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cAHNES: 1811

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  • to Russia: i am waiting to see which other coutries are interested, but if we employed your engineers, they would stay in our borders, as well as their knowledge


    • This is firefarter, I just have been having major difficulty signing in (family switched to AOL and it is extremely ****ty)

      To all concerned, Canada offers voting for all male citizens, as there are people from many different cultures living within our borders, it is much easier not to discriminate, Native Americans are allowed to vote as well.

      President Tron Lieberman is 1/4 Russian, 1/4 French, 1/4 British, and 1/4 Native American. He is 100% Canadian though.

      Canada enters in the NATO Alliance, proposing free trade for all member nations.

      Canada enacts Tariffs on all imported European goods to promote industrial development in Canada, Canada urges the rest of NATO to do the same, one official stating "We may be separate, but to get ahead we must all work as one."

      Canada takes all the French military equipment and begins training the army in the best use for it. The Francs are used to promote logging and trapping.

      Canada's Capital, Canadia, is in it's final stages of construction, it's location will be revealed to the world upon completion.

      Heavy Logging on the Russian Border of Canada, It appears the Canadians are employing west to east tactics, unlike other nations in North America.

      Canada's Military has gone from Small to Medium, all recruiting is voluntary for the Canadian Military at this point.

      ((If there's something I missed let me know))

      ((Metaliturtle is my neighbor, he's been on vacation, I don't know when he'll be back))
      Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
      Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


      • After expanding its borders into the Balkans, Ottoman troops start two real campaigns: into and around Egypt, and Eastward into Western Persia.

        There is little resistance and after 9 months, both areas are pretty much securely under Ottoman control.
        Egypt?? That's the headquarters of Egypt & Morocco, i think there'd be heavy resistence.

        OOC: Space05us, you could be Northern Italy, Hungary-Poland, or Egypt-Morocco.

        To RUssia: We will not attack Spain without provocation.

        The WCI has begun to build up forces near the Spanish border. This is not secret. WE are not preparing to attack, but merely countering a similar spanish buildup.

        Secretly, every few days a party of 3 unarmed warriors have been sneaking across teh border and sneak into major Mexican cities, hoping to start a nationwide revolution.

        To Canada: Alliance? (but i won't join NATO)


        • map update for new players and everyone else too:
          Attached Files
          Last edited by civman2000; October 27, 2002, 19:37.


          • To WCI: We will be your ally only if you join NATO, our primary goal should not be to destroy ourselves while imperialists are continuously moving in and taking our rightful land.

            To All NATO members: Will you allow our canadian army to train in the various wildernesses of your countries? We are unbeatable at home, but we think we should be that way abroad as well, no? We will train NATO Armies of countries that allow us to train within their borders.

            To the World: Canada has large deposits of coal, which we understand will be necessary in all steam powered locomotives, we will be exporting 90% of our coal to the first country to provide us with viable information regarding steam power, "railroads," and Ironclad warships. If a Non-NATO country offers us the technology, the industrial growth trade tax will ,of course, be enacted. ((Note, this is not a large tax, all countries experience this in some form to some degree.))

            To Our Russian Neighbors: Your overwhelming power in Alaska makes us uneasy, our people have made a request that you sell that land to Canada. For Payment we offer the following.

            -One Hundred Million Francs worth of Coal to be paid over 5 years.
            -60 million francs worth of Furs to be paid over 3 years.
            -A lessening of the industrial growth trade tax with Russia. for 10 years.

            To the Leader of Spain- please stop your land grabbing policies.
            Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
            Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


            • ok, ok. there was heavy resistance in egypt, but Ottoman forces managed to take the Sinai and parts of Eastern Egypt. on the persian front, ottoman armies expand right to [ooc: the edge of the map]


              • To Canada:
                We are not going to sel Alaska to you. If we have troops on our own soil I dont see how that is any concern to you. I must remind you that the Russian Empire gave you indepence and we had promiced to protect you if anyone attacked you. I see how you repaid our kindness to your nation. First you tax our imports to your country, then you say you want to basicly go to war with us and take away our lands form us. Be warned Canada, Russia can crush you if we wanted you. But now we are cancel our mmp with you. If you are attacked you are own our now Canada. If you make any more hostile moves towards the Russian Empire we will blockade you.

                Russia is responding to Canada's tarrifs on Russian goods by putting a 150% tax on all good imported form Canada.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • To Canada: WHy can't we be your allies if we don't join NATO? We hope to form a coalition with them anyway, we just don't want to commit ourselves to a permanent alliance with anyone but you.

                  OOC: OK jdd, the map has been edited. However, if/when i open up Asia a plan on having Persia be a major power, would you mind if the border is pushed back a bit when i open Asia (for now it can stay at teh edge of teh map though)?


                  • The WCI will be officially neutral if war breaks out between Canada and Russia. However, secretly they sympathize with and support Canada more.


                    • do i have the bottom of Italy?

                      because the ottomans had it in the begining


                      • jdd: No, Spain has always had it.

                        OOC: I wonder whether the Ototman invasion of Egypt will cause the other members of the AIS to attack them. Or has the alliance now more or less fallen apart?


                        • ok. those colors are confusing.


                          • Qubecois Diplomacy

                            The Repbulic holds its first national congress and the Social Democartic Party holds power. They support all socialist gorups throughout them world (occ: There was socialism before MARX, Marx just made it come along more)

                            To NATO: Seeing as the Alliance of Independent States is a dead one, I am withdrawing my membership and joining NATO.

                            TO WIC: Even if you do not join NATO we are willing to assist you against any aggression and hope you make a bi-lateral alliance with us.

                            To Canada and othe NATO members (secret) If Russia becomes hostile our best chance is if we stick together. However Spanish movements will be against us. Perhaps we can employ Britain and Turkey offering them large tracts of the colonial powers territory. I suggest we think about forming a unified NATO army.

                            To Russia and Spain: If you attack or annex any American nation it will be considered an direct threat to the Republic.

                            All from Presiden Jacques Merci, President of The Indepndent Republic of Qubec.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • Russia

                              To all Nations of North America:
                              I dont know how many times we have to say this, but we have no intentions of taking over any part of North America. Why do you fell so threaten by us??

                              To Ottoman Empire(secret):
                              Would you consider giving us the Balkans in exechange for railroad technology? If you refuse we can come to anther deal. Could you sign a mmp with me and Spain? We need to unite against this growing alliance. They want war and we believe will stop at nothing to get what they want.

                              To Spain(secret):
                              We agree to your proposal. we will take eastern Europe and you can have western Europe. Right now we are secureing Sweden and once we are finished we will take Poland. Also we need to clam down these countries in North America. They really want to go to war with us.
                              Last edited by Jack_www; October 28, 2002, 09:53.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • The old aristocracy of Sweden has stepped up to the plate so to speak. Three of them have gone to the Czar to ask for control over Sweden, they pledge to him thier allegance and give him a gift of gold and ships, ships of British design.

                                Two more of the former ruling class of Sweden have gone to (?) to speak with (?) and ask for control of (?) held Sweden. They Too bring gifts of gold and ships.

                                OOC: who is red? is it Germany?

                                Also little known to the King of Britain a former general had been training the people of Iceland in preperation for an attack. . .

