Calling all Microsoft-savy Polytubbies:
Recently, a friend of mine came to stay with his Japanese girlfriend. While here, they asked if they could install something on my wife's computer (I wasn't there for the conversasion, which is why I'm not being as precise as I'd like) to help the Girlfriend ger her Japanese-language e-mail. My wife, being the perfect hostess and foolishly trusting them when they said this would be no problem, said yes.
Now, whenever she opens a Microsoft Office program or document, the Windows Installer opens up and begins some installation process; it then announces that it can't find the file IJ561401.CAB, and asks her to browse for it. At this point, she can cancel instead of browsing, and the program will open like normal. So, this is merely an annoyance, but it is an annoyance. Neither our friend nor his girlfriend can adequately explain what was installed (well, the girlfriend probably can, but not in English), so I'm not even sure what I'm looking for.
Any ideas? Anybody? TIA.
edited to correct the name of the .CAB file
Recently, a friend of mine came to stay with his Japanese girlfriend. While here, they asked if they could install something on my wife's computer (I wasn't there for the conversasion, which is why I'm not being as precise as I'd like) to help the Girlfriend ger her Japanese-language e-mail. My wife, being the perfect hostess and foolishly trusting them when they said this would be no problem, said yes.
Now, whenever she opens a Microsoft Office program or document, the Windows Installer opens up and begins some installation process; it then announces that it can't find the file IJ561401.CAB, and asks her to browse for it. At this point, she can cancel instead of browsing, and the program will open like normal. So, this is merely an annoyance, but it is an annoyance. Neither our friend nor his girlfriend can adequately explain what was installed (well, the girlfriend probably can, but not in English), so I'm not even sure what I'm looking for.
Any ideas? Anybody? TIA.
edited to correct the name of the .CAB file