Free markets can be the ultimate slavery. That is not news.
We have the present situation aftr the collapse of the Soviet EMpire (much like the Roman one). We are entering a new middle ages (this time Greece/eastern roman empire too). Free markets. Worldwide. Globalization. The cheapest product.
So Miss Mercedes not happy with how much the german workers want for their job? No problem, go to China.
Yes China the land of opportunity. Republica had a nice expose. Working hours: 7,30 morning to 11 night. One sunday off every 15 days. And age of workers 10-18 years old. And you can't hold strikes there. They put you in jail.
So old europe what are you gonna do? (US killed off with the mob all its syndicates and workers consciousness, it's out of the picture)
You can't compete. Will you settle for 40% unemployement or will you send your children from 10 years old to work from 7,30 to 11 at night to compete?
Liberalism the death of civilization.
We have the present situation aftr the collapse of the Soviet EMpire (much like the Roman one). We are entering a new middle ages (this time Greece/eastern roman empire too). Free markets. Worldwide. Globalization. The cheapest product.
So Miss Mercedes not happy with how much the german workers want for their job? No problem, go to China.
Yes China the land of opportunity. Republica had a nice expose. Working hours: 7,30 morning to 11 night. One sunday off every 15 days. And age of workers 10-18 years old. And you can't hold strikes there. They put you in jail.
So old europe what are you gonna do? (US killed off with the mob all its syndicates and workers consciousness, it's out of the picture)
You can't compete. Will you settle for 40% unemployement or will you send your children from 10 years old to work from 7,30 to 11 at night to compete?
Liberalism the death of civilization.