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  • Holidays!!!

    As everybody, too, I go to spend my holidays and next Friday I will be in my dear Almería, with my friends and my crazy parties, until final days of August so I cannot play my pbem games, I can conect to internet some days but I will have no civilization (I don´t know how I will survive but I think that with girls, alcohol and drugs I´ll get it).

    My pbem games are:
    -Al Andalus, Aragonese.
    -Spanish Pride, Castilians (I believe that when I´ll return it will be more or less in the same turns)
    -Colonies II, Spanish.

    If some body want to play some one, play, if not skip my turns.

    Que le den por culo a to, ya estoy jarto de Valencia (con todos mis respetos) y me lo pienso pasar de puta madre y perrear to lo que pueda y mas, vamos a ver si las guiris son cariñosas este año y disfrutamos un poco, incluso a pesar de Septiembre que este año va mas cargao de lo que debiera me voy a aquedar tol verano que tengo ganas de disfrutar de la feria ed Almería que desde que estoy en la puta universidad no he ido.

    P.d. no es por na pero este smilie no parece como si se la estuviese meneando

  • #2
    Have fun!!!

    Too bad you'll miss my Gok blue release... but i really hope you'll have a lot of fun in Almeria!!!! Nice holidays to you!!!!

    ... ---> Hai proprio ragione... sembra che se lo meni...
    "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
    "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
    "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


    • #3
      Re: Holidays!!!

      Originally posted by kIndal

      P.d. no es por na pero este smilie no parece como si se la estuviese meneando
      Si. Los de off-topic tambien han hecho comentarios parecidos

      pasatelo bien tronko y pilla to lo que puedas con las guiris, para que el dia de mañana no te tengas que arrepentir de loq ue pudo ser y nunca fue...


      • #4
        Have a good time Jesús (M) Trying to avoid misunderstandings here Jesús (B).

        I will go to Greece (Crete) today myself so this thread come in quite handy for anouncing that, my pbems are:
        Collonies II
        Collonies III (but I will play the turn I recieved today)
        Hellas (hmm that one is in the sleague forum but nobody has moved for weeks...)
        Age of War (this one hasn't started yet)
        Modern Age 1
        European Crisis (very slow moving too, I want my turn!)

        Cya all in one week
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!

