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cAHNES: 1811

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  • To Poland:
    We might be willing to sell the technology to you. If you help in the contruction of the railline we can give you the technology and materials you need and you can supply the man power.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • To Russia: That would be acceptable. What exactly would your fee be.


      • After a few years of complete isolation the USA had succesfully rebuilt her economy to full strenght.

        The US is producing huge quantities of medium quality, but very cheap goods, which are selling good in between the masses of all Americans nations, including the Spanish colonial possesions.

        To Spain:
        unlike the other NATO members, the USA has very good relationship with your country, therefore we would like to ask you if you are willing to sell us back the territory you gained during the war against us, + Florida.

        This will be very good for the USA as it will give us a very important port in the south, and since those areas are not continuos in your huge empire, we hope you will be willing to sell us.

        We are ready to pay over 300 Milion Spanish Pesetas for it. (to make it easyer let's say that 1 Pesetas is equal to 1 dollar in real life).

        To NATO members:
        we would like to purchase the railroad technology from you, as this will help all the north america greatly.

        We also propose that free trade will be created between our countries, as this will help our economies to grow strong and rich.

        We will join the steam power project started by Quebec.
        Large Army
        Medium NAvy (upgrading Large)
        Strong economy and growing
        Democratic Gov't
        President: Montgomery Burns (Conservative Party).

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • to all countries- russia is the only country that has offered to build our railway system. any other offers?


          • Canada is glad to have the backing of WCI through the North American Independence Document, or NAID. Canada asks all NATO countries to sign NAID.

            Canada will join with Quebec on research in exchange for Railroad technology, this will help us quickly transport goods into Quebec, the now primary benefactor of Canada's exports. Canada wishes Quebec to realize that any trade within the NATO alliance benefits all of NATO more than trade from outside of the NATO alliance.

            Canadians are no longer purchasing Russian goods, as they are more expensive and of lesser quality than Canadian goods, Canadian citizens don't understand why the Russians put an additional tax upon the Canadian import tax. ((The tax was a small tax on Canadians to promote Canadian industry by making Russian goods slightly more expensive, it did not cost Russia a dime. Russia's outrageous 150% tax halted all imports of Russian goods because Canadian Merchants could not afford them, thus Russia's Canadian Exports were made moot, shifting the balance of trade in favor of Canada.))

            One Road leads to Russia From Canada, although the Canadians would be willing to allow a railroad with the dropping of the outrageous Russian tax, the citizens in the vicinity are currently opposed to any railroad from an imperialistic taxmonger.

            ----British Stuff----
            ((Metaliturtle gave me a list of stuff he would sign, Britain has joined the European Alliance because he wants to be safe at home before he bothers with things abroad. Also, Britain and Canada won't communicate during Metaliturtle's absence because of the chance that I may change things to my favor i. e. donate the British Navy. Britain will still communicate with NATO, and is willing to join NATO as well should EA permit it.))
            Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
            Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


            • Sorry about the double post.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • Russia

                To Britain:
                We would not be please if you joined NATO, and would most likely kick you out of the European Alliance.

                To Canada:
                The Russian congress has lowered the tax from 150 to 20 percent, (stating the perivous tax was to much and was hurting Russia, the Czar who imposed the 150% tax let the bill go into law, but was upset by the bill). We will completely remove the tax if you remove yours as well.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • "Sir, you have a guest."
                  "Who is it...?"
                  "He calls himself Leo Davinch, he's an inventor from Poland who says he has a perfect weapon!"
                  "I'll hear what he has to say."
                  "Yes sir..."
                  "Here it is your highness, I call it a tank, it has guns sticking out all over the place and something I like to call an automatic musket as it fires rounds in succesion without stopping. It has steel plates all around and is drawn by 20 horses!..." before he could finish he was shown the door, well actually the third story window, but that doesnt sound too nice so lets stick with door.
                  "Never, and I mean never..."
                  "Yes sir I know I shouldnt have shown him in but he also had an idea on how to make muskets more accurate...sir."
                  Leo was quickly dragged back into the kings chambers.
                  "Tell me about you accurate musket."
                  " highness" gasp "its really quite simp..." gasp "el." Before he could finish his sentence he slummped over and died.
                  "Dammit." the king unsheathed his sword and stabbed the dead inventor through the heart.
                  "Make it look as though he was robbed on his way back to Poland."
                  "Yes sir."

                  "We need to expand our army..."
                  "I know sir, we are currently working with the Russians. We expect this be twice the size of last."
                  "Crop? What the hell!? They are soldiers, dont refer to them as food. that sounds like something my father would do."
                  "Sorry sir, this years recruits will be more than ready for anything by the end of the year."
                  "Thats better...I guess..."

                  "Yes sir, now on to news about Poland. We have word that they now have a true leader."
                  "Damn...**edited out due to massive profane language and scrapped secret plans**...SO WHATS YOUR ANSWER, HAH?"
                  "Well sir I actually prefer a good steak to blood or guts for that matter. Anyway the man goes by the name of DemonSlayer."
                  "How did he come to power?"
                  "pardon sir?"
                  "Did he work his way through one of the various factions, or was he a peasant who came to power, or is he a member of the long thought dead royal family?"
                  "Im not sure sir, we will send a messege asking this though..."
                  "Very well. Send him our goodwill, yatta yatta, blah blah blah, yak yak blooo. you get the point"
                  "Yes sir."

                  "One more thing before you go, Chuck."
                  "What is it sir?"
                  "We are short on food this year. find a way to increase productivity, I dont like the idea of hungry people being my neighbors."
                  "Yes sir."

                  To Poland: His Royal Highness King Edward sends his congratulations. He asks for only goodwill between our two peoples.

                  To Russia: Thank you for your kind assistance. Is there anything we can do for you?


                  • occ: One tanks are totally unrealistic in the early nineteenth century. Two Russia and Spain supported your enemy France. They only want to dominate Europe.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • Qubec Diplomacy

                      To Canada and USA: As you have joined our research we will all rise into the future by it. I hope Loisiana and the WIC joins us well.

                      TO NATO: Lets get the WIC to join. Also I feel we need to rescue the MExican people from annexation to Spain once more.

                      To WIC: For the good of all Americans join the NATO alliance. We will give you 5 million Qubecious Francs if you do.

                      To Russia: Relinquish your American colony and we will not make moves against you. Perhaps NATO can buy it makeing it alliance ground. We also wish for you to leave the EA, as Spain once he finnishes us, will move against you and your allies.

                      TO Germany and Poland: Do not fight for the people who supported the late French EMpire. Your brother Indepndent State has joined the side of liberty and freedom not imperialism. If you join the imperialists, you do so at your own death wish.

                      To Spain: If you annex MExico, we will support any action undertaken by any country against it. I also suggest for continued peace you sell to the USA, Florida

                      Qubecious Projects;

                      Steam Power project (some spies have got some information for us from Madrid) 1 year (USA and Canada to benifit also)
                      Navy to Large and constructing Ironclads: 3 yrs
                      New WEaponry : 2yrs
                      Army to Huge through mass training (1,000,000 troops) and building the new weapons for it. 4 yrs

                      As a result of the joint training treaty of Edmonton, Qubecious troops have trained in the vast plains of Canada and the built up land scape of the USA. War games in QUbec have also been held.
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • occ: One tanks are totally unrealistic in the early nineteenth century. Two Russia and Spain supported your enemy France. They only want to dominate Europe.

                        incase you hadn't noticed Leonardo Da Vinci (the real guy) actualy had drawings of tanks type things in his sketch books back in the renissance. and besides IC I threw the idea out as a rediculous little kids fascination.

                        IC: ahhh never mind I'll wait for more people to post first. School really did toss a boulder in the way


                        • To Germany: we have information that a citizen of ours has died while in the presence of your ruler. Please return his body to us. When his body has arrived in Warsaw we will send a resonable fee for his expenses. For the first time in years Poland has extra rations available would you care to arrange a trade.

                          Internal Policies: The People have elected to mantain DemonSlayer as Prime Minister for life. Given the Huge amount of volunteers the Polish army has swelled in number and now will be considered large. Many Jobless people have decided to join the growing Railroad corps were they await supplies from the Russians. Also a massive set of forticfications has begun to be built around Warsaw to protect the Capital. These should be finished within the next two years

                          To Russia: Our men are ready to begin construction. When can we expect the Supplies?

                          To Any Nation: We offer a NAP to all Nations. We don't want voilence with any of you. Poland again offers to buy some of your antiquated navy ships to use as training vehicles.

                          Polish Stats:
                          Economy: Medium (Improving Steadily)
                          Army: Large (Fairly Modernized)
                          Navy: None
                          Ruler: DemonSlayer (Life Term)
                          Government: Republic (Loosly based on the US)
                          Allainces: None that I know of
                          Last edited by DemonSlayer; October 30, 2002, 17:56.


                          • To Russia:
                            Are those 20% tariffs also for US goods?
                            If they are, than we will impose a similar tariff on Russian goods.

                            To NATO:
                            We call for complete free trade between our countries.

                            To Spain:
                            We are awaiting for an answer to the purchasing of Florida and Georgia/Carolina.

                            To Canada:
                            If you'll come to war with Russia, we will come to your help.

                            To Quebec:
                            Same as Canada
                            Large Army
                            Medium NAvy (upgrading Large)
                            Strong economy and growing
                            Democratic Gov't
                            President: Montgomery Burns (Conservative Party).

                            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                            The trick is the doing something else."
                            — Leonardo da Vinci
                            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                            • To America: Do you accept our proposal for a Non Aggression Pact.


                              • OOC: Earlier mmtt said he was planning on leaving soon. Perhaps he already has...

                                Mexico has now completely revolted, and a new democratic government has been installed. As teh new Mexican government is being set up, Mexican and (secret) WCI agents are seeping into Central and South America to start revolutions tehre.

                                Teh WCI officially recognizes and offers an alliance to Mexico (currently uncontrolled by anyone).

                                OOC: I think it's about time there there would be some revolts in South America. it's 1832 already and there hasn't been a single one!

