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WNes WWII - Nazi Supremiscy-

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  • #46
    Japan to Germany (SECRET) :

    you should attack the Russians now, never mind africa. We can only divert their forces for so long. Also, we should trade technology. We have some interesting naval designs as well as some airplane design improvements, we would be willing to completely open up our knowledge in exchange for whatever technology you can give us, preferably in areas of tanks and rocketry.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • #47
      To Japan: Now we hand you death!

      To Allies (secret): We need some plans to build a radar station. So we can be more effective against your enemies.

      To China: (secret) once we defeat Japan we would like Korea.

      To U.S (secret): We can grants the Allied troops safe passage into Russia where you can help fight the NAZIs on our borders. What is you responses?

      Thanks to heavy aid from America. Russia has triple production of the new T-35. Thousands pour down the against the Japanese and slice thourgh their armors like corned beef cans. By a months time Manchuria should be captured. Meanwhile more troops pour into Ukraine and other lost territories against the wavering Germans run with ice in their veins. The T-35 has proved useful in the fight against the Axis. The Chinese are making way as the Russians take up most of the Japanese forces.


      • #48
        To: Russia
        Korea is not ours to give you, but if you will stop helping the rebles in our country we will not resist your taking it.
        Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
        Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
        President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


        • #49
          To China: I mean if we get Korea from the Japanese i ask can we keep it? If you get it then you can do as you please with it.


          • #50
            TO Japan:
            We give you unlimited access to all our knowledge and technology, and in turn we ask the same of you. We will immediately give you plans on building the Tiger and Panther tanks so that you may retake Manchuria. Also we will show you how to build the new Jet-bomber and Jet-interceptor. And we will send a supply of Sturmgewehr 45's.

            To Ireland: Britian is weak. Here's your chance to attack the British and get revenge thoses who oppressed your people for so long.

            To Mexico and Fascists southern Americans:
            If you all unite in an alliance, together you can take on the weakened Americans. They do no expect an attack from the south. Here is your chance.

            TO USA:
            If any weapon is used against us that is capable of great destruction, you will recieve the same destruction in turn.....


            Tiger and Panther tanks are now flowing full throttle through the production lines. 4,000 Tigers and 5,000 Panthers have been created. Most are being sent to the Ukrainian frontier. While 2,500 Panthers are being sent to Rommel in Africa.

            Luftwaffe is growing in numbers. The new Jet-Interceptor, Fock-Wulf TA-183 experiences its first combat over Britain with astonishing performance. The Jet was far to fast for the propeller planes, they inflicted heavy losses on the RAF and American Air force.

            The first squadron of Ural Bombers have been created. This new four engine bomber is capable of striking past the Ural mountains. And is even capable of striking the eastern coast of north America if they were able to acquire a base in Greenland or Iceland. Hitler and Goering are eccentric about this new development.

            Arado 234 Jet bombers begin massive campaigns in the Ukraine and southern Soviet border, diverting some Russian aircraft from the idle northern frontier. Then the Ural Bombers strike trans-Ural cities, damaging many tank factories and the sort. Though being out of range of proper fighter escort the Ural Bombers were very susceptible to interceptors and therefore recieved fairly high losses.

            Arado 234 Jet Bombers together with Ural Bombers begin massive bombing campaigns on Moscow, damaging the Kremlin and hitting industrial targets in the city's center. The new Ural Bombers carry a much more massive load of bombs that dwarf past bombers of any nation. Losses are low considering they had proper fighter escort from Fock-Wulf TA-183's.

            Similar bombing raids strike Stalingrad, Leningrad, and Rostov.

            The Germans almost finish completion of 6 Reich-class superbattleships, much like the Bismarck except with superior diesel machinery.(They approved the plan in 1939 and would have been completed around 1945, but since the war started earlier than it should and they weren't really very successful towards the end it never came to be, but since now they've had tremendous success it is more realistic).

            The Third and Fourth Panzer armies meet the Russian force at Krivoy Rog, holding them down. Guderian launches his 4,000 Tiger tanks against the Russian flank, causing lots of damage and casualties on the Soviet side. The Luftwaffe for the most part carry air superiority especially with their new Fock-Wulf TA-183's. The Arado 234 Jet bombers cause massive damage on Russian supply lines and rear gaurd troops. Wreaking havoc among the unprotected troopers from above.

            The new Sturmgewehr 45 proves itself in battle. This rifle, capable of holding a 30 round magazine as well as fire semi-auto or full auto carries tremendous firepower against the enemy forces who have a much inferior weapon. The inflict tremendous losses upon Soviet forces.

            Rommel is able to acquire much success in his operations in North Africa. With the new reinforcement of 2,500 Panther tanks he is able to break Allied lines with combined tank and mechanized forces in southern Tunisia, though is halted 50 km south of Tunis by massive Allied defensive structures. He calls for more reinforcements and a division of Tiger tanks.

            Germany begins aiding Italian factories build up their forces. They show them plans of the Panzer IV's and previous aircraft of the Luftwaffe. Soon, Italy will become a much more powerful foe to contend with. (italy would have been much more powerful if they had a little more time instead of being thrown into an early begun war, it seems now they have their lost time).


            • #51
              Germany begins supporting Arab nationalists in Palestine, Iraq, Northern Persia, and Chechnya.

              To these groups:
              Rise up against your oppressors! The British and other westerners have no right to rule a country that is not theirs! Freedom fighters, we will aid you in your endeavors if you show your will against them!


              • #52
                First prototypes of the V3 rocket are developed, but are still needing to be perfected.

                V2 rockets rain the skies in the hundreds. They strike the English landscape, damaging airfields but mostly civilian urban areas. Until the V3 rocket is developed they will have to use the more inaccurate V2 rocket to strike congested areas in order to increase their chances of hitting something.

                V2 rockets also begin falling on Moscow.

                V2 rockets being sent to Japan.


                • #53
                  Japan to Germany (SECRET):

                  Agreed. All our knowlege is being securely and covertly transfered to you.

                  The Japanese are fighting hard to maintain their Asian mainland borders, reinforcements are mostly being sent to manchuria, but the Pacific is not being beglected. Extensive use of submarines is for the time being keeping the Americans from advancing. With the Italians holding down South East Asia, most of the Japanese forces there are moving north against the Chinese, to take some of the pressure off of Manchuria. This has been accompanied by liberal flanking and small marine deployments to keep the Chinese guessing as to where the next assault will come from. The attacks on Russian supplies and convoys to this backward theatre where the Soviets never expected to fight is starting to have an effect, preventing them from attaining air superiority and taking a great deal of the momentum out of their armor advance, so that once reaching the Manchurian borders they are advancing only slowly if at all.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • #54
                    New aircraft the Pride of Moscow is in service. It is a carpet bomber style fighter/bomber with some jet compacities. Mission over Tokyo, and the German front already in progress. With U.S. support Russian jets fly to counter the Germans. It works a number of times. A massive attempt to stop the weak Japanese has commenced, a full total unresticted bombing of Japan has commenced. No one in Japan is safe. If planes are shot down the pilot is order to eject but arm the weapons on bord, and to ster before ejection to a Japanese target. When the Soviet troops capture the Japanese, or Germans may God have mercy on their souls! NO ENEMY WILL BE SAFE FROM THE RATH OF THE RUSSIAN BEAR.

                    TO U.S: HIT THEM HARD! NO MERCY FOR THEM!

                    OOC: Fighter bomber are not slow and easy to shoot down. Fighter bombers are fighters with the capacity to bomb like a bomber. C'mon you should know that after all that is what most Japanese planes are.
                    Last edited by WRangler Rhymer; March 2, 2003, 20:03.


                    • #55
                      The new Soviet plane, in typical Soviet style, attempts to accomplish too many things and pretty mcuh fails in all of them. As it attempts to be a bomber, the japanese fighters have a fairly easy time of shooting them down, and as it attempts to be a fighter, those few planes that get through do comparitively little damage do to fuel limitations that restrict the bomb load.
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • #56
                        Turkey gives the following proclaimation to all.

                        Axis and Allies give your best offer to Turkey and approximate time period in which this offer will be accomplished. Here is turkey's minimum demands for Turkey to take a side:

                        5000 Allied Tanks, or 4000 Panzer Tanks top of the line.
                        Enough Naval Equipment to increase the size of the Turkish Navy
                        A medium sized airforce of your top of the line aircraft.

                        ((post turkey's hypothetical stats in your post))

                        We have forseen that war is inevitable, we just wish to join the side that will win.
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • #57
                          Field Marshal Guderian, under orders of Hitler, launches a massive offensive into southern Russia. With Russian attention focused on annihilating Japan's hold in Manchuria, the German's are able to gain significant advances.

                          Guderian launches the attack with Third and Fourth Panzer armies into the center of Russian forces between Denprodzerzhinsk and Zaporozh'ye. Then ordering Runstedt's newly arrived Sixth Panzer fitted with 5,500 Panthers and 1,500 Tigers in a huge flanking manuever aimed at encircling this massive Russian army.

                          The Luftwaffe gain air superiority with their superior aircraft. Massive artillery barrages begin bombarding the Russian forces in the German pocket. 5 Panzergrenadier divisions tighten the pocket in an inner circle, taking out Russian tanks with their anti-tank rocket launchers. Arado 234's and Fock-Wulf TA-183's constantly harrass russian forces behind Runstedt's army, also numerous Mechanized forces including 6 Panzergrenadier divisions guard the Sixth Panzer Army's rear, as the pocket slowly destroys the massive Russian army. Several Russian soldiers begin surrendering as the pocket tightens.

                          8th Panzer army, meanwhile, launches an offensive into northeastern Ukraine to secure the rest of the Ukraine territory and provide another threat on the Russian front. They were quickly supported by numerous Mechanized forces and 1 Panzergrenadier division.

                          To Finland:
                          Germany has no ambitions in your territory. We will drop supplies to you and send some men if needed to help you gain your independence from Russia, and to gain your territories of the Kola Peninsula. Right now Russia is fighting two front, if you open the third front they will be even more weak. You had great success with Russia's attention was solely on you, think about the success you will accomplish when Russia has two other greater enemies to contend with at the same time.

                          To Japan:
                          Use our jet technology to build jet aircraft. The allies are far behind in this regard. This is our advantage at the time, use it.


                          • #58
                            To Turkey:
                            3,000 Panther tanks, 1,500 Panzer IV's and 500 Tigers. 1 of our newly built Riech-class superbattleships, 5 submarines and 1 carrier ship. A squadron of Ural bombers. Three squadrons of Arado 234 Jet bombers, and 5 squadrons of our Fock-Wulf TA-138's and hundreds of our past fighters and bombers that were and is already superior to Allied counterparts. This is just the beginning, if needed we will send more supplies and even troops. We will send you supplies of our new Sturmgewehr 45's to equip your army. This will all arrive within a couple of months. Our aid will be much faster and efficient considering we're right next door, the US is half a world away and must get through several enemy positions. With me as your ally, our supply lines are secured and solid. Not only that, would you rather have that army half a world away as an enemy, or the best army in the world 1 mile away as an enemy? Also, we will even install V2 rocket installations in Turkey so that you may reign a terror among southern Russia. We will also be willing to send advisors to help train your military up to par of the Wermacht. There is much more benefit having us as your ally rather than westerners thousands of miles away dictating to you how to fight.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Metaliturtle
                              Turkey gives the following proclaimation to all.

                              Axis and Allies give your best offer to Turkey and approximate time period in which this offer will be accomplished. Here is turkey's minimum demands for Turkey to take a side:

                              5000 Allied Tanks, or 4000 Panzer Tanks top of the line.
                              Enough Naval Equipment to increase the size of the Turkish Navy
                              A medium sized airforce of your top of the line aircraft.

                              ((post turkey's hypothetical stats in your post))

                              We have forseen that war is inevitable, we just wish to join the side that will win.
                              To Turkey(secret):
                              Here is our deal:
                              2 billion in economic aid for your country.
                              3,000 Sherman tanks, also 3,000 of a new tanks design we are designing, which will be far better then the Sherman
                              400 P-52,
                              400 of our jet fighter once it is ready for combat.
                              1000 B-29s
                              also 1000 self propelled artillery.

                              Navy we can provide this:
                              100 destoyers
                              100 subs
                              we can give you more once they role off our production lines.

                              The Germans must be stoped. Also they are no match to the production cabillities of the United States and Russia. They are in a losing war. They already lost losts of land in Russia, their fall is only a matter of time.
                              We will be commited to rebuilding all of Europe and Turkey once the war is over. The United States will not let Turkey down.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • #60
                                American Millitary Moves and Projects:

                                In trying to fight off the German Jets, the American airfocre has step up bombing raids of jet aircraft factories. Also Fighters are taking out the German Jets when they are most vunerable, when they are readying to land at their airfields. Also bombing raids are being conducted on German Airflieds.

                                Jet project has been rushed, due to the conductions in Europe. In 3 months a working protype will begin testing.

                                Also B-29 with atom bombs have been moved into Britain and Russia. Their location and mission are top secret, even pilots of planes dont know.

                                In North Africa, the Americans have intercepted many supply planes coming into North Afirca to resuply the German troops(this really did happened in war). Only letting enough to go bye so as not to make the Germans supect anything.

                                Also the great numbers of American Tanks are taking their toll on the outnumbered German tanks. Allied Forces are gaining ground in North Africa. Soon North Africa will be freed.

                                The US Navy has enaged the Italian navy. Using their carriers and radar to great advatage, the US Navy has stuck a major blow to the Japanese - Italian navy.
                                TO Russia(secret):
                                WE have our atom bombs ready to be droped on Japan. Give them one last chance to give up, also spare a large city in Japan, it will make more of an impact that way. We are also sending thousands of B-29 and B-17 and P-52s to help completely destroy the Japanese Airforce.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

