Originally posted by Saras
I'd put that in "unlikely".
I'd put that in "unlikely".
Originally posted by BeBro
War between EU and US would be unbelievable stupid.
War between EU and US would be unbelievable stupid.
Unfortunately that didn't stop it from happening.
Originally posted by Riesstiu IV
The EU and US may not get along but I find it hard to believe that the two would fight each other.
The EU and US may not get along but I find it hard to believe that the two would fight each other.
Originally posted by Riesstiu IV
The differences between the average EU and US citizen are too minute and stupid to go to war over.
The differences between the average EU and US citizen are too minute and stupid to go to war over.
Indeed I think this ideological difference in how to conduct international affairs is as big as the ideological difference between socialism and capitalism was in the conduct of economic affairs (and hopefully the solution is like it was with that conflict - a merging of both ideals).