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Alternate History NES

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  • Kramer Associates to USM and CNA:

    you should stop this senseless mutual slaughter immediatly

    to CNA (SECRET):

    as USM initiated this, if they don't back down we will side with you if you want. But you must protect us from their nuclear weapons.

    to Britain:

    we are very sorry about what happened. We are sending medical and engineering crews to help. Is there anything else you would like us to do?

    to Indonesia:

    your conquering has gone far enough, cease your attacks on Thailand

    KA military units are being placed on high alert, with patrols ready to take out any danger
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • From: USM
      To: KA

      Stop? Never. We will agree to a nukeless war. We had no idea of their power.

      From: Indonesia
      To: KA

      We'll stop the war. We have gotten what we wanted.

      The war between Thailand and Indonesia has ended.


      • CSA has reports that the Germans were the primary cause for the Nuclear war in Europe, and is now on the list of hated enemies of CSA. The Nukes probably originated in India or Mexico though.

        CSA has used funds from it's new allies, the Kramer Associates to reestablish government control. The government has been moved to a secret location to protect itself from additional military strikes.

        CSA's spies slip radioactive materials into the water of every major mexican population center, thereby contaminating agriculture as well as the population, one spokesman said "If they gonna fight dirty, we're going ot piss on them and make them mud."

        Berlin and Delhi have been nuked.

        Construction of additional nuclear weapons has been moved to priority one.
        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


        • To Britain: We agree that nuclear warfare is the greatest threat to mankind in history, and will co-operate to any extent necessary to find out who did it and make sure they don't do it again.


          (secret)Start building 3 more nuclear warheads along with long-range missiles to carry them: will be done in 4 RL days.

          Set up a set of locations for our single current nuke and keep moving it between them to confuse anyone who might want to steal it.

          Massively step up security at military research facilities. (/secret)

          Order the Mossad to continue trying to find out who nuked Britain.

          Occupy the remainder of the Ottoman Empire.

          Israel - Stats:
          Capital: Jerusalem
          Army: huge
          Navy: large
          Air Force: enormous
          Economy: booming
          Government: democracy


          • Kramer Associates to CSA (CNA? whatever):

            we cannot support you nuclear attacks on Germany and India, no matter what the other circumstances, they most certainly didn't attack you, and we urge you to dispense with such doctrines immediatly

            Due to USM's refusal to back down, Kramer Associates has declared war on them. The military is being completely mobilized and efforts are ready to expand (for the duration of the war) any branch necessary in order to bring forces up to par with the USM military. The current main field of operations is being launched from Costa Rican bases, south to Panama with full naval and air support.

            the government of Kramer Associates also reports that we now possess nuclear technology and means, and due to the volatile nature of the present world circumstances and the precendent for nuclear weapon's use, any attack upon Kramer territory will be immediatly met with a counterattack of equal or greater proportions. However, we also hereby pledge not to use nuclear weapons against any country unless they do so against us first, and urge other countries to take the same position.

            In production, keep researching new applications of nuclear technology, especially in constructive ways (power reactors, radiation control experiments, etc.). Also delivery methods and missile/rocket technology in grades of battlefield, tactical, and ICBMs.
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • I will update tomorrow.

              From: India
              To: CNA (Confederate States of North America)

              Why do you make our people suffer? We have done nothing but posses a few nukes to protect ourselves and you deimate a livingspace for millions of people! Know you will face our nuclear arsenal in a way not very conventional!


              • To: CSA
                From: Britain

                You had no proof about Germany being the attacker, and your recent nuclear strike on India and Germany is absolutly unjustified, let British autority handle this situation, and if you wish to help us, send us economical or humanitarian aid, but stop nuking our friends in India and Germany.
                Also we would like to know the reason for you nuking India, as you claimed it was caused by Germany.
                You have placed yourself in a very bad position, so we ask you to stop your nuclear attacks, and pay complete reparations to the countries you attacked.

                (OOC: Metaliturtle nuking Britain eh?... uhmm... could be he is crazy enough to do such a thing , oh well, I'll let the rest of the word handle that while waiting for an answer from my secret services)
                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • I'm going to make one big update on this every week, instead of every 2 days. I just would be better for me.

                  From: Ottoman Republic
                  To: Israel

                  Spare me! I'll surrender everything except Turkey. I'll also agree to any military restrictions imposed on us.


                  • To Ottoman Republic: Very well. We will agree to the following:

                    1) You surrender everything outside of Turkey, and agree that you will never again make any claim to the terrtiory surrendered without Israeli permission. The same applies to any other area conquered by Israel.

                    2) You allow Israeli troops to be based anywhere within Turkey that we deem necessary.

                    3) You agree not to join any alliance of which Israel is not already a member, or which ahs not been approved by Israel. Should approval be withdrawn, you will also withdraw.

                    4) Your army shall not be expanded beyond Medium, your navy shall not be built beyond Small, and your air force shall not be expanded beyond Miniscule.

                    5) You shall agree to give Israeli companies preferential treatment in trade matters; there will be no restrictions on Israeli investment in Turkey, and Israeli companies shall recieve tax breaks in their operations.

                    6) In return, we will withdraw from those parts of Turkey that we have occupied, agree to sell you those weapons that you need up to the limit of our agreement, and will guarantee Turkey's security against foreign attack.
                    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; March 30, 2003, 09:32.


                    • To: Israel
                      From: Ottoman Republic

                      Accepted. Our people thank you. To give a name to this pact of defense, how about the Pact of Ankara, where it was signed?


                      • To Britain:

                        We would like to help you, if that is at all possible.

                        To the World:

                        We condemn the owner of the Nuclear weapon dropped on London, we have our suspicions, but we will not act until we have confirmation.
                        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                        • when will this update be?
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • The Fuher never heard that the city of London had been destroyed. Dead at 83 from a heart attack, Hitler left the Reich to his most trusted friend Albert Speer. Speer immediatley evacutaed the German capital of all essenstial personel and relocated them throughout the Reich in the new de-centralised form. The people of the Reich will not lose their government in the way that the British did, if the perpertrators deemed so to attack.

                            He has announced that the CSA has it wrong. After all why would he of all people nuke a fellopw fascist state? The government of the Reich has announced that if anyone decides to nuke the Reich he will strike at their heart with all their might.

                            We condemn the attacks on the British Empire and hope the new King is successful in defending against futher assaults.

                            To CSA: If this reported targeting of German cities is accurate the CSA will fall under nuclear ruin

                            To Israel, Japan, Italy(secret) These attacks on the British Empire were most probably from the CSA. They plan futher attacks on our great nations. I urge you all to take precautions. We also would like to sign a treaty

                            Build a nuke warhead bringing total to 5
                            Invade Turkey and take it over, finnishing Hitler's last plan.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • To Germany (secret): We are not convinced that the attacks against Britain came from the CSA, as they are not believed to have had a large enough arsenal, but any nation insane enough to use nukes in a first strike is clear threat to world peace. We are stepping up our intelligenc eoeprations in the CSA and will be preparing to strike back at the CSA should they strike us.

                              (absolutely top secret) Oh, and one other matter; we have noted some of your more bellicose declarations against Turkey. This presents a problem for us. While we have no real need to occupy Turkey, many of our officials fear the possibility of a Nazi army on our borders, and would isntead prefer that Turkey be established as a buffer zone between us. We also have the problem that we are currently negotiating peace with them, and our proposed treaty contains a clause which would require us to defend them against foreign attack.

                              Our proposed solution is the following:

                              First, we agree to find an excuse to stall in our negotiations until you can invade.

                              Secondly, all provisions of the current treaty being proposed (whicha re public knowledge) are respected.

                              Third, any Israeli complicity in this will be suppressed; we will publicly denounce the act, but this will be for show.

                              Fourth, we will agree to set up Turkey as a buffer zone between us, with German troops being confined to the areas west of Antyla and Samsun, Israeli to the area east of Adana and Trabzon, and the area in between being demilitarized. Everywhere except those areas occupied by Israel will be considered German territory, and except for restrictions on military activity, what is done within the territory will be your business. We will relocate the current government to our area and sign the deal with them; they will not be a concern for you.

                              Note that if you do not agree with this, then it will not have happened, and we will have to treat your invasion as a hostile act against Israel and respond with all encessary force to remove you. We don't want that, so please don't force us into that.(/absolutely top secret)


                              Stall the Ottomans in negotiations with irrelevancies and nitpicks.

                              Step up intelligence ops in the CSA.

                              (secret)Start preparing to build another 6 nukes: will be done in 9 RL days (/secret)
                              Last edited by GeneralTacticus; March 31, 2003, 03:18.


                              • The USSR is going to begin work on nuclear warheads, to protect ourselves in this ever so dangerous world.
                                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

