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cAHNES: 1811

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Metaliturtle
    ((OOC how can any american country have a large army? A census said that there weren't even 1,000,000 men of fighting age in the continent of North America until 1865, yet a wilderness nation, Louisiana, has a "Large" army that outnumbers their population, And Mexico has been able to somehow haul arse up to friggin Oregon unprovoked. Also, the Russians would suffer huge casualties marching their troops across the continent of Asia and across the ocean to Alaska, at that climate there are about 8 months for marching, this is before railroad after all, and there wasn't any road construction period set up by the Russians anywhere in the nes ))
    Instead of sending them to Alaska I will send them to the United States on ships from Europe. I will assume it will take 2 years to get all the troops there to fight.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • #77

      To Spain:
      We know that you are in no position to fight a offensive war. We expect France and our country to do most of the fighting. We will let you focus on your colonies and protecting your homeland.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • #78

        To Russia and Spain:
        We thank our dearest allies for your help against the Mexican and Lousiana.
        The whole of our Navy, together with the 40% of our army our now embarking, they will rest in Florida, and than attack Lousiana from the bottom, and they will be ready to march in New Orleans.

        To Britain:
        We thank you for your kind help against Mexico and Lousiana, in exchange for that, even if we are formally allied with France, we will keep the trade between our nations, and you'll receive our neutrality in the conflict.

        To Russia:
        We agree in selling you weapons, however, we can't do it now, as we will need them to fight the centrals.
        We also need to tell you that we can not embargo Britain, because our weak economy will suffer more from the embargo, than the British economy would, I hope you'll understand our situation.


        Military plans:
        the 40% of the United Stated army is now loading into the US Navy.
        The remaining 60% is currently building a defensive line all along the mexican border in Canada, and in some strategic points along the US-Lousiana border.

        The USA entered in war-mobilization, most of the people had been moved away from the big centres, and most of the young men had been drafted in the army.
        Therefore the army size of the United States is to be considered Medium.

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • #79
          British Agents sneak the 20,000 inmates from French Guyana into France. These men now given a second shot at life are terrorizing the French government, assailing the Bastille and murdering hundreds of French officers, all french military and domestic actions will have to take a second seat in order to handle the uprising of criminal masterminds and serial killers or suffer a huge population loss both domestic and military
          This is ridiculous. One more completely unrealistic thing and i'll call for a vote to kick you out of this NES.

          As only a small part of the Mexican military was needed in Canada, the rest has stabbed Louisiana in the back and captured New Orleans!

          To the US and Russia: Sorry about the attack on Canada, I had to convince Louisiana to attack immediately! What do you think of granting independence to the native americans in the areas of Canada I took? They would be very friendly to us as a result and would be a very valuable ally.

          To Spain: I am on your side. Grant independence to Central America and I will give you special rights in New Orleans (very important economically) and aid you in quelling Brazilian dissidents.


          • #80
            An add note: Bastille has been destroyed during the Revolution....
            Special forces do not exist, if you want to play a realistic game stay, if you want to do as your mind then stop playing this NES.


            • #81
              To Lousiana: (very secret)
              It looks like your Mexican "friends" betrayed you, however, this will give both a chance to have a little revenge against those Mexicans, if we unite our forces, and we attack them (you attack them from the West, and we will do it from North) we will be able to punish them for the treason they played against you, and for the sneak attack against us.
              If you give us the ok to the operations we will attack Mexico as soon as possible together with you, and this time, nobody will stab you on the back.

              To Mexico:
              it's not very clear to us what your real intentions are, but one thing is clear: you are not to be trusted.
              We will stop war actions against you for now, however we can not agree to your peace deal.

              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • #82
                News of the teacherous Mexican wars has come home to the mexican people, and tehy are not happy! Major riots break out in Veracruz and Mexico City! The president has fled north to Chihuahua, one of the few areas where support for the war is strong. The Mexican Legislature has called the president's secret negotiations "teasonous" and "dishonorable". The Legislature has elected the leader of the anti-war forces, named Pablo Gonzalez, temporary president.


                • #83
                  Portugese troops remain in position to defend their country.

                  To Spain: Give us at least part of Brazil


                  • #84
                    (( I researched the prison colony thing, and it was true, 20,000 is actually a conservative estimate, The prison was the only thing there until 1835, when industry moved in. The Population of the prison colony at its closing was 100,363 and at it's opening in 1798, 19,837, capturing 20,000 captives, many political enemies of Napoleon, is more than reasonable))

                    British Monarchy disbands Parliament! The king of England is now controlling all affairs, foreign and domestic.

                    A posse of Drunk British sailors got lost and ended up in France, raping dozens of women before coming to, one particularily cheeky fellow claims that the women just "changed their minds" The British will pay reparations as soon as the trade embargo is lifted.

                    The British Fleet in the northern Atlantic sink 6 Russian transport vessels headed in a southwesterly direction, Approxamately 10,000 Russians were killed, however 5000 are currently being held by the Brits. The Royal Navy Reports the loss of the infamous Frigate 'We Eat Frogs For Breakfast,' most noted for the captain during the hundred years war who proved his manhood by eating a French man's arm. The casualties for the British side number in the low 100's

                    Continuing Militaristic Development in England, the women's coalition for a stronger England are offering themselves as mothers to British soldiers who can prove that they personally killed an enemy soldier in battle, one soldier was quoted as saying, "it's good times."

                    Under cover of daylight, a French flag was paraded through the streets of London, that's right, through all the horse excrement and the drunkards, and the rats, the flag will be sent to France as a present.
                    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                    • #85
                      To US: We have a deal. We will also repay your country for the damages our invasion has caused.

                      To The World(but not Mexico): We ask for your forgiveness. We only attacked the US because our ally, Mexico, asked us to help them. However, they stabbed us in the back. They are truly evil; please join us in punishing them for their untrustworthyness!
                      The part of the Louisianan army that stayed in Louisiana during the US offensive is now moving into Mexico. Some are moving west into New Mexico territory and Oregon territory, and others are moving southwest into Texas. Most of the soldiers coming home from the US offensive will remain at home.


                      • #86

                        Franco-Sweedish War of 1816 - 1819
                        The Sweedish government has fled into exile in LOndon, and the Sweedish Army has surrndered. AS the rmnants of the Sweedish NAvy (armund 50%, British intellegince isn't all it seems these days!!) is now under French Admirilty the Sweedish Colony of Greenland and the remaing Sweedish territory in Scandinavia has been annexed to THE FRENCH EMPIRE. Emperor NApoleon SHeep has announced that Sweeden is the example of all those who dare insult he, the Emperor of France.

                        French Diplomacy:

                        To Britain: (secret) Release our people from thos ships, return our colonies and withdraw from French territory, and we will lift the trade embargo. No need for reparations for all those French whores your sailors went after. They are just unhappy that the sailors didn't pay for their fun as per usual buisness, but as it is illegal, well yeah. Note also that any attempt to intefere with the French Navy and any of it allies will result in war. We can no longer tolerate this. Perhaps the speedy return of all the Russian ships and sailors you have captured would do much to secure a peace. Also I must add that it has come to my attention that the Sweedish government is in exile in your country. I ask you to expel them before they cause trouble between our two great nations. They are no longer the legitiamte government of Sweeden, I am in Lower Sweeden and Norway as well as Greenland, Russia is in the rest. They better get used to that fact cause it ain't changing for nothing.

                        To Spain: 25% of the GRand Armee has now moved up to the Spanish - Griblatar border to prevent English invasion.

                        To Russia: I support your defence of the USA, but will support our European ally instead. (secret) Maybe we can use the USA as a diversion over complete invasion of the BRitish ISles.

                        To Protugal: be aware

                        TO Spain, USA, Louisiana and Russia: I send you 5 million frnacs to help you against Mexican Aggression.

                        French Projects and Stats

                        Name: THe GReater French Empire
                        GOvernment: Egalitarinim Dictatorship
                        Capital: Paris
                        Ruler: EMperor Napoleon SHeep

                        Army: Very Huge (800, 000)
                        Navy: Large

                        Navy LArge to Very LArge 2yrs
                        African Colonial Expansion 1yr
                        Army: VEry Huge to Imperial 3yrs
                        Imperial Congress: 2yrs (allowing a small amount of democracy, but most of the power is still in the Emperor's grasious hands.)

                        occ: My condolences to those of the NES I just ****ed up. PLease accept my apologies and I will try and keep it in mind in the future. Also Napoleon was pretty egotistical so I am trying to get into character. Don't take any slights against you personally, for Napoleon was a bastard
                        Last edited by Sheep; October 17, 2002, 11:38.
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • #87
                          French Grande Armee Dispostion (this is secret to all)

                          This information is secret to all but I posted it to show that I do not intend to cheat

                          Army: 800,000 men in the field at the present, 500 strong general staff in Paris.
                          Reservists: 400,000
                          French Foreign Legion: 60,000
                          Navy: 200 ships (25 formerly Sweedish)

                          The Grande Armee
                          Sweeden: 160,000 (40,000 casualties have been taken in the annexation of the Sweedish nation, 10,000 dead, all have been replaced by the French Emperor by special decree.

                          Spain: 150,000 on the Griblatar border defnding Spain, 200,000 more en route.

                          France: 100,000 supresing revolts, 18,000 criminal terrorist have been executed, an estimated 2,500 still at large.

                          The Rest of the Empire: 190,000 Keeping order, and defending the borders with the Otoman Empire, and Russia. (NB Mainly only Border Patrols on the Russian frontier, to prevent international crime.

                          Resevists: Mainly those soldiers of Italy and Germanic States, some helping in capture of released prisoners, others in customs jobs

                          French Foreign Legion: 60,000 in Northern France, 30,000 of these in Egypt.

                          100 Ships in French Ports
                          25 In Sweeden
                          75 IN the MEditerranean defending French Colonial Empire.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • #88
                            News from the front
                            After having helped the Lousianian in retaking their Capital, The main part of the US Army droped down into Washington territories, Idaho, and reunite with the Lousiana armies in Oregon.
                            The Us Army especially won two great battles at Spokane (WA) and Boise City(ID) and most of it is now resting at Eugene (OR)

                            The US Navy instead enganged into combat in the Carrebean, however the US Fregate fleet suffered heavy damage, and was forced to retire, and the Newly formed Ironclad fleet is not big enough to take on the Mexican Navy.

                            However Admiral Fox reported that the Mexican Navy suffered heavy losses as well, as their ships were less armoured, and easily to sink.
                            Approsimately 10 US ships were sunked, and 15 damaged, against the 12 Mexican sunked and 6 heavily damaged.
                            But the Mexican Navy is still too much bigger for the US.

                            Under the command of General Foster, the US 10th Cavalry Regiment inflicted on the Mexicans army very big casualities, suffering very little. In a big battle at Tonopah, ver near to the former British-Mexican border.

                            Thanks to the money received from the French Government, the US Navy will now be able to speed up her production of Ironclads, in about 2 years we should have a Medium Size Navy composed only from Ironclads

                            (OOC: Was Ironclads already invented at the time?, otherwise my post above wouldn't make much sense)

                            To France: USA thank you for your great economic help, any help will be very good for us in this war against MExico.

                            To Lousiana: Glad we founded the deal, our forces are currently marching south, we meet your forces in Oregon, next time we shall meet in Mexico City

                            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                            The trick is the doing something else."
                            — Leonardo da Vinci
                            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                            • #89
                              I think that Ironclads were not arround untill the Civil War, when they were first devopled and when steam power was already in use on ships.

                              To Britain:
                              We warned you what would happen if you attacked our navy again. We are trying to defend an ally, and you attack us? Stop playing around and declare war on Russia. Russian Ships will now open fire on any British ships that come with in sight of them. We will not let you destroy our fleet ship by ship. Be warned Britain, do not interfer in Russian affairs again!!!!

                              To France(Top Secret):
                              The Attacks of the British navy cannot be torralerated. We need to stop the British, for even when I try to defend an ally they attack our ships. We tryed to be peacefull with them, but we see the British are good for nothing and need to be destroyed. We will support an invasion of Britain now. And to think we acuatally thought of becoming friends with the British, but these attacks on our navy show how evil Britain really is. We requesst help in protecting our fleet from the British navy, any ships you can spare we would appericate it.

                              Navy resreach complete.
                              Navy to huge(3 years)
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • #90
                                News from Russia:
                                After news came to the Russian homeland of the attack on the Russian fleet by the British, the people of Russia started to anti British demonstrations in the streets of all Russian cities. One group came and marched to the czar's home and demanded that Russia declare war on Britain and teach them a lession. The czar made a speech that soon the British would learn in the near future that they cannot attack Russia and get away with it, and that Russian troops would march into London and burn the enire city to the ground for what they have done to the Russian navy. After the group draged the British flag in the mud and excrement of farm aniamals the through the sewers and sent to London as a present.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

