Originally posted by Patroklos
I would not be supprised if communits actually hold the record for workers killed/time existed. Pretty sure Mao clinched it all by himself.
I would not be supprised if communits actually hold the record for workers killed/time existed. Pretty sure Mao clinched it all by himself.
For a single slaughterer of workers, the record easily goes to Hitler, since he started WWII. As a system, capitalism is easily more deadly. Tens of millions of lives were ground in the machinery of capital to create the wealth we have today. If we have better lives today, it's because our society rests on a foundation of blood.
Even as murderous as Stalin and Mao both were, life expectancies for the USSR and PRC went up during their misrule. China, which had had a famine every other year, has had only one since the revolution. The USSR had only two, one of which was deliberate.
Capitalism, on the other hand, sees the deaths of tens of millions in its empire every year, people who die simply because it isn't profitable enough to feed them a few pennies worth of sollution to stop them from dying from diarhea from the common cold, or because it isn't profitable to feed them.