What name brands are you loyal to? I normally don't fall for media advertising and such, but there are just some brands I like.
Nike shoes for instance. For athletic shoes, I won't buy anything but Nikes. For my boots I only buy Red Wings. Though I've only needed to buy one as it has lasted a while.
I'm sure I have others as well. I use Quilted Northern toilet paper. None of that charmin crap for me. And no generic stuff either
. I always use Irish Spring soap.
BF Goodrich tires for my vehicle.
that's all I can think of at the moment.
Nike shoes for instance. For athletic shoes, I won't buy anything but Nikes. For my boots I only buy Red Wings. Though I've only needed to buy one as it has lasted a while.
I'm sure I have others as well. I use Quilted Northern toilet paper. None of that charmin crap for me. And no generic stuff either

BF Goodrich tires for my vehicle.
that's all I can think of at the moment.