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cAHNES: 1811

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  • OOC: Yes, red is Germany. And please reconsider being a nation that lacks a ruler (Egypt+Moricco, Germany, Hungary-Poland, etc) ratehr than making a new one

    To Quebec: WE thank you for your friendliness. I will support you in any enterprise that does not involve attacking either Canada or Russia.


    • hey all, ill join this nes, but probably wont post anything tonight, im gonna go catch up on the story.


      • Posiedon sat in his chamber laughing as a storm destroyed the Swedish ships as they sailed across the staight, and a freak tidal wave drown all inhabitants of iceland. afterwards he went to bathroom to finish his book Metaliturtles cclassic, "Greek Orgy"

        the end (like my myth, I made it up myself)

        King Ferdinand "The Fruit" sat in his favorite chair, which looked over all of Berlin. He was contemplating the next great thing he should do; open a new library, or build a new statue of himself. The city already had 3 empty libraries scheduled for scrapping, but the central park had row after row after row of statues (of him of course). Perhaps he would order more gardens to be planted, no better yet he would make it illeagal for any citizen of Berlin to not have a garden! Or even better any citizen of Germany!

        Needless to say he never saw it coming, creeping out of the darkness was his youngest son, Prince Rainbow. The prince unsheathed his sword and ran it through the back of the chair, he unfortunatly, from being named rainbow, suffered from a lack of brains and had forgotten that all of the chairs in the castle had a stell plate running down the back, and the sword snapped the blade fell to the ground with a clatter.
        "HOW DARE YOU RAINBOW!!!" yelled the king. At that remark the eldest son Prince Edward, named by his mother, came through the door with 6 armed gaurds and siezed both his younger brother and his father. They were promtly sent out to the chopping block and beheaded. Their heads were sent on public display.

        As the first order of business Prin...ahem...King Edward has asked me, Chuck an advisor, to send messeges to all European and American countries. So here they are.

        To Russia: We would like a military alliance. We realize that under the leadership of the former king Ferdinand our military has suffered, however the new king, king Edward, is a very able general and will have the troops in top condition in no time at all.

        To all other nations of the world: Germany extends his hand in friendship, please accept and sign a Non Aggresion Pact with us.

        note:Germany went from female to male with the change of leadership. also the flag has changed from a solid red flag to a Red flag with a black stripe running through the middle, top left hand side has an eagle perched on an olive branch symbolizing the peaceful nature of Germany but also the feact that if provoked they will attack.

        Last edited by Space05us; October 28, 2002, 18:27.


        • hey all i would like to join this story. Any nations up and available.


          • To Germany:
            We would like to invite you into the European Alliance. We will share rail road and steam power technology with you. We can also help you in establishing colonies in Asia or Africa. Please Join us as all of Europe needs to unite against the threats against all of Europe.

            We are now uprading a large protion of our navy to ironclads. We already have a protype and will begin producing more of these ironclads. We will also see if we can make a steamed powered long range transport for transporting people and goods accross the Alantic Ocean.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • ((Posting for Metaliturtle via telephone))

              Britain would like to join some form of a European Alliance, offering several new buildings in England to become an International Meeting Place.

              Britain wishes to obtain information on steam power so that they may employ railroads.

              Britain welcomes the new nations formed by the downfall of France and will offer NAPs to all of the said Nations.

              To Russia (TOP SECRET * Infinity +10^90): Now is not the time to expand in Europe, before, it was one culture, now it is Half a dozen unique cultures, wait to see where they develop, they could take each other out allowing for "peacekeeping occupation of Europe"

              To NATO Countries: The British People have been nothing but friends to you for some time now, perhaps we can negotiate something as far as a lessening of that embargo?

              ((OOC from Metaliturtle: My Father is extremely Ill, firefarter, or gooberboob, will get a call from me probably twice a week with my post, for some reason his ISP won't let him change username so This will have to do for now. I don't want the NES to die, and I don't want Sheep to invade Britain and Ruin the NES))
              --------End Britain---------

              Canada thanks the Russian Leader for their embargo, no longer will Canadians be shackled to the Unyielding Russian Bear. The Tax, which is several thousand times higher than the Canadian tariff of .03 cents to a dollar, forces hundreds of Canadians to go into production of industrial goods. Canadians currently produce more goods than they need, and are stockpiling as the National pasttime, sex, is producing better than expected results, and we need to be able to take care of our people.

              Canadian Logging companies report that all trees within 6 miles of the Russian Border are cleared out, and large holes are being dug in several choke points.

              Canada offers cheap land to immigrants, boats soon begin arriving from China, Britain, Italy, Greece, Germany, and many other parts of the world, Canada can truly call itself the "melting pot" of the world now, claiming at least one person of each Nationality within its borders.

              Canada takes the Furs that were slated to go to Russia, and instead makes high-quality clothing out of the pelts, both fasionable and functional, they quickly surpass other garments in popularity, and a complementary suit made from the Russian pelts is sent to the top 20 officials of every NATO nation with the following note:

              To do good, one must look good, we took care of the latter, now you take care of the former.

              The WIC also recieved suits for it's officials, but those were tailored in a more Native American fasion.

              The Secret is out, the capital city, Canadia, is on the north end of Lake Superior, it soon thrives as a commercial focal point for the trade of fur clothing and coal.

              To Louisiana: We are extremely interested in your 'railroad' we will provide a source of coal for this technology as your nation is in a more agricultural area of North America, and there is sparse coal of lower quality available.

              To All of the Americas (minus European powers)((TOP SECRET)): I propose a document to be signed by all of our nations which condemns further colonization by Eastern Hemisphere countries in our Western Hemisphere. We will not attack current colonial powers, however, if more colonial powers attempt to enter or expand on our continent, it will constitute an immediate declaration of war on the aggressor state. We must band together or the Europeans will just pick us off one by one.
              Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
              Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


              • Qubec

                To NAATO: (secret) I think we should take Canda's offer seriuously. I also think we need a friendly Britain perhaps we can ally ourselves with him.

                To Britain: Join NATO, we have not had an embargo ever on you the European Alliance has. We revil in the French downfall and hope all Indepedent Republics join our alliance.

                To Alliance of Independent States: (secret) Join NATO for the continued security of all free peoples.

                To the European imperialists: If you deem to try and take any futher nation, by annexation or war, Qubec and her allies will be forced to act.

                To Turkey: Get out of Egypt (secret) If war between NATO and Russia occurs you may stand to gain large tracts of Southern Russia and the Ukraine if you join us. This has always been the want of the Turkish people

                Qubec finds coal and has brough railstreet technology from Louisiana (occ: I read up on it and I have to agree that trains were in extistance in the late 1700's although not advanced) We have begun a program to make our country the most modernised and will complete it in 5 yrs.
                (Some French scintists have fled to free Qubec)
                Secretly we are also conducting weapons research on artillery and rifles and and will complete it in 6 yrs.
                Secet Ironclad technology in 7yrs
                NATO countries are invited to join us in our research (every country that joins will decrese project times by one year)
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • Russia

                  To Britain(Secret):
                  We accept you into the Alliance. Since France has fallen and the madman that ruled them is gone we can now become friends with you. Really the only one who wanted to take over your country was France and not us or Spain. We will also consider you proposal about Europe and will not attack any nation.

                  To NATO and other North American countries:
                  We do not want war and we can even sign a document promicing that we will not take any more land in North or South America.

                  To Canada:
                  We are willing to end the tax if you are more reasonable with us. We can work something out. Maybe even help you devolope railroads.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • "The next order of business is to strengthen our army, commision inventors to come up with an idea, the ultimate weapon!"
                    "yes sir."
                    "Also we need a military acadamy at which we can teach our future generals what to do and what not to do, that way our army has better leadership!"
                    "yes sir"
                    "Another thing before you go, commision more inventors to create a more accurate musket. Im terribly tired of hunting with a bow."
                    "yes sir"

                    To All EA members: Germany agrees to join the alliance. We would love to see this 'railroad' you speak so fondly of.

                    To Britain: We would be highly appreciative if you were to send over some of your best captains to train our men in the skill of sailing. they will be well paid.

                    To Russia: Germany would regard you highly if you were to help train our army. We would also pay you quite well.

                    OOC: who are the members of NATO, what is WIC (Women Infants and Children? ), and who are the members of the European Alliance?


                    • OOC:
                      Right now the members of the European Alliance are Russia and Spain, soon if Spain agrees Germany and Britain will be apart of the European alliance. NATO is main for the north american contries. I know all of them are in the alliance accept for the WCI. THe WCI is main a nation set up by the Indian tribes, but I forgot what the it's full name is.

                      To Germany:
                      We will help you devolope your own railroad system. In fact we want to make a transconitinal railroad from Madrid to Serbria. We are also willing to help train your army and you will help you modernize your navy with ironclads. Spain might also share their weapons technology with you so you can improve your guns and cannons.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • OOC: WCI stands for "Western Confederacy of Indians"

                        To Canada: WE agree to sign the document.

                        AS Spain has done nothing to quell the WCI-encouraged dissidents, they have grown greatly. Sporadic independence riots have begun to arise every few weeks throughout Mexico, and local leaders are beginning to unite to form a coherent national movement.


                        • After many years of internal strife a centralized government has come to power in Poland. A Republic based loosly on the United States Government has been installed. The newly elected ruler a Mr. DemonSlayer begins a program of modernization. Our army also begins a peroid of rebuilding. Size of the Army will be large within a year.


                          • To Russia: Would you be interested in constructing a railroad system in our nation. For every ten miles of track laid we would be willing to pay 1000 rubles.


                            • To Poland:
                              We are plaining on making an transconitinal railline, thus part of it will have to go through Poland. So we will accept you deal.
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • To Russia: Since your statement only included a rail line through Poland would you be willing to sell us the technology to make our own railroads?

                                Internal news: With a near unanimous vote the people of Poland have elected to move the Capital from Warsaw to Poland.

                                To any European Nation: Poland would be interested in buying some off your old Navy vessels as training boats.

