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SonNES (Sonic's Never Ending Story)

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  • #61
    To EU: I will give you Istanbul to you, if you recognise my hegemony of the rest of Panturkistan. The Moderates have thrawted us one too many times.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #62
      The Arabic Offensive continues

      The Arab Caliphite continued its offensive into the Eastern sector of Panturkistan. In the West the 9th and 10th armies have been transfered to the East. The Arabic troops have withrawn to a 50 mile radius around Instanbul, recognising the new government, and favouring Instanbul's union with Europe.

      On the Eastern front, the Arabic Air Force continues to bomb, Kabul and Alma Aty. The people of Panturkistan continue to welcome the invasion forces as liberators from the Moderate Northerners.

      All of Afghanistan and Pakistan has fallen to the attackers and the newly shipped in 9th and 10th armies, have started sheeling Chinese border patrols, to force a quick resolution to the War against the Islamic Brotherhood.

      The Eastern Amries continued to push northwards, capturing Kabul, with minimal losses and moving into the RL Kazakistani state. The government of Panturkistan is in a panic.

      The only good point for the Panturks is that the Arabic Navy lost a major engagement in the Persian Gulf. 10 Arabic ships were lost, 20 damaged, with Panturkish losses numbering 1 and 5.


      Arab Caliphate
      Capital: Cairo
      Land Army - Very Huge (growing due to conscrption laws due to war.) Totalling some 20 armies, 12 of which are being used in the Panturkish campaign.
      Air Force - Small (captured planes have increased the Air Force) around 250 planes
      Navy - Tiny (Yet to really face battle with Panturks) around 100 ships
      Intelligence - Good
      Economy - Growing (due to war industires)
      Government - Islamism; unitarian; center

      Some 600,000 Pantrurk servicemen have been capturted by Calpihite forces in the campaign so far.

      Republic of Panturkistan
      Capital: Ankara (occupied), Kabul (under threat) govenment moved to Alma Aty in Kazakistan
      Land Army - Crumbling, losing command. (2 armies remain in the field (300,000 men) compared to the 12 fielded by Arabic fores, many Panturkish soldiers are deserting due to the hopeless situation)
      Air Force - Tiny (60% loses, 40% of that captured undamged by Arab forces)
      Navy - Small (Yet to really face battle with Arab Navy)
      Intelligence - Dying (as the government is being forced to flee Eastward, the Intellegince is losing coherency)
      Economy - Halted, stopped (with most of Turkey in the West gone, most of the Industrial capcity of the Panturks has gobne with it, the failings of the army have caused many Panturks to flee)
      Government - Democracy controlled by army; federation; moderate right (failing rapidly as the government flees Eastward. Constution failing rapidly)
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #63
        To Panturkish regime: We call upon you to unconditionally surrender your state to us. Kazakistan is to be included into the Islamic brotherhood of the Arabic Caliphiate.

        To Novya Russia: Soon we shall have a long land border, I propose NAP with you.

        To China: Accept the S.I.M wishes or we will start a new offensive against your Empire. Without Arabic Oil you do not stand a chance to our glorious armies.

        To EU: Accept the Instanbul government into your Union, as these people are not Islamic enough for us. I also call upon you to remove you forces from Alma Aty, as we have come close to hurting them. We do not wish war, we offer a NAP.

        To UNA: We are glad you have accepted peace. We ask you to withdraw the apartheid system. Oil shipments will not continue until you do.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #64
          The EU accepts the Istanbul governement inot the European Union.


          • #65
            Russia begins its increase of Conscription laws. KGB has united with the GRU in expanding intelligence. Tax reforms introduced, reducing taxes on the poor and increasing on the rich, more cash flow expected. Mass production of airplanes resumed to increase the air force. Comrade Vassilie Berra has ordered an increase in naval ships as well but will be slower to give more attention on increasing air force and modernizing the army.

            Army: Huge (Conscription increased)
            Air Force: Large (upgrading to huge)
            Navy: Medium (upgrading to large)
            Economy: Less bad (growing due to tax reforms)
            Intelligence: Medium (GRU and KGB unification)
            Government: Totalytarism; federation; far left


            Russia states its neutrality on anything to do with the SIM.


            • #66
              Free World Confederation

              To Russia:
              We wish to form a mmp with you.

              To Arab Caphiliate:
              We wish to build stronger ties with each other in fighting the racist UNA. We are still await reaction form the UNA before commiting any of our forces. So untill then we cannot send any troops to help you in our fight to defend your nation.
              A new educational program has been started to incourage people to wait untill they are married to have sexal reationals, and ways on how to prevent HIV as well. The government is also starting to spend money on treaments for HIV and is asking all nations of World, espacilly NATO and EU in helping to try and stop the spread of HIV. So far new cases of HIV have droped by 5% due to the new government programms to stop the dease.

              Also the government has given tax incivites to Business to set up operations with in the free world, and for each factory a company builds in the Free World, the traffs they have to pay will drop by 2%, the highest cut will be 10%.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #67
                Panturkistan is splitted into 4 territories: Northern Cyprus, Southern Iran, Azerbaijan and mid-Asia. People doesn't believes in government anywhere except probably mainland. Thus Azerbaijan gives it's claim to join EU, official Panturkistan (mostly Kazakhstan) says it wants to join China, Southern Iran asks Jammah Islamiyah to join the country (SIM agrees to that) and Northern Cyprus declares independence as Turkish Cypriot Empire with the following stats:
                Land Army - tiny
                Navy - small (there was former Panturkish navy port in northern cyprus)
                Air Force - tiny (taken from Panturkish airports)
                Intelligence - no
                Economy - bad
                Turkish Cypriot Empire immidietly invades EU controlled Southern Cyprus and starts to erradicate Greeks there.

                SIM also conquered more of China and with help of EU bombardings had a major breakthrough in the Indochina front, also taken isle of Taiwan.
                Attached Files


                • #68
                  The Araqb Calpihiate's response.

                  We do not recognise these new regimes, and aim to bring all of the forme Panturkistan, with the exception of Instanbula and cyprus under Islamic Law. Anyone who inteferes with this will suffer the might of the Great Caliph's armies.

                  To S.I.M. : We accept your annexation of Southern Iran. May the Islamic Brotherhood grow stronger. However we ask you to give us the Eastern half of this area as this will greatly show that your intrests are mine as well.

                  To EU: I have allowed Instanbul and I am willing to see Turkish Cyprus be absorbed into your Union. Do not lay claims over Azerbjain as the ruling elite are fraid of the true extent of the Islamic law against their infidel practices

                  To China: Grant peace to S.I.M. do not hold any claims over Kazakhistan. If you do not agree to this our armies will march against you.

                  The Cal;iph's armies continue their advance against the modertaes in Kazahistan and Azebjan. The Armies of the two former provinces are in disarray after the central government exhausted by the Cliph's grand advance collapsed.

                  The army of Azerbjan unconditionally surrendered 3 days after the third offensive began. The Caliph's 3rd and 4th armies now occupy the enitre province as the people rejoice at being reunited to their Islamic brothers.

                  In Kazakinstan the Caliph's 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 15th armies continue their advance northwards. The 14th army has secured the future border in Iran with the S.I.M. government and has formally recognised S.I.M. sovereignty over the area.

                  Alam Aty fell 10 days after the Third offensive began. The President of Panturkistan was captured, and the government of Kazaksistan ceased to exist.

                  The advance gaurds of the Caliph's armies first came into contact with the Russian border partorls on the 17th day of the assult and, all organised resistance ceased on the 20th day of the offensive. With all of Panturkistan, excepot for the small EU and S.I.M pockets now under Arab occupation, the Caliphite has begun flying air missions against Western China.

                  'Now we have united all of Islam under Islamic law, the Caliphiate seeks to right the wrongs of the past set by the Chinese Empire. We work together with our Islamic breten in Jermiah Islamiya, to destroy the military government in Beijing installing one that is sympathetic to the Islamic World. Our aims in this new phase of the holy jihad, is not to gain territory, but to recreate the independence of Tibet under the Dalai Lama, and to forge close alliances in our border neighbours.

                  The 1st, 2nd, 18th and 20th armies, some of which are fresh from the Panturkistan campaign have bgun moving against the Chinese. Gains have been great and most of Northern India has fallen to the Caliph's armies. India will become a independent ally to the Arabic Empire under the Caliph's plans.

                  In Tibet Propaganda planes are flying over distrbuting phamlets to try and get rebellion. In Lhasa the Chinese officials have been executed by rebels, and a new government loyal to the Dalai Lhama and friendly towards the Caliphiate has been installed in the coup.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • #69
                    Ummm, I preffer be the leader of the Antarctica Scientopia

                    To ALL: Ignore us please, we want finish our 7 new city-domes in Queen Maud area. Greetings from Antarcticity.
                    Last edited by XarXo; December 1, 2002, 14:41.
                    Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                    • #70
                      Antarctica Scientopia:

                      The scientist in the 6th continent create a paceful renegade force and proclaimed the Free EcoState of Antarctica.

                      The Scientopia is a senate of 60 scientists that leade the govern, they are elected in 60 university districts. The leader is elected by the people in elections.

                      No political parties.

                      The Scientopia has 10 huge Artificial Intelligence Entities that help them with bureaucracy and minor problems. Each 2 AIs control 1 city-dome, 7 new cities are being build (with 14 new AIs). The AIs are independent and have their own personality, originated by merging the inhabitants one)

                      Total Population: aprox 17.000.000 (8 of them in Antarcticity, the capitol, 6 in Prydz, the second city increasing fastly by the migration caused by the wars).
                      Attached Files
                      Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                      • #71
                        OOC: I thought it was understood that "South Africa" meant "all of UNA's African territory, all of which is governed by South Africa." This means that Namibia (or whatever that remaining UNA territory is) has joined teh Free World as well.

                        Order has returned to Australia, adn a new slightly leftist democratic government has taken control and wants to join NATC. (OOC: if this is accepted I will be NATC. IS this OK? gooberboob took it earlier but hasnt posted since, so i think it would be considered open...)


                        • #72
                          OOC: civman, you can be NATC (BTW, some overseas NATC territories you probably haven't noted: Falkland Islands, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Israel)
                          XarXo, OK, you coul be the Scientopia.

                          SIM to Caliphate:
                          No, we currently are not able to give you the eastern part of south Iran as we are staging attack on CHina from there. How about western part?

                          With the help from Europeans and Arabs SIM advances in war were also quite big.

                          SIM to Antarctica:
                          We do not recognise you as a country. You are taking budhists who are being prosecuted in our state and give them assylum. We need those budhists as workforce. You should stop accepting them immidietly and give up once you've taken to us, else some explotions could errupt in your state...

                          Turkish Cypriot Empire (from now on the short form of the name will be used - Turcypria) invades Creta. Currently invasion didn't succeded but they said they will fight until all the mediteranean islands, mostly held by EU, will be taken under Turcyprian flag. Turcypria also started a pressure for Arab Caliphate to either give Turkey independence or give it to Turcypria.

                          Here is the map:
                          Attached Files


                          • #73
                            To SIM : We apologise we did mean the the Western part.

                            TO China: our conditions for peace arew as follow. India, Tibet and Mongolia are to be handed over. You are to withdraw from all lands you occupied. India is to be a free state, Tibet a independent state and Mongolia annexed to Novya Russia.

                            The Arab advance coninutes, details soon
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • #74
                              The Arabic armies in the campaign againmst China have suffered a blow when they were outmanovered by the Chinese army. The 20th army was captured in the Second Battle of Lhasa, Tibet.

                              The Tibetan government have been airlifted to Cairo as the Arabic armies have been forced back into Panturkistan. Meanwhile in the south S.I.M. forces have been foced back towards the penisula of the sub-continent, and the island of Taiwan have been retaken in heavy fightinng. The However Caliphiate forces have been able to take dehli, and their forces still hold more ground of China than what China hold's of it.

                              The Republic of India has been declared in Delhi, but at the moment only the Caliphite has recognised its existence and the new state is still occupied by Arab fores in the West, Chinese forces in the East and S.I.M forces in the south
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • #75
                                To S.I.M: We ask yiou hand over all of Eastern Iran so we can unite these people with their families in Northern Iran.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

