Hail new era of prosperity! Hail Rome! Hail United Italy!
The people gathered at Forum Romanum cheered as Caesar Augustus Licinius Fortis Concors I finished his speech at what was left of the rostra, the speakers podium. The Forum had certainly seen better days and many of its buildings were in fact in ruins. Looters and constructors had used marble from the former administrative buildings. The once vibrant and powerhouse of the Empire had been neglected for centuries, its infrastructure was crumbling and war waeriness had made people religiously deterministic and apathetic. With the vigour of a 21-year old bankers son, the new emperor had made some decicions.
By appointment of the Senate and people of Rome I have laid out a new plan to revive the City and the Empire. This New Deal is meant to correct the past mistakes and breathe some of that famous Roman spirit once more to these hills and valleys.
- Land reform; village by village, all the private and state lands will be given to the peasants. The owners of the latifundii will be compensated and have the right to purchase their land back if the peasants are willing to sell. This applies only to every village and community that sends 25% of their men aged 16-27 to serve at the army for a period of 5 years when called for. This mandatory service will be later taken into account in issues of law and applying for public positions and vacanciens. Meeting the conscription goals will also result in reduced taxation for a village or community.
- Rebuilding of Rome; Milan, Venice, Florence and Naples are required to pay a small extra tax to revive the Capital District. Money will be spent in repairing the Aqueducts, state institutions, police and fire services as well as rebuilding the port facilities in Rome.
- Rationalisation of the army and relabeling it Roman Defence Force. As you all know the legions were if anything an aggressive attacking army. It is time to develop its defense capabilities. Teaching of Aristotlean geometry and maths will be main subjects in the new Military Technical Academy based in Milan. The selected officers will study and generate new fortification methods, materials and weapons.
- Every literate man or woman in the City of Rome will have to enlist next saturday at the Trajans Forum for a possible civil service assignment . We need to build a working government and bureucracy and everyone is needed.
- Looting of the ruins, including Circus Maximus, Naumachia Augusta, Stadium Dominitiani and Colosseum will now on be punishable by the death. Same applies to stealing, murdering and raping. Throwing litter or human waste to the streets will be punished and wagons to collect such material will be organised by the city. The Bari Defense Force will be relocated to the Pretorian barracks in Rome to maintain law and order in the city.
- The same City orders will be applied to the whole empire but other cities are given a 3 year transitional period.
- Local councils will be given more power to decide how to spend their tax income in best possible way to the benefit of their respective voters. They will all get to send their representative to the state senate which will get a new Curia as soon as possible.

This potrait of Caesar Augustus Licinius Fortis Concors I was taken before his hair caught on fire after a wild retirement party to his fathers banking colleague Gaius Valentius.
After reading his 7 fold reform plan the Emperor declared a 2 day feast for all the people to enjoy. The poor and the peasants were particularly happy about the promises of social justice. While the rich and powerful were somewhat uncertain about the future of their properties. To calm them down they were promised an insured account on the state bank and most favoured supplier status in grain and cattle deals for the army and state.
- New army bootcamps will be established in the vicinity of Milan, Rome and Naples.
- In Venice building of a new grand arsenal and naval base will be commenced. Ports will remain open for traders from all over the world and goods are to be either tax-free or minimally taxated.
- Move the Milanese Army away from the border to Milan.
- Move the Bari Defense Force to Rome.
- Start the New Deal.