The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
What I can do is modify the .net file. That means: all thing that is saved in these file I can modify. I think that I can create units, but I don't see the utility in PBEM. And, in scenes my program will not be useful. Imagine: move a turn, exit, load my program, move other turn, etc. It's boring!
But in PBEM we play from day to day, so it's not boring!
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
digo, por ejemplo, un programa que te permita monitorear la produccion de cada ciudad por separado de modo que puedas construir ¨Indian Sepoys¨(por ejemplo) solo en ciudades de la India, y asi.
Hey if you manage to make it compatible
Then I can come up with tons of ideas
Sugestions (in no particular order) :
Floods (roads and irigation destroyed around rivers (well not every river, rather a random river) Farmland would be reduced to irigation)
Plagues (reduce all farmland and/or irigation one step, and if possible, reduce units health and city population by half in the area that is affected),
I think unit creation can be interesting for a pbem only scenario for example... (too bad I probably wont be allowed to use this thing in the sleuage competition)
Make text messages to go with these "events" you create, so that we will know that there has been an earthquake, etc...
Fires, a big fire (for instance the famous one in London, or for that matter the big fire of stockholm (which I somehow suspect you haven't heard of ))
Also you might want to keep fine tuned versions of the program for different scens (or keep some sort of preferences file with many scens listed) as the maps are different scales an earthquake would differ a lot in the amount of tiles it affects depending on the map...
You would however have to test out the probability of these things occuring rigerously, we don't want things happening every turn, every other turn, or even every fifth turn, they should be rather unusual events (as in real life).
And i really do hope you find a way to make it compatible (I'd be happy to test it for you) especially now as I've gotten all these ideas (I don't put a lot of faith in what microsoft says though...)...
Originally posted by Henrik
[*]Floods (roads and irigation destroyed around rivers (well not every river, rather a random river) Farmland would be reduced to irigation)
Originally posted by Henrik [*]Plagues (reduce all farmland and/or irigation one step, and if possible, reduce units health and city population by half in the area that is affected)
Only a city? Must there be a probabilty of 'expand' the plague to not far cities?
Originally posted by Henrik [*]I think unit creation can be interesting for a pbem only scenario for example... (too bad I probably wont be allowed to use this thing in the sleuage competition)
Yeah, but I can't stop the player of building units. I only can destroy the units if He/She build it.
Originally posted by Henrik [*]Make text messages to go with these "events" you create, so that we will know that there has been an earthquake, etc...
I will do it. It was on my mind
Originally posted by Henrik [*]Fires, a big fire (for instance the famous one in London, or for that matter the big fire of stockholm (which I somehow suspect you haven't heard of ))
Not, I haven't heard of it. Sorry. What will be the effects of fire?
Originally posted by Henrik [*]Also you might want to keep fine tuned versions of the program for different scens (or keep some sort of preferences file with many scens listed) as the maps are different scales an earthquake would differ a lot in the amount of tiles it affects depending on the map...
It could be done...
Originally posted by Henrik
You would however have to test out the probability of these things occuring rigerously, we don't want things happening every turn, every other turn, or even every fifth turn, they should be rather unusual events (as in real life).
Originally posted by Henrik
And i really do hope you find a way to make it compatible (I'd be happy to test it for you) especially now as I've gotten all these ideas (I don't put a lot of faith in what microsoft says though...)...
I'm thinking on using Java . What is 6 MB in a modern computer today?
Thank you for your colaboration.
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
2º. Civ II, no es un juego, es casi ya un lenguaje de programación.
Al paso que vamos, y con las utilidades que hay y van saliendo, más que escenarios editaremos el código fuente.
Civ II parece ser capaz de resistir "the test of time" mejor que sus hermanos, progenitor e hijos bastardos.
Hacer un Civ personalizado, aparte de los prototipos existentes, parece todavÃa muy lejano. Yaroslav está haciendo una grandÃsima aportación para todos en lo que respecta a los PBEM (Gracias Yaros ), y paso a paso, grano a grano se hace la montaña. ¿Será posible alguna vez un Civilization Made in Spain?.
¿Se decidirán a hacer un Civilization que supere a Civ II y nos ahorre el trabajo?
¿MerecerÃa la pena hacer una Spanish Lista y un Spanish Lobby de sugerencias para Civ IV o Civ V y hacer fuerza para ser escuchados?
Pongo este poste para que me digáis si hay otro poste mÃo encima de este . Yo sà soy capaz de verlo pero cuando le dà a Submit Reply, me dió un mensaje de error. , y luego el que estaba considerado como último mensaje era el de Alf.
Si, claro que puedes hacer eso, pero luego llevarlo a la practica es mas complicado porque tienes que tratar con el AI, no con el jugador, y hay veces (las mas) en que el AI incluso rechaza tus regalos...
Actually, only Populous and Fate of the Dragon satisfies these calamities....
CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!
"Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
"E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
"Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur
Originally posted by Kramsib
Pongo este poste para que me digáis si hay otro poste mÃo encima de este . Yo sà soy capaz de verlo pero cuando le dà a Submit Reply, me dió un mensaje de error. , y luego el que estaba considerado como último mensaje era el de Alf.
pues sÃ... hay otro poste tuyo mas gordo que este justo encima y muy interesante ademas, parece el principio de la declaracion de la independencia de los hispanos frente a los otros.
Si, claro que puedes hacer eso, pero luego llevarlo a la practica es mas complicado porque tienes que tratar con el AI, no con el jugador, y hay veces (las mas) en que el AI incluso rechaza tus regalos...
ahhh eso me sorprende, asi que yo no te podria regalar una unidad o unas monedas porque la AI no lo permitirÃa? curioso oye.