Originally posted by Odin
If you go back far enough you have enough people who are your ancestors that being decended from royalty is a real posibility. If your ancestors are from western Europe and you go back 1000 years your ancestors would include most western Europeans living at that time, including nobles because they often had non-noble mistresses. This is because the numbers of ancestors you have increases exponentially each generation you go back. Most western Europeans likely also have a few non-european ancestors as a result of diplomats and traders hitting on the locals.
If you go back far enough you have enough people who are your ancestors that being decended from royalty is a real posibility. If your ancestors are from western Europe and you go back 1000 years your ancestors would include most western Europeans living at that time, including nobles because they often had non-noble mistresses. This is because the numbers of ancestors you have increases exponentially each generation you go back. Most western Europeans likely also have a few non-european ancestors as a result of diplomats and traders hitting on the locals.