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Love and dating thread for the divorced, don't enter with yer crap

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  • Love and dating thread for the divorced, don't enter with yer crap

    The topic for this thread is as follows:

    Guy A , mid forties (divorcing in 6 weeks) is interested in asking out girl B, early thirties (just divorced). Wild card Guy A taught Girl B in Sunday School 16 years ago.

    Is this just too weird?

  • #2
    Further info:

    Guy A called Girl B and asked her to dinner for the purpose of talking to her. Girl B said, this is weird, but agreed to dinner. To take place tommorrow at 7 pm.


    • #3

      It's kinky

      Just wait until you... I mean Guy A is actually divorced before doing anything.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Japher

        It's kinky

        Just wait until you... I mean Guy A is actually divorced before doing anything.
        Define "doing anything"?


        • #5
          Don't get naked and start playing with her lady bits. Kissing is frowned upon as well until your divorce is final.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Oerdin
            Don't get naked and start playing with her lady bits. Kissing is frowned upon as well until your divorce is final.
            Guy A sniffs and says, "well, my intentions are honorable, but ...."

            Guy A admits to having been attracted to Girl B 16 years ago but is proud to announce that he behaved;

            Girl B is the essence of his type.... quick as a lightening strike, dark haired, real, oddly and wonderfully formed, and please understand that Guy A is not just looking to hit it. Guy A is entranced, having just bumped into Girl B by chance. Guy A is conflicted and at the threshold of danger.

            Danger Will Robinson!


            • #7
              Look just go after this girl if you fancy her but don't be surprised if you get rejected because of the age difference or because the strange past history. Still nothing venture nothing gained.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #8
                So what are we talking about here, 12 year age difference?
                Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


                • #9
                  Guy A was invited to church by Girl B. Guy A waited 3 months, or in other words, as long as he could stand it, and then went. Guy A was polite and shook her hand, and sat alone, and Guy A was ashamed that he couldn't keep his Guy A eyes off Girl B.

                  This is no way for a former Baptist Sunday School teacher to act towards one of his former pupils.

                  Guy A reports that she is breathtaking!!!

                  Guy A is seriously conflicted.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Oerdin
                    Look just go after this girl if you fancy her but don't be surprised if you get rejected because of the age difference or because the strange past history. Still nothing venture nothing gained.
                    Well, she is one of those women that picks men badly, divorced twice and with three daughters she is pretty much in need and subject to gravitate to any mature man that can stablize her life....still, she is so darn ATTRACTIVE. She is a five percenter; i.e., the sort that you would be darn lucky to interest on your best day. Still, the circumstances suck.

                    I...err.... Guy A is not afeared of rejection; this has never been a problem of his. He is, however, concerned that he might get caught up in a drama. Guy A is soooo conflicted here.


                    • #11
                      Why are you conflicted? Cause you taught her 16 years ago? Its 16 years ago!

                      Hell, I married my brothers ex-girlfriend!!! Get over it!
                      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                      1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


                      • #12
                        Look, this is not just a case of the hots. Those needs are being taken care of. Guy A gets his needs taken care of.

                        Our old Guy A here needs someone that he can "center" his life on. That is just the way he is.

                        Guy A is apt to gravitate towards women with brains rather than women with more physical charms (not that those are not appreciated).

                        Girl B has both in spades and in such depth thatGuy A is postitively inflamed to explore!

                        Guy A is really conflicted here.

                        The conflict is largely based on the difficulties


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Donegeal
                          Why are you conflicted? Cause you taught her 16 years ago? Its 16 years ago!

                          Hell, I married my brothers ex-girlfriend!!! Get over it!
                          I live in the South. We screw our cousins but we do not marry them.


                          • #14
                            what difficulties, please ask Guy A
                            Who is Barinthus?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Barinthus
                              what difficulties, please ask Guy A
                              Age difference, blue collar to white collar, friendship of guy A to girl B's mother and father, church teachings and such, AGE DIFFERENCE....and the general feeling that Girl B might be overwhelmed by Guy A's image and perceived social standing and financial worth; wheras Guy A would like to think that he could establish a relationship with Girl B on more meaningful terms...I mean, how do you account for that sort of thing. This girl, woman, Girl B; is a darned GEM among the chaff. Guy A sees her as a PRINCESS! But, she is at a low point in her life and thinks of herself as a toad.

                              Guy A wants to find a way to honorably woe her and at the same time not to take advantage of her circumstances.

                              Guy A has probably blasted out of orbit in regards to her and is seriously in need of help. Houston, we have a problem.

