To find out if a company is in existence you need to do a corporate records search. If you know the state involved its very easy to do. National searches are also possible but will cost a bit more. The corporate paralegal at any reasonable sized law firm could have any available infor in a day but if you know the state of registration it should just be a simple inquiry to the appropriate corporate registry.
Just because the corporate name at that time is the same as an amusement park does not mean that was their only corporate asset nor does it mean they go by the same name now. Its probably worth the nominal fee at a corporate registry to find out. Chances are the stock is worthless but who knows??
Just because the corporate name at that time is the same as an amusement park does not mean that was their only corporate asset nor does it mean they go by the same name now. Its probably worth the nominal fee at a corporate registry to find out. Chances are the stock is worthless but who knows??