The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
The Confederate control of much of the world's cotton makes it very much a profitable venture for you to recognise us, convince the US to end their senseless war against our sovreignty and to end the blockade which now impedes both of our economies.
Don't take too much stock in the Rebel posturing. Not only are their "cotton threats" empty, what with the significant available world supply from Egypt, India, Australia and other countries, supporting them would close many markets down. Lending support to the Rebel ambitions will only make the war drag on, the result being the destruction of cash and food crops that have proven crucial to European stability, nourishment, and manufacturing endeavors. We obviously have a vested interest in ensuring the continued flow of products, and as soon as this conflict ends we can do that.
To the rebels, "sovereignty" consists of taking when they want and ignoring the rights of other states, despite their empty rhetoric, when it suits them. The southern states were raised with the aid of the Federal Government. Now they 'secede', and what do they immediately do? Seize federal property, fire upon federal forts. It is not the North who fired the first shot here. We tried until the end to reach a peaceful solution, but the Union must be preserved from this kind of chaos. What example will you set? Are you prepared to face India, or South Africa, seceding tomorrow and seizing all the ships and buildings and mines and railroads of the United Kingdom? The United States and Great Britain can be brothers, twin citadels of order, peace, and prosperity, or you can aid the ranks of Rebellion and dissolution.
The Federal garrisons in Indian Territory file out of their forts, march around, sing a few sings, just generally check things out. Everything seems good, so yes, the Indian Territory is still firmly in the Union.
Negotiations with a number of counties in the Northwest of Virgina are proceeding well; these counties want no part of RIchmond's rebellion. A bill has been introduced which will create a new state of "West Virginia", it is expected to be passed by congress and accepted by the state legislators from the region.
The Army of the Potomac and supporting regiments shuffles around, probably under some incompetent general, trying to ready themselves to meet the army of General Lee on the field of battle. A number of potential fortified postions have been firmly established, supply lines are in place, and scouts roam the countryside in orderly patrols. How well the Northern Soldiers actually do is yet ot be seen, their early performances have been mediocre at best.
The Navy on the other hand, facing far less resistence, continues to tighten their blockade on the South's shipping. Right now it's about as watertight as John Adams' corpse. Well, it'll get better! Anyway, its enought to discourage shipping, as the losses make most operations unprofitable.
The North tools up for war! Guns, food, ammunition, uniforms, railcars, boats, horses, carts, and men. If only we can find that paperwork. A sale of bonds and new taxes have been authorized to provide funding for the enlistment of new soldiers and the logistical aspects of the military. Which will be huge. Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Glory of the Lord...
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
We will not recognize the feudal kingdom of the CS. And if the United States of America needs it, we offer arms to your cause.
In other news, huge parades are going on throughout the British Empire. A few Stars and Bars have been seen to have been burning, but only a few. In general, this calms down the population for a bit.
Aw to hell with it, I can't stand being a frenchmen anymore,! Viva La Mexico and all of that other stuff, they may suck more, but Mother Mexico calls to me!
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
Mexico would like to get a hand in on this Alaska business whilst the iron is still hot, we guarantee that we cna beat whatever Britain offers you.
Come on, we're Mexico how could you not trust us?
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
We are gladdened by your wisdom. May this new Anglo-Amercan cooperation continue to develop. You would help us very much simply by not selling any goods to the Rebels that they could use for war purposes.
US to Mexico :
Greetings. In this changing era we hope to cultivate better relations between our countries than we have had in the past.
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
The Kaiser, Franz Joseph I., and his wife Kaiserin Elisabeth, have today started their voyage through the different parts of the danubian monarchy.
This will hopefully stabilize the country, especially in Northern Italy. Mailand (Milano, Milan) still spawns armed rebel groups, and most Italian neighbours are acting hostile towards the Kaiser.
Meanwhile, an envoy makes his way to Prussia in order to see this man who overrides the Senate all alone and afterwards makes that very same Senate approve everything. It may be interesting to learn more about such capable men...
Austria-Hungary also wants to establish better relations to her northern neighbour, maybe even a military alliance?
Another envoy is on its way to Russia. There he will ask the Czar for a continuation of the "holy alliance" between their two countries.
Other than that, the people of the Danube Monarchy watch the events in Northern America carefully and with a mixture of interest and worry. While there´s almost no business for the Kaiser in this region, the current conflict may still influence the decision on establishing colonies...
Skilord, is it possible to change the map to a link instead of actually displaying it here? It´s terrible having to scroll horicontally for every single line you want to read...
After visiting the city of Triest on the Adriatic Sea, Kaiser Franz Joseph decides to found a colonial chamber which will lead the Austrian efforts of establishing footholds on the black continent and in far eastern Asia.
Stabilize the country by appeasing the people.
Found the Royal Austro-Hungarian Colonial Chamber (RAHCC).
Patrol Eastern African coast and search for potential colonies.
The army of the Potomac marches to camp within 15 miles of the Army of Northern Virginia. The indecisive MClellan is finally replaced with a general who will join battle. A monumental fight between the armies finally appears imminent.
In the West river gunboats and an army under General Grant fights a grim battle to advance down the Mississippi. They have made little headway. General Sherman has been put in charge of making incursions into Tennessee.
New tonnage has been layed in the North's shipyards, but some of these ships are not ordinary. They have been given iron plates and gun turrets that extend up above the low floating hull. They are slow and their range is limited, but no gun affloat can do them much damage. Their few numbers have already proven of some us in targeting blockade-running merchanters and besieging coastal installations.
The navy is sieging Charleston, that most hated town by Northerners, Pensacola, Mobile, and New Orleans.
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.