Originally posted by Lung
Irrespective of the reasons for going to war in the first place, the worst thing the Yanks can do is to be seen to have been chased out of Iraq. Now that they're there, they have to be in it for the long haul.
Irrespective of the reasons for going to war in the first place, the worst thing the Yanks can do is to be seen to have been chased out of Iraq. Now that they're there, they have to be in it for the long haul.
Certainly, the insurgency is continuing unabated, but the truth still remains - you can't win popularity contests by killing everyone. The fact that they have become indiscriminate in their killings means that politically, they are losing. The only way for them to win is for the US to leave hastily.
The insurgency is too small to ever win-what the insurgency can do is leave things chaotic enough to allow the country to collapse into secterian fighting.
Of course, this remains the incentive for the insurgents to keep killing people, but for the Yanks to pull out to quickly qould be disasterous. The lunatics will end up running the asylum, and it will embolden fanatics everywhere
The way to win is to marginalise the insurgents and humiliate them in the eyes of their peers by defeating them and throwing them in gaol, rendering them impotent.
The alternative is to see them claim victory, and claim the future of the middle east, away from the brink of democracy and back towards oppression.
The way to win is to marginalise the insurgents and humiliate them in the eyes of their peers by defeating them and throwing them in gaol, rendering them impotent.
The alternative is to see them claim victory, and claim the future of the middle east, away from the brink of democracy and back towards oppression.
But if Iraq splits, the whole region will be in chaos, since the Saudis and the Gulf states would really freak about a Shia south as an Iranian pawn, while the Turks, Syrians, and Iranians would do what they could to undermine or destroy and independent Kurdish state.
And there is not much the US could do period if this occured , meaning that the insurgents diod not win, but that the notion of a free Iraq would go down in flames, pretty much making the whole war moot, or a net negative.