To Italy (secret): We are not asking you to make the Germans do anything. Simply urge them to stop and refuse them co-operation if they persist. And while you are correct that purchasing southern Egypt would not link up your colonies, we must still ask you to do whatever you can to stop the Germans from attacking. If they do, we will have to reply with all means at our disposal, and Italy is likely to suffer the effects as well.
To China (secret): We would be prepared to share some nuclear technology (although the transfer would have to be secret), but in return we require support against the blatant threats to our existence made by the Germans. If they are not stopped, they will unleash a third world war, with apocalyptic consequences for all of humanity.
To China (secret): We would be prepared to share some nuclear technology (although the transfer would have to be secret), but in return we require support against the blatant threats to our existence made by the Germans. If they are not stopped, they will unleash a third world war, with apocalyptic consequences for all of humanity.