VATICAN CITY (NC) -- Church authorities have clarified the legal definition of abortion to include new drugs and surgical procedures.
Can. 1397 One who commits murder, or who by force or by fraud abducts, imprisons, mutilates or gravely wounds a person, is to be punished, according to the gravity of the offence, with the deprivations and prohibitions mentioned in can. 1336. In the case of the murder of one of those persons mentioned in can. 1370, the offender is punished with the penalties there prescribed.
Can. 1398 A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.
Can. 1397 One who commits murder, or who by force or by fraud abducts, imprisons, mutilates or gravely wounds a person, is to be punished, according to the gravity of the offence, with the deprivations and prohibitions mentioned in can. 1336. In the case of the murder of one of those persons mentioned in can. 1370, the offender is punished with the penalties there prescribed.
Can. 1398 A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.
To put it in practical terms, any time you interfere with a fertilized zygote you technically are performing an abortion, and thus are automatically excommunicate. This kind of extreme definition is why I left the Church. On the other hand, the vast majority of American Catholics, and Priests, simply ignore it. I find that very disturbing, just like I find my wife's ability to keep vaguely Kosher incomprehensible. I see matters of religion (versus faith and spirituality) as very clear cut issues.
I have argued that, under the standards in place during the reformation, Dutch and US Catholics would be considered schismatic. I wish I was able to feel comfortable and pick and choose the Church teachings I follow, but for me that is hippocracy. I envy other's ability to reconcile issues like these.