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Gnome NES

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  • Gnome NES

    Welcome to GNOMENES! This NES is set in the yard of the Johnson family, a typical suburban family who is unaware of the existence of garden gnomes, who have recently taken up residence in their backyard. These gnomes have formed small tribes, and are preparing to fight it out for control of the yard.

    Population: Gnew York: 610 gnomes, 32 bees
    Toppelopolis: 303 gnomes
    Workforce 913, Military 124
    Gnome Soldiers (Gnew York): 10 Sappers (7), 14 Spear Gnomes (6), 50 Spear Gnomes (2), 50 Twig Gnomes (1)
    Food Supply: Adequate (Acorns, Honey)
    Military Rating: 74%
    Loyalty: 52%
    Happiness: 50%
    Density of Population: 57%
    City Improvements and Details: Gnew York (arboreal): Fortifications including Honey Vats
    Railings Preventing falls
    Toppelopolis (arboreal): Fortifications including Honey Vats
    Special Units: Sappers
    Technologies: Bee Taming, Rope Making
    Trade: None

    Twin Lake Gnomes:
    Population: Capital: 428 Gnomes
    BBQ: 123 Gnomes
    422 Workforce, 129 military
    Gnome Soldiers: (BBQ) 6 Officers (4), 14 Legionaires (7), 15 Legionaires (4), 30 Legionaires (3), 9 Light Auxilleries (3), 2 Entertainers (3), 10 TLB agents (1)
    (Capital) 3 Officers (2), 18 Legionaires (3), 20 Light Auxillaries (3), 4 Entertainers (3)
    Food Supply: Good (Tadpoles +2)
    Military Rating: 76%
    Loyalty: 64%
    Happiness: 51%
    Density of Population: 21%
    City Improvements and Details: Capital City: Combination barracks and watchtower
    Ant Corral
    Smoked Fish Storehouse
    Special Units: Legionaires, Light Auxilleries, Officers, Sling Gnomes
    Technologies: Spear Fishing
    Fish Preserving
    Ant Taming
    Throwing Spears
    Rope Making
    Trade: None

    Wall Gnomes:
    Population: Brickbane: 300 gnomes, 10 ants
    C.A.C.: 250 gnomes, 8 pond skaters
    Fata City: 138 gnomes, 26 ants
    496 Workforce, 192 Military
    Gnome Soldiers (Brickbane): 5 Spear gnomes (6), 12 Flail Gnomes (5), 14 Flail Gnomes (4), 15 Axe Gnomes (1), 15 Slingers (1), 4 Walluminati (1)
    (C.A.C.) 16 Sling gnomes (2), 14 Flail Gnomes (2), 4 Walluminati (1), 10 Axe Gnomes (1), 10 Flail Gnomes (1)
    (Fata City) 19 Flail Gnomes (2), 8 Sling Gnomes (2), 12 Bow Gnomes (2), 15 Axe Gnomes (1), 15 Slingers (1), 4 Walluminati (1)
    Food Supply: Very Good (Forage Parties, Fish +2)
    Military Rating: 64%
    Loyalty: 43%
    Happiness: 46%
    Density of Population: 29%
    City Improvements and Details: Brickbane (Built into Wall): Rope System between levels
    CAC (Above Ground): Rope System to Bush
    Smoked Fish Storehouse
    Pondskater Enclosure
    Fata City: Defensive Trenches
    Special Units: Flail Gnome, Sling Gnome, Axe Gnome, Bow Gnome
    Technologies: Rope Making
    Pebble Axes
    Flail Gnomes
    Trade: Control 12 Bow Gnomes as long as shipments of food are made to Nomads.

    Clay Gnomes:
    Population: Caivgridde: 257 Gnomes, 16 ants
    159 Workforce, 98 Military
    Gnome Soldiers: (Caivgridde) 8 Spear Gnomes (6)
    (Trash Gnome Border) 15 Spear Gnomes (7), 18 Spear Gnomes (6), 7 NKVD (6), 3 NKVD (3), 10 Axe Gnomes (2), 15 Adv. Axe Gnomes (1), 13 Sling Gnomes (1)
    Food Supply: Adequate (Table scraps, Forage Parties)
    Miltary Rating: 64%
    Loyalty: 58%
    Happiness: 52%
    Density of Population: 32%
    City Improvements and Details: Capital City (Subterranean): Granary
    Road to Bush Gnomes
    Guard Towers on road
    Special Units: Adv. Axe Gnomes, NKVD Gnomes, Sling Gnomes
    Technologies: Scratch-Remembering
    Rope Making
    Pebble Axes
    Throwing Axes
    Trade: None

    Trash Gnomes:
    Population: Capital: 615 gnomes, 83 ants
    512 Workforce, 103 Military
    Gnome Soldiers: 4 Spear Gnomes (6), 9 Axe Gnomes (5), 17 Axe Gnomes (4), 31 Axe Gnomes (2), 42 Sling Gnomes (1)
    Food Supply: Good (Rotten vegetables, table scraps, etc.)
    Military Rating: 59%
    Loyalty: 45%
    Happiness: 42%
    Density of Population: 68%
    City Improvements and Details: Capital (Above Ground): Improved Structures
    Special Units: Axe Gnomes, Throwing Spear Gnomes, Flail Gnomes, Ant Scouts
    Technologies: Ant Taming
    Pebble Axes
    Thowing Spears
    Rope Making
    Ant Riding
    Trade: None

    Barbecue Gnomes:
    Population: New BBQ: 98 gnomes, 4 ants
    90 Workforce, 0 Military
    Gnome Soldiers: 8 Spear Gnomes
    Food Supply: Adequate (Forage parties)
    Military Rating: 12%
    Loyalty: 45%
    Happiness: 45%
    Density of Population: 16%
    City Improvements and Details: BBQ (Above Ground): None
    Special Units: Throwing Spear Gnome
    Technologies: None
    Trade: None

    Bush Gnomes:
    Population: Karthago: 613 gnomes, 87 ants
    Myrene (Heavily damaged): 0 gnomes
    Gudea: 29 Gnomes
    642 Workforce, 12 Military
    Gnome Soldiers: 4 Spear gnomes (4), 8 Spear Gnomes (1)
    Food Supply: Subadequate (Forage Parties)
    Military Rating: 53%
    Loyalty: 50%
    Happiness: 48%
    Population Density: 46%
    City Improvements: Karthago (Above Ground): Decorations
    Road to Clay Gnomes
    Gudea: None
    Myrene: None
    Special Units: Ant Cavalry, Adv. Axe Gnomes, Sling Gnomes
    Technologies: Ant Taming, Rope-Making, Pebble Axes, Throwing Axes
    Ant Riding
    Ant Cavalry
    Trade: None

    Population: Camp: 61 gnomes
    56 Workforce, 5 Military
    Gnome Soldiers: 5 bow gnomes (3)
    Food Supply: Good (Hunting, Trade with Wall Gnomes)
    Military Rating: 61%
    Loyalty: 82%
    Happiness: 54%
    Density of Population: 55%
    City Improvements and Details: Temporary camp
    Special Units: Bow gnomes
    Technologies: Grass weaving
    Trade: Recieve food as long as 12 Bow Gnomes serve the Wall Gnomes.

    Population: This is the total number of gnomes in your colony. The Military stat shows how many gnomes are currently in your military. Workforce is the number of civilian gnomes you can use to carry out your orders. You must assign jobs to gnomes to carry out any orders you give. (i.e., 25 gnomes gather food from the table, 10 gnomes arm themselves with twigs and raid another colony, etc.) The more dangerous their task, the more of your gnomes will be killed in the process. Gnomes assigned to military ventures will remain in the military until ordered to do otherwise. Gnomes that remain in the military long-term will become better and better soldiers, but removing them from the military and returning them to the general populcace will nullify these advantages. Any unassigned gnomes will, having nothing better to do, breed and take care of the young gnomes. Young gnomes are born, raised, and become adults over the course of a turn, so they don't need to be worried about. This stat also keeps track of the trained insects and other animals you command.

    Gnome Soldiers: This stat keeps track of what gnomes you have in your military. These will remain in the military until you order them to leave. At first, only Twig Gnomes, armed with sharpened twigs, will be available, but other troop types will become available at player request. Simply assign some gnomes to research whatever you want (ant cavalry, carved-acorn boats, fire-hardening of twigs, anything you can think of) and if enough gnomes were assigned to it, that unit will become available to you. In addition, items you acquire (Toothpicks daringly raided from the pantry, lighter fluid swiped from the bottle kept near the barbecue, anything that might be in a yard or a house) can be given to your gnomes, for them to research with.

    Military Rating: This number represents your gnomes' confidence in you as a commander, the equiptment they have, their level of training, their experience in battle and the length of time your soldiers have spent in the military, and other factors that might affect their proficiency in battle.

    Loyalty: This represents the likelihood of your gnomes revolting against you. More loyal gnomes will also be more productive. Anything below 25% runs the risk of revolt.

    Happiness: This represents your gnomes general level of happiness. This represents all gnomes under your command, including any slaves should you decide to take them. Happier gnomes are more loyal and slightly more productive, although you can keep a high loyalty rating while having a low happiness rating if your gnomes are afraid of you.

    Food Supply: This shows any resources you control that represent a source of food. You can exploit these more fully by assigning gnomes to gather from them, or researching something that might improve your gnomes ability to gather these resources. The higher your population, the greater your need for food. Your population will not grow if your food supply is below adequate, and will grow only slightly if you have an adequate food supply.

    Density of Population: This respresnts how crowded your cities are. Crowded cities will grow more slowly. Underground, arboreal, or otherwise spatially-limited cities will grow crowded more quickly. Each city has its own population density statistic.

    Military Units:
    Each different type of gnome soldier has different abilities, and will fare differently against other gnome soldiers. In addition, different types of gnome soldiers require different amounts of other gnomes to train them (Essentially, more elite gnome soldiers are more expensive). For example, 100 gnomes would train 50 Spear Gnomes. The other 50 gnomes would then be returned to your workforce for the following turn. This is because not all gnomes are suited for every type of military service, and those that fail training are returned into daily life.

    Twig Gnomes: 1 Gnome per soldier. Twig Gnomes are the basic, inexpensive foot soldiers. Their twigs are not sharpened, and are wielded like a staff. They are extremely poor offensively, and only average on defense. Their main advantage is cheapness and mobility. Twig Gnomes are available to all Gnome nations.

    Spear Gnomes: 2 Gnomes per soldier. Spear Gnomes are the next step up from Twig Gnomes. Spear Gnomes are armed with strong, sharpened twigs, and are better trained than Twig Gnomes. Spear Gnomes are still poor in a charge, but are good defensively and are particularly strong against ant cavalry or any other form of gnome-carrying animal. They are also relatively mobile. Spear Gnomes are available to all Gnome nations.

    Throwing Spear Gnomes: 2 Gnomes per soldier. Throwing Spear Gnomes are armed with several short, specially weighted spears that can be thrown with reasonable accuracy. Throwing Spear Gnomes are excellent at short range, but are ineffective at medium range due to the heaviness of the spears. They are poor in hand-to-hand combat, but are mobile enough to avoid it most of the time. Throwing Spear Gnomes are available only to nations with Throwing Spear technology, which may be researched by any nation.

    Sling Gnomes: 2 Gnomes per soldier. Sling Gnomes are armed with a small sling that can be used to throw small stones at enemy troops. These gnomes deal less damage than Throwing Spear Gnomes, but have longer range, carry much more ammunition and are extremely mobile. They are not accurate enough at long range to pick off individual gnomes, but can shower a tight formation of troops with missiles very effectively. Sling Gnomes may be trained only by nations possessing Rope Making technology.

    Bow Gnomes: 2 Gnomes per soldier. Bow Gnomes are eqipped with a short bow fashioned from a twig and a woven grass string, and a quantity of arrows. While having long range, these arrows don't deal as much damage as a thrown spear or a slung pebble. Bow Gnomes are very poor in hand-to-hand combat. Bow Gnomes may be trained by any nation with Archery, which in turn may be researched by any nation with Grass Weaving or Rope Making.

    Flail Gnomes: 3 Gnomes per soldier. Flail Gnomes are equipped with a large pebble tied to a short length of rope, which is in turn tied to a short length of twig. While allowing almost no defensive capability, Flail Gnomes can break through enemy formations with frightening ease. Flail Gnomes also excell at pillaging and looting. Flail Gnomes may be trained only by nations with Flail Gnome technology, which in turn may be researched only by nations possessing Rope Making technology.

    Legionaires: 4 gnomes per soldier. Legionaires are armed with both a long, hand-to-hand spear and several throwing spears. This allows them a versitile method of combat, keeping enemies at a distance with long spears while throwing spears can attack. Legionaires have limited mobility due to the quantity of their weapons, but are a deadly combination of range and defensibility. Legionaires may not be researched, but the ability to train them may be purchased from any nation possessing it.

    Light Auxilleries: 3 gnomes per soldier. Light Auxilleries are armed with both throwing spears and slings. Light Auxilleries are slightly less mobile than other ranged units, due to their more plentiful weapons, but can deal death at both short and medium range. They are extremely weak at hand-to-hand combat. Light Auxilleries may be trained by any nation possessing both Rope Making and Throwing Spears.

    Axe Gnomes: 3 gnomes per soldier. Axe Gnomes are excellent hand-to-hand fighters. They are good both defensively and offensively, making them very good all-around soldiers. Possessing no armor, Axe Gnomes are highly mobile and can break through lines of enemy troop effectively, but are poor against ranged troops. Only Gnome nations possessing Pebble Axe technology can build Axe Gnomes. Pebble Axe technology may not be researched, but purchased from any other nation possessing it.

    Advanced Axe Gnomes: 3 gnomes per soldier. Advanced Axe Gnomes also carry a small number of throwing axes with them. These throwing axes can be used to weaken an enemy's lines just before the Axes Gnomes engage. This makes the Axe Gnomes more effective. Any nation possessing both Throwing Axes and Pebble Axes may recruit Advanced Axe Gnomes. Axe Gnomes already in existance may be trained into Advanced Axe Gnomes at the reduced cost of 1 gnome and one Axe Gnome.

    Ant Scouts: 2 Gnomes and 1 ant per soldier. Ant Scouts are unarmed Ant Riders that can be used to explore or scout for enemy troops much more effectively than foot troops. Being unarmed, they are one of the fastest units around, but have no means of attack save trampling with their mount. Ant Scouts may be built by any nation possessing Ant Riding, which may be researched by any nation with ants.

    Ant Cavalry: 3 Gnomes and 2 ants per soldier. Ant Cavalry are highly mobile ant riders armed with spears. While weak defensively, Ant Cavalry are excellent at breaking enemy formations and chasing down routing troops. They also do well at raiding, using their mounts to carry off large quantities of whatever is to be stolen. Ant Cavalry may be researched by any nation posessing Ant Riding.

    Sappers: 2 gnomes per Sapper. Sappers, or Combat Engineers, are not a fighting force in themselves, but a construction force. These Sappers are experts at building and maintaining defensive structures, and can operate sophisticated defensive machinery, like the POWARS vats of boiling honey. Any nation may recruit Sappers.

    Special Police Force Gnomes: 2 Gnomes per SPF Gnome. SPF gnomes are masters of subtlety and espionage. They can influence public opinion, incite riots, spy on enemy gnomes, "remove" irritating revolutionaries, even attempt assassinations. They are ineffective in battle, but are better trained than average gnomes at diplomacy and other missions outside the colony. Any nation may research SPF gnomes, but must come up with a particular name for their police force (i.e., NKVD, FBI, KGB, Swiss Guard, CIA, MI5, Praetorian Guard, whatever).

    Officers: 1 Gnome Soldier per Officer. Officers are highly trained and experienced leaders that disarm themselves and serve in a higher capacity than actual combat. They serve as tacticians and intermediaries between the soldiers and the leaders of gnome colonies. Armies with Officers can perform more complicated manuevers with greater success, and are less likely to fall into ambushes. Officers also raise the morale of troops, which decreases the liklihood of a rout. Any nation may recruit Officers, but only from the ranks of their armies, and only from soldiers with 4 or more turns experience.

    Military Entertainers: 1 Gnomes per Entertainer. These Entertainers raise the morale of troops. Any nation may recruit Entertainers.
    Last edited by appleciders; July 25, 2005, 12:42.
    "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
    phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
    three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."

  • #2

    Explanation of Map:
    Black Dot = City
    Brown Dot = Anthill
    Yellow Square = Beehive
    Large Grey Dot = Lawn decoration. Your gnomes regard these as relics.
    Brown Line = Gnome-built road
    Blue Square = Bird feeder
    The colored areas represent the areas under the control of different tribes. Your gnomes will automatically exploit the areas under their control, but you can drastically increase the productivity of these areas by assigning gnomes to work at these areas. Expand your area of influence by founding new cities or making your cities larger. You can exploit resources outside of your area of influence, but less effectively and for a smaller return.
    Last edited by appleciders; April 11, 2005, 21:46.
    "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
    phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
    three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


    • #3
      OK, set up finished. This NES has now officially begun. Feel free to begin with orders.
      "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
      phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
      three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


      • #4
        I believe, sir, that your link is broken!

        How fast do gnomes breed? Is it like, for every two you have breed do you get one more?
        I changed my signature


        • #5
          OK, link fixed. The auto-URL bracket thing didn't read the whole URL as a URL.

          Gnome breeding follows more complicated rules than that, I'm afraid. The formula I'm using for the moment (But am still fiddling with and may tweak) is .9B(F+(1- D))= new gnomes. B is the number of breeders, F is 0 if you have less than adequate food supply, .3 if you have adequate food supply, .5 if you have good food supply, and .6 for anything above "good". D is population density. Final product is truncated.
          Last edited by appleciders; March 25, 2005, 23:25.
          "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
          phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
          three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


          • #6
            So at this point if I bred 25 gnomes I would get 20 more... I see.

            Gamecube the 64th orders 5 gnomes to make observations on the ants to the south. They are to tell how they work, what they eat, and their thoughts on how to tame them. Meanwhile back at home 20 gnomes are ordered to take up twig spears in defence of the glorious lakes. 20 more gnomes will work on the construction of a military barracks and training facility, which will consist of an above ground watchtower, and the rest of it undergroud. The tower will be made from twigs of the bush, which will be assigned 10 gnomes. These ten will harvest and refine sticks so that production of the tower and weapons will be streamlined. To boost food production the 5 most skilled fisherman will be assigned to that task full time, and 5 gnomes will be be sent to explore the bush, flowers, and ground for other sources of food. The remaining 35 will breed.
            I changed my signature


            • #7
              Yep. I'm trying to add a sliding scale there to encourage people to improve their cities and found new ones, and give nice benefits for doing it.

              The other thing that should be noted is that orders must be posted, not PM'd. I think posting orders encourages people to check back more often, and generally keeps the NES more interesting. I'll only accept orders via PM that really need to be secret, like a new secret weapon or an attack on another player.
              "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
              phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
              three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


              • #8
                So wait, is there a cash (talents) system? DO I have any form of funds? Is it all kind of a barter system?

                I confesws I powerskimmed so I missed tid bits, but I am currently befuddled and thus unable to formulate orders.
                Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                • #9
                  Gnomes are the currency.
                  I changed my signature


                  • #10
                    Aha! Many thanks comrade!
                    Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                    Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                    • #11
                      Yep. Your population is the currency, and you spend it by ordering given numbers of gnomes to do certain tasks. Unassigned gnomes will breed. Check out Gamecube64's orders, he's got the right idea.
                      "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                      phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                      three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                      • #12
                        Orders are due by Thursday, US pacific time. I only have Gamecube's orders, so if you don't get orders in, I'll have to NPC your gnomes.
                        "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                        phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                        three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                        • #13
                          The tree GNomes have officially named themselves to the People of the Weyerhaeuser Arboreal Runt Slaughterers


                          20 of our Runt Slaughterers are to be employed in an effort to locate, if possible ally with, and if not possible to take over the bees of the South. (Aha! Now you cretins see what the fore shadowed or was shadowed by the fore, or what shadows the fore had foresought,! Hahahaha! Your blood will drip like honey from the rotting honeycomb beneath your flesh!)

                          10 of the mighty mighty Runt Slaughterers will be used to create bridges, and fences in the trees to prevent the poor and painful plumetting of our patriotic people.
                          Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                          Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                          • #14
                            Animals are not smart enough to ally with; think of them as beasts of burden, to be taken forcibly and trained.

                            You've used only 1\3 of your gnomes. The rest will breed unless otherwise specified. Is that what you intended?
                            Last edited by appleciders; March 25, 2005, 00:39.
                            "Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
                            phasers on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room
                            three. Christopher Robin, you have the bridge."


                            • #15
                              Clay gnomes.

                              20 tunnel to expand the size of the main settlement

                              20 take up sand grain axes and twig lances to maintain order and defend out great society.

                              20 create a granary, a storage complex adjascent to and connected to the main city to more safely store edibles and more efficiently ration supplies.

                              30 breed most energetically

                              and send an envoy to those little chaps to the west of us, and offer them a treaty of peace. Not that their inferior society deserves us, but no one will ever accuse us of not trying to bring civilization to the barbarian heathens peacefully.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

