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UN Security Council may be set to act in Sudan...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by DinoDoc
    The French and Chinese would likely be making more money selling weapons for use against innocent villagers. What bastards we are.

    I really would be interested in your defense of the main roadblock to action (China) on this issue rather than continuing on the merry go round where you mindlessly sling mud at the main force on the UNSC pushing for action.
    I don't think France is selling weapons to Sudan. In fact, the French have been pushing the three-pronged approach of
    - send peacekeepers to stop the fighting
    - arrest and try suspected war criminals
    - use sanctions to prevent future fighting.

    China and Russia have opposed sanctions. The US opposes the ICC. So the main roadblocks to a comprehensive solution are those three countries.
    Golfing since 67


    • #47
      the admin proposed 3 resolutions, one of which deals with a court for war criminals in Darfur- the admin wants to keep open the idea of a court other than the ICC. The French proposed a res. specifiying the ICC. I dont have the obsession with the ICC that the admin does, but I think A. this can be compromised - I fault both the admin for putting its obsession over the people of Darfur, and the french for putting sticking it to the admin over the people of Darfur. B. In any case the key res. is the one for sanctions on Sudan. If the UN doesnt come down on Sudan, the atrocities/ethnic cleansing wont stop - and THAT is way more important than where the criminals are tried - or, I think, even if they are tried. Save lives FIRST, worry about where to try the war criminals later.

      And as to that, afaict, both the US and France are still pushing in the same direction, if theyre using the other issue to snipe at each other. Its still China standing in the way of a sanctions res.
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • #48
        Re: Re: UN Security Council may be set to act in Sudan...

        Originally posted by Tingkai

        The resolution passed Thursday will send troops to southern Sudan and to Darfur.

        UN officials say that the security situation in the south is worse than in Darfur.

        From the IHT
        "The Security Council passed a resolution establishing a 10,000-member peacekeeping force for Sudan to reinforce a peace agreement in the south of the country and to lend assistance in the conflicted Darfur region in the west."
        Evidence on the situation in the south being worse? in the south theres a peace agreement, in the west theres ongoing ethnic cleansing and atrocities.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

