When I was 13 I went to a hairdresser that used to stick her pert and ample boobs in your face. It was great. I reckon she did it to increase custom.
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How do you tell if a girl is interested in you?
I wonder how many women could have possibly be interested in me and I was too stupid to notice.
Tons. Not to insult you, but if you dont know how to read the signs you're missing out on a lot. I tell mostly through body language, its not like I have a set rule book or anything, it just comes naturaly to me. As has been suggested before in this thread, you just got to ask them out. You never ask, you never know, you never know you go ****ing bonkers wondering, day dreaming, and masturbating.
And dont think for a minute that being ugly will ruin your chances. Looks plays an important part to start with, but not the most important part. You will find that many women are attracted to the same things many men are, they look for happiness and confidence above all else. And even though you might be swallowing your tongue when you try to ask someone out they'll forgive it because chances are they dont have the cajones to ask anyone out themselves.
one thing I forgot to mention in the original post was a few other incidents.
Just the other night some girls in a car were trying to get my attention. I was driving by and they were yelling something. And then when they were behind me they kept flashing their lights. I thought something was wrong with my car (you know how people flash their lights at you when your lights aren't working). I'm not sure what they wanted. I figured they might want to kill me, so I didn't bother talking to them.
I had this happen before. A girl asked me to roll down my window. I actually talked with them a bit. But it's kind of awkward to talk to women across a busy roadway. We were at a stoplight, but that didn't make things any easier.
I figured they were just ****ing with me. Like girls who would come up to me and pretend to be interested in me when I was in jr. high school. They do it just for laughs and to tease me.
and I don't hate girls (despite them tormenting me when I was in jr. high), I don't know why people think that. In fact my problem is I love women too much. I place too much importance on being with a woman. I should be happy being single.
Originally posted by aneeshm
I usually get these reactions from almost every girl I interact with after about five to fifteen minutes ( except that the girls are usually shy , not embarassed ) . WTF ?
Seriously Diss, if you feel something for a girl I'd say go for it. That zzap feeling usually means something more dude. But if you feel like their flirting w/you and you don't feel anything for them, I'd say trust your gut.
Or just flirt back. Gives practice and the women will start to wonder "what's up with this guy?" and start to engage you more trying to figure you out....at least you'll get their attention and they'll be thinking about you.
But just don't be a v-tease.Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
Here's a question proper for this magnificent forum of gallant gentlemen.
So here the story goes:
I am asked to deliver a huge plant ( a small tree, really ) to this appartment. As with every delivery, I get exact adress and a phone number. As I see the name and surname of the recipient, I get immidiately that this is one of my fellow Russian Expats/Repats. So I get out of the car, enter the building, where I see this sweet young thing in an army uniform, and with big-ass yet somewhat see-thru designer sunglasses, waiting for the elevator together with me. I immideately ask her what floor is appartment no.X at. She stares at me somewhat surprised, and answers me. We enter the elevator, and then she asks me who the flowers are adressed to. I reply, and immidiately ask her whether she's 'alpha', the sender. ( the card said "to mom bla bla bla thanks for being awesom). She says that she's 'beta', and 'alpha''s her sister.
So, we get together to the door, and her dad (?) opens up the door. He's slightly surprised to see me together with his(?) daughter. She thanks me very kindly and gives me a nice tip. I say thanks, and goodbye.
Now, I have her phone number - will the 'flower delivery dude' calling her be too creepy?
Originally posted by boann
there is some good advice here but ill tell you that
i think honestly that she was just doing her job.
as a beautician shes trained to be friendly.
she was successful in making you want to come back
to her again. which is the whole point in being friendly while cutting hair. anyone that is trained properly can cut hair... but its the friendly conversation and feeling of caring that makes a person want to come back.
i would not take that too personal.
this is true of anyone in a service position.
Originally posted by Az
Here's a question proper for this magnificent forum of gallant gentlemen.
So here the story goes:
I am asked to deliver a huge plant ( a small tree, really ) to this appartment. As with every delivery, I get exact adress and a phone number. As I see the name and surname of the recipient, I get immidiately that this is one of my fellow Russian Expats/Repats. So I get out of the car, enter the building, where I see this sweet young thing in an army uniform, and with big-ass yet somewhat see-thru designer sunglasses, waiting for the elevator together with me. I immideately ask her what floor is appartment no.X at. She stares at me somewhat surprised, and answers me. We enter the elevator, and then she asks me who the flowers are adressed to. I reply, and immidiately ask her whether she's 'alpha', the sender. ( the card said "to mom bla bla bla thanks for being awesom). She says that she's 'beta', and 'alpha''s her sister.
So, we get together to the door, and her dad (?) opens up the door. He's slightly surprised to see me together with his(?) daughter. She thanks me very kindly and gives me a nice tip. I say thanks, and goodbye.
Now, I have her phone number - will the 'flower delivery dude' calling her be too creepy?What I mean is just be careful if you might get problems with the company you work for. (I assume it is a company, if you did someone a favor ok but then what was the tip for?!)
if that's not a concern then try itworse can happen is she says "no". (and calls the company, but that's too far fetched)