain. those were just surreal. freakish.

                  then the "you're going to fail athens 2004, greeks" english got bombed. again deplorable no matter how you feel about that country.

                  now I'm afraid something could happen to Italy but that rascal berlusconi was quick to say he'll diminish italian presence in iraq. so hopefully maybe that will be enough.

                  for some reason I'm not at scared about Denmark. I just don't think it fits. Of course there was no way I could say that Spain of all placed would get attacked. The instant the spanish police invaded that appartment where the terrorists were hiding and the latter blew themselves up was dramatic too.


                  • Man, I was worried about you, but it seems that you're back in prime trolling shape. I especially like "angloamerican". It's a nice touch, reminds of watching Russian state TV.


                    • i guess you can simply call it trolling and be done with it. i dont care that much


                      • Hell, if you actually believe some of the stuff you're saying, I'd say that you're pretty ****ed up.

                        Seriously, though, I'll refrain from trying to analyze the causes,reasons and pretexts for such an attack. That's what the other thread is for.


                        • Originally posted by Az
                          Hell, if you actually believe some of the stuff you're saying, I'd say that you're pretty ****ed up.
                          What do you mean "believe"?
                          I'm less ****ed up than anyone who supported that war though


                          • believe = "think that it is the truth"


                            • Originally posted by Az
                              believe = "think that it is the truth"
                              So what are you saying?
                              a) that I'm lying
                              b) that what we saw on TV were staged?

                              b) would be the ultimate hiding your head in the sand on your part! If you think it's a) you can ask for the videos at the chanels! Most were private btw.


                              • I wasn't talking about what you said here .

