So, gimme some.
I gave you a few articles referencing those sources, both by Catholic priests.
Because many did not.
And some were overcomen by their desire
And some were overcomen by their desire
But it was so widespread. It wasn't just a few bad apples but everyone.
"first among equals among Cardinals"
No hierarchy?
Oh please...
The rulers nominated whom they wished,
true, but the rest is simply not true.
Do You even know what cardinals are?
Do You know what patriarchates are?
No hierarchy?
Oh please...
The rulers nominated whom they wished,
true, but the rest is simply not true.
Do You even know what cardinals are?
Do You know what patriarchates are?
Yes, I do. And obviously, you've bought in Catholic propoganda hook, line, and sinker. After Constantine took Christianity and Theodosius made it state religion, the Emperor was the head of the church and directly elected by God. There was no heirarchy leading to the Pope, it lead to the King, who had the direct pathway to Christ.
Charlemagne, for example, called Church councils and made Church law. He regarded Leo II as his personal chaplain and even told Leo II that the King's business was to govern and defend the Church and its the Pope's duty to pray for it.
The laws of Ethelred in England said "A Christian king is Christ's deputy among the Christian people and he must avenge with utmost diligence offenses against Christ". It was the KING who was Christ's deputy, not the Pope.
For more stuff, see "Law and Revolution" by Harold Berman.