Update 5 (T2): 1000 BC (Ressurection)
Born in the small town of Reims in Semeria the Levithian (Le-vih-thean) religion began it's sweeping march, It upset the balance of religious power, preparing to rend Empires apart.
The Low countries (Unified Province) converted Eagerly.
Mali converted.
Several Welsh and Irish leaders also converted, leading their people on an Exodus away from the 'Land of Exploition' to a 'Promised land' after a troubled journey they landed in a place the called 'Boston' (A Levithian profecy uses this word for a city, built upon a sacred hill) the power of the refugees slowly grew until they commanded all of what is now known as 'New Britannia'.
The Sioux-Mowhawk cheifs, who come to increasingly dominate Wisconsin decreed a peace with the invaders after a defeat at the Battle of Appalachia.
But the Cherokee, unprotected by the treaty seceded, forming their own state with the Seminoles. The 'Confederate Nations' of the South face off against the New British.
Republican revolutionaries in Greece were victorious, conquring all of the Greek Empire. Exiled Royalists took command of a small area of land in Southern Poland, calling it 'The Royal Dominion of East MAcedonia'.
Levithish Norsemen fled from the Iron Fist of Ragnar Lobrok and his Generals to the 'homeland' of Northern France, these 'Northmen' claim their own kingdom, which the Semerians refer to as 'North-man-dy'.
Libya wins it's independence from Egypt. The new Libyan PM speaks of hope for the future and of comradeship with the many Levithish Libyans.
Druid Egyptians on the Red Sea protest the creation of a Levithish state in Egypt.
Treaty of Whitehorse ends the war between Roma and Wisconsin.
Treaty of Haiti ends South American war.
Australia cedes it's lands won in the Vietnamese war to Vietnam, as does China.
Urthal declares that it will not be objecting the takeover, in order to ensure 'Peace in our times'.
Mayan and Carib minorities in TexaS demand war against the 'Confederate Nations' due to the taking of slaves by the Seminoles and CHerokee to use on the plantations of those lands.
Georgia declares that the Viking lands past Arckangel are illegotomate, and must be turned over to a Slavic power, themselves.
Maldivian revolt crushed by Indegevian soldiers.
Maldivian refugees appear on the Seychelles, demanding the right to create a new nation.
Carthage declares alleigance to Reims, converting to Levithianism, while the rest of the Empire begins to form it's own religion, Palapathism, which engulfs the Phoenecians and other nearby nations.
Persia taken over ny the Phoenecians, but Persian nationals have moved to Georgia, where they hope to establish a new Persian state.
It just feels right to be back.
Born in the small town of Reims in Semeria the Levithian (Le-vih-thean) religion began it's sweeping march, It upset the balance of religious power, preparing to rend Empires apart.
The Low countries (Unified Province) converted Eagerly.
Mali converted.
Several Welsh and Irish leaders also converted, leading their people on an Exodus away from the 'Land of Exploition' to a 'Promised land' after a troubled journey they landed in a place the called 'Boston' (A Levithian profecy uses this word for a city, built upon a sacred hill) the power of the refugees slowly grew until they commanded all of what is now known as 'New Britannia'.
The Sioux-Mowhawk cheifs, who come to increasingly dominate Wisconsin decreed a peace with the invaders after a defeat at the Battle of Appalachia.
But the Cherokee, unprotected by the treaty seceded, forming their own state with the Seminoles. The 'Confederate Nations' of the South face off against the New British.
Republican revolutionaries in Greece were victorious, conquring all of the Greek Empire. Exiled Royalists took command of a small area of land in Southern Poland, calling it 'The Royal Dominion of East MAcedonia'.
Levithish Norsemen fled from the Iron Fist of Ragnar Lobrok and his Generals to the 'homeland' of Northern France, these 'Northmen' claim their own kingdom, which the Semerians refer to as 'North-man-dy'.
Libya wins it's independence from Egypt. The new Libyan PM speaks of hope for the future and of comradeship with the many Levithish Libyans.
Druid Egyptians on the Red Sea protest the creation of a Levithish state in Egypt.
Treaty of Whitehorse ends the war between Roma and Wisconsin.
Treaty of Haiti ends South American war.
Australia cedes it's lands won in the Vietnamese war to Vietnam, as does China.
Urthal declares that it will not be objecting the takeover, in order to ensure 'Peace in our times'.
Mayan and Carib minorities in TexaS demand war against the 'Confederate Nations' due to the taking of slaves by the Seminoles and CHerokee to use on the plantations of those lands.
Georgia declares that the Viking lands past Arckangel are illegotomate, and must be turned over to a Slavic power, themselves.
Maldivian revolt crushed by Indegevian soldiers.
Maldivian refugees appear on the Seychelles, demanding the right to create a new nation.
Carthage declares alleigance to Reims, converting to Levithianism, while the rest of the Empire begins to form it's own religion, Palapathism, which engulfs the Phoenecians and other nearby nations.
Persia taken over ny the Phoenecians, but Persian nationals have moved to Georgia, where they hope to establish a new Persian state.
It just feels right to be back.