Originally posted by Az
is this the proper summary? : once upon a time there was a show about kids, that was realistic. Now there is another such show by the same writer. It has gay people in it. well, cool, I guess, if it helps bring gayety to it's proper status as a 'normal deviation'.
beautiful lesbians.
handsome gays
It's all about supply and demand, baby, and lesbians are simply a waste.
is this the proper summary? : once upon a time there was a show about kids, that was realistic. Now there is another such show by the same writer. It has gay people in it. well, cool, I guess, if it helps bring gayety to it's proper status as a 'normal deviation'.
has 2 regulars that are lesbians (teens or 20-somethings) in a relationship who've kissed and are exploring their relationship, not butch ugly stereotype lesbians. I never watched more than 20seconds tho.