Mmmm.. I dunno.. dunno... en la página de France 2 la anuncian en 4 capÃtulos, igual que la versión que transmitió HBO. Tal vez la versión DVD contenga un poco más.
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Reviewer: Michael La Vean (see more about me) from La Bouexiere France
First of all I know that there are those who will fly speck historical accuracy. I agree there are some minor problems.
These problems were made worse by the editing of the English language version (the French version is 6 hours long)...for example; the narration does not exist in the French version...In the English version Napoleon arrives in Egypt, rides along some sand dunes to narration then is teleported to the French version there is more than 20 minutes devoted to the Egyptian Campaign that just disappears in the English version.
The narration is not particularly good and was done by someone who was not terribly familar with the time period and French idiomatic expression...
An example would be when the narration says Napoleon's Ashes were returned to France...In French, what was returned were his "cindres"...which literally does translate as ashes...but in French has a more allegorical meaning, as in "ashes to ashes dust to dust"...a translation of "mortal remains" would have been more accurate...
On the positive side and why I give this movie 5 stars and why you have to buy it is the visual will make your eyes pop and give you the justification for that large screen TV.
This film had an unlimited budget (and I mean unlimited)...the costumes are very well done with close attention to detail...and what is unusual is that there are a lot of them...I don't mean 10 to 12 people in a scene...I means hundreds and sometimes hundreds and hundreds...the coronation looks like a living version of the David painting. The balls and the court scenes are well populated...The battle scenes are all in vein of those in the Rod Steiger Waterloo film. Literally regiments of reinactors, scenes of hundreds of heavy cavalry charging through the snows of Eylau, Napoleon leading 100's of reinactors in the charge at the bridge of Arcole in the face of several hundred Austrian reinactors...long shots of over a thousand at Jena...fantastic...
(As an aside those who know the Sharpe series will remember that the further one goes into the series the more people horses and carriages there are in the film...)
An example of what I mean by an extravagant budget is a scene on the road during the Polish Campaign when Napoleon receives the news of the birth of Count Leon his first illegitimate child...this scene has the prinicipal actors as you would expect...and not one but two carriages with a third one arriving during the scene...3 count them 3 vintage carriages in the scene when they could have gotten away with the scene shot next to a building...then they go and have the Grande Armee march by while they are in conversion just to let us know how huge their budget was...I mean they had to position cameras and the carriages, the actors and the dispatch rider coming in with the news all so you can see the road and actually watch more several hundred extras march by not in just a generic uniform, but in uniforms which change color accents based on the regiment and the colors of pom poms on the shako's changing with the company....
The use of extras, sets, props is lavish...I felt that this is the world as I imagined. All the props down to the little details are there...the anecdotes...even Mameluke Ali...This is to the Napoleon's Empire what the movie Cleopatra is to Julius and Augustus Ceasar.
This is a fantastic costume drama...if you like the clothes and settings in Duelists, War and Peace, Waterloo, Dangerous Liasons...then "you ain't seen nothin' yet". Superbly turned out cast of thousands in extraordinary sets...
In summary...can you nit pick this movie? betcha...and I'll bet I can do it as well anyone else...on the other hand I am extremely appreciative that a decision was made to spend this much money giving me a glimpse into the world of the 1st Empire...
If you like the period then you have no choice but to own this...if you are concerned about the historical accuracy...then I suggest you go order the 6 hour French version and turn the sound obviously know enough already that you don't need to hear what they are saying.
Michael La Vean,
Fellow, International Napoleonic Society
Eso sÃ, no sé si las descripciones/comparaciones que hace este francés realmente se apliquen a la versión de HBO/Cinemax...DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS
Pues con dos cosas me queda claro que sino habla da la misma que dio HBO y ahora está dando Cinemax, pues son muy parecidas.
La versión "inglesa" que dan esos canales si cuentan con la campaña de Egipto y no hay narración en off de ningun tipo. Por ende puede ser que la edición francesa también se haya usado para la versión en inglés. Otra cosa es la duración, 6 horas. Los 4 capÃtulos tenÃan una duración de 1 hora y media, osea, 6 horas.
No hay más que lo que vimosuno queda con gusto a poco.
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ChP, los vikingos en realidad NO TENIAN poder naval. Sus barcos no eran unidades de guerra, sino de asalto. Justamente fueron derrotador por Alfredo el Grande cuando se le ocurrio construir una flota para atacarlos en el mar, antes de que desembarcaran.
SÃ se puede.
Como se puede hacer una pelicula sobre la guerra de troya que dure 2 horas o una serie de toda la 2da guerra mundial que dure 9.
Todo depende del realizador y si lo hacen bien puede salir algo muy bueno como es en este caso. De que le faltan cosas, pues le faltan, pero vale la pena verlo
Y si se que no tienes cinemax, por ende lay la
del post anterior
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