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  • #16
    Hi Poogas. DL means Double Login. Magno_uy and I thought you were a DL from another user 'cause is weird to have an anglo poster over here, but now I'm sure we were wrong

    el presidente chileno su inglés es grande
    Thanks but it is really hard for me write in english. As you can see Master Zen is the Master of English of this forum
    >>> El cine se lee en dvdplay <<<


    • #17
      Ha yea, I used Poogas a long time ago and it has just stuck with me. Hey just curious, since the "H" is pronounced with a J sound in Spanish how would you say "Ha" in spanish, "Ja"?? I'm guessing that question sounds retarded but hey whatcha gonna do?

      "understand" might be a little of a overstaement! I can get by though, though my Spanish probobly leads you to beleive otherwise. Currently making my way through "URGENTE!!! Equipo del SPANISH para el PTW Demo Game II!!!! " I'm getting the jist of it, but not fully, thats why i'm here, to get a taste of Spanish spoken in a casual setting/vocabular unlike my school vocab lessons.

      CP - oh, ha who did you think I was?? ha thats great, I was curious trying to figure out what was wrong, I couldn't fully make out what was the problem earlier. So far everyone who has posted in english is very understandable, (doing alot better than me) but ya Master Zen could easily pass as a English native (If he isn't) and yours is excellent as well
      If you can't Dazzle them with Brilliance, Baffle them with Bull****.


      • #18
        here you will not find the "casual" spanish, most of the time we speak crap spanish

        Ahora que si usted amable y fino caballero requiere de un refinado español para mejorar sus habilidades lingüisticas, me complace decirle que aqui hablamos pura mierda
        Biografia de Rommel
        Historia del Bismarck

        Soy del Clan de las Mnemosinidas y significa buscador de recuerdos...


        • #19
          Ha yea, I used Poogas a long time ago and it has just stuck with me. Hey just curious, since the "H" is pronounced with a J sound in Spanish how would you say "Ha" in spanish, "Ja"?? I'm guessing that question sounds retarded but hey whatcha gonna do
          Yep and no it isn´t. Ask all you want

          Zcylen : "Jajajajaja"
          The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

          Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


          • #20
            Welcome Poogas
            Zcylen no digas esas palabras, que la mete en el traductor y cualquiera sabe como traduce la frase.


            • #21
              Welcome Poogas...

              i see that we will need a few people who know english/spanish correctly to avoid traducer (they're _definitely not_ translator) programs' blunders while doing so... i'll write the following paregraph in both spanish and english so that you can try your translator( ) btw, i hear that THIS is a good translating program... (take into account that the exact wording will not be equal...)

              Por si no fue claro antes, no nos molesta que preguntes acerca del español, ni nos parecen preguntas estúpidas... me deberías escuchar a mi hablando francés...

              Just in case it wasn't clear before, we have no problem with you asking questions abot spanish, nor we think they sound stupid... you should hear my few attempts at the french language...

              anyway, welcome, and hope we can help you with your spanish...
              Indifference is Bliss


              • #22
                Welcome Poogas!!!!!

                Welcome to our little spanish forum
                As HsFB said, feel free to ask any question about the spanish language. But i can tell you your spanish is pretty well (at least, compared with other foreign user's spanish).

                -El patriotismo no es más que egoísmo en masa.
                -Al que me diga asesino, lo mato.
                -¿El sueño es la realidad, o la realidad es un sueño?


                • #23
                  Bienvenido Poogas Tu castellano no es nada malo
                  Este año la suerte está de cara, vamos Barça!


                  • #24
                    Sorry accidental double post

                    Soy el poste lamentable, accidental doble

                    Lol @ Manya
                    Last edited by Poogas; June 9, 2003, 17:41.
                    If you can't Dazzle them with Brilliance, Baffle them with Bull****.


                    • #25
                      HsFB - Thanks I tried both translators (the one you suggested, and the one I use)

                      the results where, not bad considering they're free translators

                      The one you supplied

                      resulted in

                      Spanish to English translation
                      For if it(he) was not clear before, it does not bother us that you ask brings over of the Spanish, they do not even look like to us stupid questions ... you should listen to me to my speaking Frenchman...

                      English to Spanish translation
                      Por si acaso esto no era claro antes, no tenemos ningún problema con Ud preguntando preguntas abot el Españoles(español), ni pensamos que ellos tocan(parecen) estúpidos... Ud debería oír pocas mis tentativas en la lengua francesa...

                      My limited spanish skills keep me from juding how good the English - Spanish translation is, results from it would be welcome

                      And the Translator I was using (If I continue to use it will be determined on which you think performs better!)
                      Which can be found here

                      Spanish to English Translation
                      In case it was not clear before, it does not bother to us that you ask about the Spanish, nor they seem to us stupid questions... you would have to listen French my speaking to me...

                      English to Spanish Translation
                      Apenas en caso de que no estaba claro antes, no tenemos ningún problema con usted que pide español del abot de las preguntas, ni pensamos que él suena estúpido... usted debe oír mis pocas tentativas en la lengua francesa...

                      again, results how well the English - Spanish translation went would be welcome, I get a fairly good feel on if it got the basic message through soemtimes but I can't be sure.

                      Thanks for the replies, its ncie to find such a welcoming group! besides this thread, i'll mostly just read your posts and see if I can't pick up some, when I get back in school (not sure what all your school schedules are like, if your even still in school ) but i'm in Summer vacation for another month or so, when I get back into school i'm going into another spanish class so have to see that goes.

                      Later, once again thanks for all the replies

                      South Killer & J6 Gracias -

                      Para el bienvenido, yo agradece para el tolerar (I ment putting up with I could only come up Tolerating) mis inevitable preguntas españoles
                      Last edited by Poogas; June 9, 2003, 17:44.
                      If you can't Dazzle them with Brilliance, Baffle them with Bull****.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Chilean President
                        1) from where do you post?
                        2) do you prefer civ2 or civ3?
                        3) do you like soccer? if you do, which team?
                        You never asked those questions to me!!

                        Welcome Poogas :B:
                        Sos groso, sabelo!
                        "Yo a mis equipos los coloco bien el la cancha, lo que pasa es que cuando empieza el partido los jugadores se mueven" - Alfio "Coco" Basile

                        "En el fútbol la que manda es la pelota" - Ángel Cappa


                        • #27
                          la tradicion continua...

                          Biografia de Rommel
                          Historia del Bismarck

                          Soy del Clan de las Mnemosinidas y significa buscador de recuerdos...


                          • #28
                            DP, haha...

                            About the translators, keep yours... at least with regards to Spanish -> English...

                            for English -> spanish, i don't know... the one i provided seems to have an edge, but i don't think it would justify using more than one....

                            And i finished school last year... and i'm on my first uni term... (down here, school term lasts february -> december) (and it's winter too)
                            Indifference is Bliss


                            • #29
                              Thats fine, the one I use has a nice feature where you just put in the URL of the page and it translates it all, I usually just use that and go back and forth between the spanish and the English when I don't understand something.

                              Huh, so you guys only get 1 month of summer vacation? we get about 2 - 3 depending on the school district.
                              If you can't Dazzle them with Brilliance, Baffle them with Bull****.


                              • #30
                                No, we also have 2-3 months of vacation; they start on december and finish in march of the next year.

                                For your spanish lessons :
                                December = Diciembre
                                March = Marzo
                                -El patriotismo no es más que egoísmo en masa.
                                -Al que me diga asesino, lo mato.
                                -¿El sueño es la realidad, o la realidad es un sueño?

