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Tony Blair to crackdown on Yobs

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  • Tony Blair to crackdown on Yobs

    PM underlines eagerness to address voters' campaign concerns about petty hooliganism and loutishness in neighbourhoods and city centres.

    PM attacks yob culture and pledges to help bring back respect

    Michael White, political editor
    Friday May 13, 2005
    The Guardian

    Tony Blair yesterday underlined the cabinet's eagerness to address voters' campaign concerns about petty hooliganism and loutishness in neighbourhoods and city centres when he promised to help restore "respect" for other people.

    Mr Blair coupled a personal endorsement of a shopping centre's decision to ban the wearing of threatening hoods by teenage boys with a renewed willingness to blame voters' own shortcomings as parents.

    Musing on the "deep-seated causes" of children growing up without proper discipline, the prime minister told reporters at his monthly press conference: "I can start a debate on this and I can legislate but what I can't do is, I can't raise someone's children for them."

    Article continues
    He said he backed the decision of the Bluewater shopping centre near Dartford in Kent to ban the current teen fashion for the wearing of hoods over heads in the centre.

    "People are rightly fed-up with street corner and shopping centre thugs, yobbish behaviour - sometimes from children as young as 10 or 11 whose parents should be looking after them - Friday and Saturday night binge-drinking which makes our town centres no-go areas for respectable citizens, of the low-level graffiti, vandalism and disorder that is the work of a very small minority that makes the law-abiding majority afraid and angry," the prime minister said.

    People his own age - in their 50s - are reluctant to go into their local town centre on weekend nights for fear of abuse. That must stop and parliament must send a "very clear signal" that it will not be tolerated.

    The deputy prime minister, John Prescott, recalled how he had been approached by a gang of youths in a motorway cafe a year ago. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme that the gang had come up to him carrying a video camera, intending to film the confrontation. His security minders had scared them off.

    Mr Prescott said he had found the encounter alarming. "I think the fact you go around with these hats and these covers ... I mean, it is a uniform, in a sense. It is intimidating and I rather welcome what they have done there at Bluewater."

    Mr Blair was speaking after his first reshuffled cabinet agreed a "bold programme" to implement Labour's manifesto pledges "and address head-on the priorities of the British people in the NHS, schools, welfare reform, childcare and support for working families, crime, disorder, respect on our streets, asylum and immigration".

    Next month there will be a green paper on David Blunkett's new agenda, incapacity benefit - and the need to cut claimant numbers - and health and education white papers in the autumn to promote a more personalised public service.

    Mr Blair was repeatedly drawn back to the issue of antisocial behaviour which, he admitted, troubled many voters he had met during the election.

    "People like a society that is less deferential. They want a society free from old prejudices. But a loss of deference is very different from a loss of respect for other people. Society without prejudice should not be one without rules," Mr Blair explained.

    As a politician who made his first big national speech on this topic after the murder of the toddler, James Bulger, Mr Blair has long extolled the "rights and responsibilities" formula.

    Yesterday he was again forced to defend the rights of the law-abiding majority - including their right to 24/7 licensing laws - against the antisocial minority.

    "A few years ago when I be gan the debate on antisocial behaviour, there were some who thought it gimmicky, even eccentric," he said, recalling that legislation had been resisted on the left and right, in part because it laid less emphasis on the rights of offenders.

    Ministers currently plan no new legislation because they believe that such programmes as the Together Campaign - aimed at police and local coun cils - along with schemes to encourage the public to become more pro-active and less tolerant of miscreant behaviour require time to settle down and become widely accepted.

    In relaxed post-election mood yesterday Mr Blair became animated when recalling recent exchanges with voters. "During the election campaign I heard too often people talk about a loss of respect in the classroom, on the street corner, in the way our hard-working public servants are treated as they perform their tasks," he said. Other issues for the government, he signalled, were pensions and council tax reform and new ways of funding the transport network.
    Looks like some of our British posters might need to be careful of Tony Blair coming after them
    "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

    "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand

  • #2
    I guess the spinmeißters noticed how BNP's share soared in several wards vital for New Labour. Very little to lose by making statements like that.

    I doubt that these words mean anything outside rhetoric, OTOH.


    • #3
      We should bring back corporal punishments. Let the police give yobs a clip around the ear.


      • #4
        All Brits should be legally required to wear their school uniforms for the rest of their lives.
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #5
          "threatening hoods"


          • #6
            Let the police give yobs a clip around the ear
            In animal facilities that test drugs on mice the mark each mouse by punching a series of holes in their ears...


            • #7
              Wots that Guv???

              We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


              • #8
                Originally posted by Az
                "threatening hoods"
                Exactly what I reacted to too.
                12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                Stadtluft Macht Frei
                Killing it is the new killing it
                Ultima Ratio Regum


                • #9
                  My God, His Toniness is acting like a Tory.


                  • #10
                    I agree with Tony.

                    Oh ****!

                    I'm old now.
                    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Odin
                      My God, His Toniness is acting like a Tory.
                      He is New Labour, so dont be too surprised

                      But on a serious note - this new craze that is going around, its called 'happy slapping' - is looking like going out of control.
                      I watched a program on tv about it last night. Its part of the whole 'Hooded tops' yob thing.

                      Just in case your dont know what 'happy slapping' is about i'll give a brief description.

                      Usualy its done by two or more kids/youths(often 'hooded'). Mostly it happens on public transport+ at schools, but its also started to be reported on the high streets.
                      Anyway one member of the gang is the slapper - he will be the one conducting the attack. His mate(s) will take up a good vantage point to use their mobiles to record the event(sending video over the internet or to other friends phones), most attacks happen behind the victim - catching them by surprise.

                      They pick a target and the slapper will come up behind the unsuspecting member of the public and using an open hand, give them a huge slap on the face/head. His freinds will record it. And then they all run off.

                      By huge slap - they showed people getting knocked out cold, knock to the floor by the force, so its not like the game 'slaps' kids used to play at school. Its basicaly a full out assault.

                      Now it doesnt sound too bad on paper, but some of the footage they showed on this program was pretty disturbing.

                      One young women was hit twice in the face, just minding her own business, and you could tell was really traumatised by it - i doubt she will be able to travel on the bus by herself anytime soon

                      The thing was watching these attacks just made my blood boil - its hugely cowardly on the yobs part. And the craze is growing and getting very dangerous as they try to up the ante.

                      Recently a guy who fell asleep at a bus stop was set on fire by two kids who filmed it on their phones. He survived but is burnt for life and in constant pain. The two idiots who did it got 6years each in jail(too little imho).

                      I'm just waiting for it to happen to me - i'll ram their phones down their throats for starters i think. The thing is i know i'll react extremly violently to such an attack, bad for me probably(due to my reaction), bad for the kids who do it, as i can not gaurantee i wont kill them in a fit of rage(or get stabbed or shot in the process)

                      Stupid fu**ing kids

                      Its stuff like this that makes me loose my tolerance - are our out of control kids just asking to be pyriahs in our society? I can see this story growing and the reactions getting harsher

                      And the problem is because they are oftne wearing hoodies or caps - its difficult to catch them from the cctv footage.

                      I hope the police will be allowed to come down extremely hard on this kind of thing.
                      Last edited by child of Thor; May 13, 2005, 16:12.
                      'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                      Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                      • #12
                        GB sounds like a nice place. "Threatening hoods" I love it.
                        Long time member @ Apolyton
                        Civilization player since the dawn of time


                        • #13
                          I should go to GB. I'd love to see some punk kid slap a woman. I would, with great joy in my heart, destroy him. Then I'd shove his hood up his arse for desert.
                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • #14
                            You would think that would happen more often. But of all the video examples they showed no-one could react quick enough to get the kids, or were outnumbered and i guess scared.
                            I feel like you - i think if i saw it happen i'd just flip and try to do something.

                            If it does get really out of control i hope reactions from the public to these 'happy slappings' will be given some positive considerations in any court cases.

                            I think maybe we should allow a certain amount of 'vigilante' action to help curb the problem, with the cctv as backup to prove an attack took place to justify such action.

                            I just think that with this kind of thing, it could be almost impossible to legistate against it, or for the police to police it - bar putting police on all busses/tubes etc?
                            Allowing the 'community' to sort it out might be more effective, if they knew they had some rights to act?

                            Am i sounding too extreme?! - the tv program and footage i saw would get anyone worked up i think.
                            'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                            Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by child of Thor
                              You would think that would happen more often. But of all the video examples they showed no-one could react quick enough to get the kids, or were outnumbered and i guess scared.
                              I feel like you - i think if i saw it happen i'd just flip and try to do something.

                              If it does get really out of control i hope reactions from the public to these 'happy slappings' will be given some positive considerations in any court cases.

                              I think maybe we should allow a certain amount of 'vigilante' action to help curb the problem, with the cctv as backup to prove an attack took place to justify such action.

                              I just think that with this kind of thing, it could be almost impossible to legistate against it, or for the police to police it - bar putting police on all busses/tubes etc?
                              Allowing the 'community' to sort it out might be more effective, if they knew they had some rights to act?

                              Am i sounding too extreme?! - the tv program and footage i saw would get anyone worked up i think.
                              One would have to have a bit of training, but if they're close enough to slap, and they're going high for the head or face, they're close enough that a quick drop and turn will let you get your hand in and crush their nuts. I don't mean a nice little punch - I mean get a handful and grip hard and twist and crush. By the time any of their yob buddies get there, misguided yob one has been filtered from polluting the future gene pool and will be in no condition to do anything or go anywhere.
                              When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."

