Originally posted by molly bloom
Ah yes, 'normal' society. Just what I've been missing out on obviously.
You know, if you thought about how you said what you said, it probably wouldn't have come out being so unintentionally offensive. We aren't teleported or parachuted into society you know- we're born into families and grow up in it.
Ah yes, 'normal' society. Just what I've been missing out on obviously.
You know, if you thought about how you said what you said, it probably wouldn't have come out being so unintentionally offensive. We aren't teleported or parachuted into society you know- we're born into families and grow up in it.
We need a world of Islands........hold on we got that already,so half the problem is solved
Now just need to get people to agree to move around a bit.
So what else could we do other than create a Gayland/Fattiland/different colour land etc.
We could be more tolerant of people different to us? Still i think this only really works when your not selective with your tolerance, once your anti one thing in a big way, its easy to transfer your intolerance onto something new. Sadly i'm still intolerant to a few things, so i need to try harder.
@ Elok