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cAHNES: 1811

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  • To WCI: If some of your leaders accept to join Spain cause, Spain will help them to get in power and give them ammo, guns and technologies.
    What might this "Spanish cause" be. AS far as we know, the only "Spanish cause" is Spanish domination of the world.

    To Louisiana: WE do not want to join NATO. We just want to form a coalition with NATO to get the European nations out of the AMericas.

    Cavalry troops often patrol in WCI territory.
    To Spain: Unless they are acting against orders this is an act of war!


    • Spain does not want war with WCI. WCI actions are just threatening Spanish interest in America. We asked you if you wanted to do trades with us, you only reply by arming your proper soldiers. Spain wants peace in America and WCI seems to want blood and only blood.

      Our cavalry is here in a recon mission and to prevent any possible attacks from WCI.

      Spain has recruited bandits and outlaws from Mexico and Louisiana. They are regrouped in companies. Those companies have the mission attack WCI encampment and to slow down any movement of troops.

      Spanish forces is regrouping in Northern Mexico (300.000 soldiers at WCI border and 150.000 at 100 miles from Louisiana, 50.000 in Florida and 100.000 in South America)

      250.000 in France and 150.000 in Spain/Portugal.

      To Russia (secret):
      Send troops in Alaska, I think WCI wants to remove us from America soil and get control over America continent.
      I'm awaiting your reaction about Europe share.

      To USA (top secret): Remember our deal...I think soon will be the right time for USA revenge...

      OCC: I think I will soon stop this NES, if someone wants to take Spain.....


      • To Spain (Secert):
        We would like to disscuss more about what to do with Europe. We also would like to see if we can get the Ottoman Empire into our alliance. We both will have to increase our millitary. The Americas are going to be harder to controll now that France is gone, allthough we did most of the fighting in the Americas and not France.

        To All nations in North America:
        We the Russian Empire want peace with you. I think that anyone can see that we have no wish to controll North America and make it a colony of the Russian Empire. We have even given indepence to Canada and helped the WCI to survive when NATO decided that they wanted their lands. I ask who really wants to dominate the world and who really wants the Americas to be free? I think the NATO alliance is the one that wants to dominate the world and not the European Alliance.

        Even with the collapase of the French empire, we have completed the Steam Power project. We are now going ahead with a 12 year plan to lay railroads in all of Russia. Also factories are now being set up all over Russia thanks to steam power. This will be done in 5 years time.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • To Spain(secret):
          We already have 225,000 troops in Alaska. I will send 200,000 more to Mexico. But I must tell you I am growing tried of the constant fighting in the Americas, these americans are acting more like barbarians then civilized people.

          The Current Russian Army is now 900,000.
          We have 225,000 in Alaska.
          225,000 on route to Mexico.
          The Rest of the Russian Forces 450,000 are in Russia maintaning order.

          We are now increasing the size of our army to 1,200,000 men. We will be giving out pay rasies and other bonuses to induce more men to join the Russian Army. We are also looking into ways to improve our guns and cannons.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • The Ottoman Army's numbers are classified, but foreign diplomats estimate it in the hundreds of thousands.

            After a long period of neutrality, Ottoman forces are making excursions into the Balkans and North Africa, 'restoring order' to these anarchic areas.


            • Spain has engaged a new recruitment plan. Soldiers have seen their payment increased and intensive trainings are taking place. Former French generals have mostly joined Spanish army and some French soldiers have also been recruited.

              As a consequences, Spain Army will reach the 1.5 million soldier next year.

              To Russia (secret): We are preparing an invasion of Italy before sending reinforcements to Mexico. I have fear of a massive uprising and even your peaceful speech doesn't seem to be heard.

              Our research in new weaponry has been going on even after the fall of France. It will be finished next year.

              To Ottoman Empire: Would you like to join the European Alliance? (as a secret part), I will recognize your influence over North Africa and Greece. But Spain would like to get Morocco.

              As steampower is spreading through Europe, the Catholic King has decided the building of a railway from Lisboa to Paris passing by Madrid and Barcelona. This railroad will be finished in three years. Industries, encouraged by the growing economy of Spain, are now highly productive due steampower and heavy industries are being built in Mexico, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisboa and Paris.

              Spanish economic experts expect an increase of 150% of Spain's PIB (only as an indicator here eventhough it doesn't exist) in 5 years and an outstanding 200% in 10 years(Spain will be fully industrialised)


              • Our cavalry is here in a recon mission and to prevent any possible attacks from WCI.
                How about fi I sent a company of warriors to patrol througout your territory, would you accept that as "recon"?

                In fact, I have done so already. 2,000 armed Indians are romping thoruhg the hills and forests of northern mexico, and have noticed a peculiar buildup of your forces near the border.

                To the world: Our goal is not to gain power for ourselves. Our goal is to gain independence and freedom for our people, for all of teh indigenous peoples of teh Americas. We will not rest until this is achieved, whetehr by peace or by war.

                TO Russia: Grant autonomy to Alaska and I will give you economic support and ally with you.

                The rulership of teh WCI has become a bit shaky recently, reportedly due to internal disagreement between teh tribes...

                OOC: mmtt, don't leave! How about you and Russia carve up Europe then I'll open up Asia?


                • Russia

                  To WCI:
                  We need to trust you first. We do not like the tensions that are rising between you and Spain. Although we are not opposed to giving the people of Alaska more power to rule themselves, we must wait untill the Americas are more stable.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • Spain understands WCI order and Cavalry units are retreating. I also understand complains about Natives American autonomy. But there is a lot of Spanish immigrants in South America and Mexico. Spain has the duty to protect them.

                    Despite those difficulties, Spain is thinking about giving some central territories under natives administration belonging to Spain.


                    • Qubecois Diplomacy

                      To European Alliance: Do not try and annex the rest of Europe. If you do so we will help them.

                      To NATO: I will join if the WIC and USA come to an agreement. We need America for Americans and need to get rid of this European dominance. Germany will also join, along with Poland and Italy, and North Africa. (NB at the moment I still control these although I do not do much)

                      To Spainish Mexico: Do not join Spain we will assit you with guns and money to re-assert your independence stolen from you.

                      To Louisiana: Accept the EA's demands for the time being there is always another time.

                      TO USA: Give us money so we can build our army and we can drive Russia and France from our conitinent.

                      TO Canada: Join NAtO and I will.
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • The 4 years plan started by President Montgomery Burns is over.

                        The US had rebuilt her infrastructures from nothing, and now the US economy is booming.

                        The Army had been modernized with the latest technologies available.

                        Army Large
                        Navy Medium


                        To Spain and Russia:
                        We heard you have succesfully completed the Steam Power Project.
                        Since we helped you at the beginning of it, the USA would like to buy the technology from you.
                        This may even be the first step toward a new friendship between our countries.

                        To Quebec:
                        We see that your country need helps, and your help request were heard by us. We will send you 10Milion Spanish Pesetas to help you country out.

                        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                        The trick is the doing something else."
                        — Leonardo da Vinci
                        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                        • To Russia: If a war against Spain comes to teh Americas, will you remain neutral?

                          Secretly, the 2000 troops sent for "recon" have dispersed, and have begun to encourage dissidents and nationalist movements in Mexico.


                          • I'll be Sweden, let me catch up on the story before I post.

                            edit: thanks guys, kill 'em before I jump in. give me a little more time, I'll still be Sweden I just have to think of a good story for the great comeback....
                            Last edited by Space05us; October 27, 2002, 10:47.


                            • Ottoman declines entry into the European Alliance

                              dont take this for hostility, we just want to remain free from American tanglements and the like. however, divying up North Africa sounds appealing!

                              After expanding its borders into the Balkans, Ottoman troops start two real campaigns: into and around Egypt, and Eastward into Western Persia.

                              There is little resistance and after 9 months, both areas are pretty much securely under Ottoman control.

                              To any nation: our country would like to purchase a modern railroad system. send over your engineers, and insure a long, profitable alliance between our two nations. ottoman industry is strong, but without a good transportation network, it cannot meet its potential. we are willing to exchange the following for skilled engineers:

                              -many of the best Arabian horses
                              -gold of course, lots of it
                              -shares in a canal we are planning to build
                              -an alliance
                              -free trade to the Orient

                              what do you say? we will accept bids immediately.


                              • Russia

                                To WCI(secret):
                                If Spain is attacked we will come to their defense. If Spain starts the war, we will first consider the matter.
                                We might consider etheir selling or granting independence to Alaska if you promice not to attack Spain and sign a alliance with us, but not Spain if you hate them that much.

                                To Ottoman Empire:
                                If you agree to keep the technology to your self we will help you build your own railroad system.

                                The Russian army is moving 325,000 men into Sweden. We are going to take the rest of Sweden. Any rebels will be found and executed. We will also grant autonomy to Sweden, but they will still be apart of the Russian Empire and loyal to the Czar of Russia. We have found the brother of the former king of Sweden and placed him in charge of all of Sweden.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

