Originally posted by Mrs. Tuberski
Ok im back up to speed for the moment. Dont go to hard on the ole man some just dont know how to be parents. I am gonna sit back and say nothing bout the banks talk going on I cant say anything bout that anyway. I just want to add if you take a job you feel is beneath you, just because you want a job, You will probably never be happy there.
Ok im back up to speed for the moment. Dont go to hard on the ole man some just dont know how to be parents. I am gonna sit back and say nothing bout the banks talk going on I cant say anything bout that anyway. I just want to add if you take a job you feel is beneath you, just because you want a job, You will probably never be happy there.
And I have very few jobs I feel are actually beneath me. Working at McD or BK is two, but they wouldn´t want to hire me anyway so... Telemarketing and harassing people on the streets, trying to sell stuff is two other. And I have done both, so I know what I´m talking about. It was very demeaning...
Other than that I think I can get reasonly comfortable almost anywhere.