i had a long post but it got lost so here it is short: I agree with iraq but still want to join warsaw. THe terrorists' convictions are overturned but now are serving 30 years for felony theft.
No announcement yet.
SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton
Camel Hussein stepped out into the sunlight from the limo. His Sikh Guards magically appeared beside him. They moved so fast and silently, he often wondered if they weren't ghosts and he had died in the attack six months ago.
His last few months had been rough. The amount of therapy and training he had received to deal with his condition and the pressure for him to recover from both the country and his wife and friends was hard for one person to handle.
He had not been in Amman for several years. And back then he had his eyesight. But he imagined there were more modern sounds in the air. The hospital was right next to the university and he could hear young men loudly discussing the politics of the day unaware that the recovering President was only a few feet away.
The voice in his ear said, "Sir, it is just straight ahead, up a ramp for about 5 meters and then the doors open automatically. We'll go forward about 10 meters through an auditorium..."
Camel slapped him aside impatiently. "I'll take it from there. Let's be off. I need to know what this young man knows."
Although Camel was recovering and Juda was the acting President, he still wielded much authority and had unofficially launched his own investigation into the matter. While there had been no breach of nuclear security, Camel had a sinking feeling that somehow this attack on the Azerbajani general had something to do with the attack in Athens. After all, they both happened at the same time.
Minutes later, Camel arrived at Tariq's room.
"Hello Agent Aziz, I don't know if you recognize me but I'm Camel Hussein."
Tariq looked at the man. He was in a huge black overcoat with the collars turned up and a hat far down on his face. He wore a pretty ugly pair of dark sunglasses, too.
Aziz was in no mood for politics as he basically was one of the people who believed on a "pox on both houses." He had no intention to talking to this politician about his case and had, in the past few hours, trying to make contact with his headquarters. Something about a strike and no one was answering the phone.
But Tariq reflexively came to attention for the man who was the commander in chief. Camel laughed and said, "At ease, Tariq, at ease. You don't have to stand to attention in bed! Besides, my wife is now the President."
"I asked the doctors to call me when you came to. I'm only a couple hours away in Jerusalem. Alot of people are trying to sweep this investigation of what happened under the covers and you might be a little miffed to know that the Jordanian Governor had the police guard pulled off you."
Aziz gripped the sides of the bed and remembered the Greek. He said, "Tell me, Sir. Who was found at Gaza airport besides the General."
Camel replied: "There was a massive man tied up to the chair. His throat had been split both top to bottom and left to right. Pretty gory sight, I am told. The immediate police investigation cleared you and it suggested that there was at most one other person involved, someone well-versed in the art of knives. You and the General were also at the scene of several murders down by the Gaza harbor. You or the General killed a big kahuna there and you have made some enemies abroad."
Aziz, "Look, we were attacked by this guy. A kid, a Greek kid. Fastest set of knives I have ever seen. Told me about his "master" and left me to die. I think the General saved me. "
A pause.
"So he's dead."
Tariq looked down at his hands. "There's something else."
Camel nodded, "Go on."
"I was investigating Senator Rafsannjanni. Did you know that?"
Camel arched an eyebrow. "Your office was ransacked and we lost the backup files up north in an accident. One of the workers in the new Intelligence Agency accidentally blew up a kerosene tank and the fire ripped through the A-C files. Yours was in the A section. You know the way Pita Lorrey ran that place. He had at least 240 field agents working on things that only he and the field agent know about. Pita is dead, too, by the way. Died in Athens. I'm told the hospital staff told you all about what happened up there."
Camel had never liked Lorrey, he was always demanding better behaviour and putting him on crap jobs but now he was mostly frightened that Lorrey was gone. The man had done a good job.
Camel waved his hands around to get his attention. "Hello? What about Rafsannjanni? Why would your investigation take you to these terrorists?"
Aziz was getting perturbed at this politician and his insistence on knowing internal business.
"You know, Sir, I hope you don't mind me saying but those are really ugly sunglasses."
"I know, I know. My new trade advisor, Mr. Ray Ban, wants to manufacture a pair of sunglasses for me. He says they will make me look cool."
Aziz laughed. "But you'll still be blind." Camel laughed, "yeah, I know." The ice had broken.
Camel sat down. "Why don't you start at the beginning, son?"Last edited by Samuel Johnson; May 18, 2002, 09:05.
OK - one last post!
While Camel was in Amman speaking with Tariq, the Senate had started voting.
Juda had a stiff upper lip but knew they were in trouble when Fareeka unleashed her little bombshell before her final campaign speech to the Senate. Senator Rafsannjanni had informed the Senate that she had recently unearthed documents that proved that the late Pita Lorrey was actually a Eastern European spy, trained personally by USSR's Mr. Beria. Juda had looked over at the Dhubai Governor but he would not return her gaze. All around him, the mullah Senators were scolding him for his support of the Liberal party. Juda had known about Pita's background since his death and had watched as Rafsannjanni subtly went about her smear campaign.
Now she could take it no more and she loudly interrupted the Senator's speech with cries that "Lorrey was a national hero! There is not one shred of evidence that he was working for Beria!"
But her outburst only increased the chants from the Iraqi, Arabian and Jordanian Senators of "BABYLON! BABYLON!" One of Senator Rafsanjanni's platform plans was to change the name of Iraq to Babylon and apparently the Arabs liked the idea of reviving the empire.
After the Senator was finished, Juda gave her speech and tried to appeal to everyone's ideals and was politely applauded by some of the Iraqi and Mediterraneans Senators and almost all of Senators from Turkey and Caucasus. The Freemasons with their third eye pendants and long flowing robes sat silently watching Rafsanjanni.
The final vote was 41-40 and Senator Rafsannjanni made a triumphant acceptance speech in which she praised the former administration but said that changes would be made. She spoke of her vision of a new air force, doubling the rate of the shipbuilding and an overhaul of all the infantry into mechanized units. She said she was not against the Iraqi Business Machine Research Lab being built in Ankara but that it would have to wait until the new infantry were trained. She suprised everyone by announcing that a barracks would be built on the site of the Athens Music Hall and the Greek representative left in protest.
The Administration had two months to perform the transition before the Inaguration and so Juda went back to her office dejectedly to make transition plans and try to steel the country for the turbulent years ahead.
Camel sat back after had heard the story from Agent Aziz.
"Tariq. I am going into business for myself. The owners of Columbia Broadcast Media, Levi Jeans and Skippy Peanut Butter are all good friends of mine and have agreed to start the funding for a non-profit institute. Our basic mission will be to do good things in the world in the name of the Iraqi people."
He reached out for Tariq's hand. A blind man's motion looking to touch something as he spoke.
"You know you have no future in the government - the intelligence agency is being controlled more and more by the Senate and you apparently have enemies there. Besides, our headquarters will be in a lovely place - just right for you to recuperate."
Aziz looked at him questioningly. "What are you asking?"
Camel drew back. "I want you to be a field agent for us. We're going to call it the Phoenix Institute."
Tariq's breath was knocked out of him. His wife had disappeared in the shape of a phoenix. Perhaps this was the unfinished business.
Tariq moved Camel's hand alongside his bedridden body and laughed, "So, when do I start, blind man?"
Camel's grin came out from behind the shadow of his hat. "You will have to tell this story to the Gaza police - and my wife needs to know about this right away - but you will need to do more recovering. Listen to the Doctor. He is a good friend of mine and helped me found this hospital. "
Camel broke personal contact and got up.
"Oh, by the way, I have posted a 24-hour guard on your room with Phoenix funds. Get well. See you in Cyprus."
Camel asked his guards to quickly get him to a phone so he could talk to his wife about this breakthrough.
Juda listened to the story but was unimpressed. "Rafsanjanni's spin machine will take this and spit it out. There's nothing to tie her with this. All the evidence has been destroyed and you only have the word of this man who has been in a coma. Perhaps he imagined the whole thing. The governor of that region is in Rasfanjanni's pocket. He'll squash any official investigation.
"We need to spend our energy on this transition. We need to make sure that any last minute project we want done is funded and completed in the last few months."
Camel reluctantly agreed. "Our treasury isn't large, you know, since the accident. Is there any excess goods we can sell on the international market? I know the coffee from Kish isn't ready yet. What about these blue jeans that Levi is trying to sell?"
Modish turned off the radio receiver. "What did he mean, India guards the well...?"
He had requested the military put all new visitors to the island under 24 hour curfew despite the fact that the Republic of Iraq had not issued any sort of directives on what to do about the India situation. They would need to take over one of the burgeoning hotels here in the island and he needed to talk to the military proconsul about it.
He and the proconsul had at first argued but one day he found the General reading some of the Freemason literature. The proconsul, a Marine General, became more interested in what the Center was doing. The General was a fan of ancient Babylonian culture and had studied the military of the time extensively and recognized some of the arcane symbols. He began to talk to Modish about what he was observing and they found they both had an interest in ancient Babylonian history. They had had several dinners together and spoke often about this subject and their relationship had substantially improved as a result.
Modish's representatives in Baghdad relayed news of the Ba'aath takeover via UHF SATCOM (on lease from the Canadians) but as his futurists had already considered this as the likely outcome, he had been preparing himself for months.
Still, although the Freemasons publically supported the Liberals -- after all, it was Camel who allowed Kish to come about -- they had an obsessive interest in this power-hungry knife warrior who was the descendent of Gilgamesh and would now be the ruler of Babylon.
The tales of Gilgamesh was the basis for alot of the Freemason occult sudies. Much of their philosophy explained the meaning behind the Gilgamesh "myth."
They had extensive files on all of King Gilgamesh's descendents, as well as the Hammarabis, the Nebuchudazzars and Modish's own ancestor, King Sargon. They also studied the Egyptians and the Persians in the same manner.
But they were most intensely interested in the lore surrounding the one who built the arc in our around 3000 B.C. He supposedly came from the flood plains that formed the modern Iraq state.
By all accounts, his bloodline had died out yet there were markings all around the Middle East that suggested he had lived for a substantially long period of time after the flood. Some lore even suggested he walked the earth today.
Modish got up from his desk and sighed. But now... on to more mundane matters.Last edited by Samuel Johnson; May 18, 2002, 10:35.
THE REPUBLIC OF Iraq requests that all visitors outside of citizens from the Middle East MPP (formerly Band of Jihad) support our 24 hour quarentine policy. A comfortable room will be made available to everyone attempting to cross our borders but we realize that there will be a waiting list as a result. Please bear with us until this latest Indian situation is resolved. Persia and Egypt are assumed to have similar policies regarding those outside the Middle East MPP.
"Come to order! There will be time for pie afterwards!" Ivan Aronovich opened the UN council.
"Before we begin official business I would like to assure everyone that my leg is healing well, and I should be the premier of the USSR for many years to come." Polite, if not enthusiastic applause, although some soft hisses could be almost heard beneath it.
"Very well. Let's debate the issues."
The USSR proposes a solution to this issue. UN supervised plebicites will be held in the Greek territiory, and the Greek citizens can vote to stay occupied, or become independent.
Indian situation
The USSR is also dispatching its best medical technicians to study the illness. We vote for closed borders and quarantine until we can learn more about this new danger.
Indian membership
The USSR supports independence of this region, and vows to protect this new nation.
South Pole
USSR agrees that this should be tabled for now. Veto.
We propose cooperation amoung the world's intelligence agencies to get to the bottom of this disease of our world.
Terrorism is a security council issue, all others are open to general assembly vote.Last edited by Rotten999; May 18, 2002, 11:17.
Juda Hussein in her last address to the U.N. is happy to hear the Secretary-General has recovered. We have no other matters to bring to this council.
We support this solution and await negotiations on a time table.
Indian situation
We have had a suprise breakthrough in the Amman hospital and, if invited by India, we will send our doctor-biologist, Dr. Lederberg, to the India with a small security detail.
Indian membership
We support independence for Australia and support efforts to protect it as it develops its own security solutions.
South Pole
We agree with this veto but support open colonization to occur in Antartica. That said, we have no designs on this continent.
We will cooperate in any investigation of the possible bioterrorism and any continued nuclear terrorist threat.
IRAQ universities and scientists have completed its work on Computers and is now beginning research into miniaturization of these computing components. This was one of the last acts pushed through the Senate by Juda Hussein.
The incoming President opposes the research grants in miniaturization and instad wants to study Satellites. The Senate has approved miniaturization because of an adhoc coalition of coastal and northern states who believe this will allow us to mine the seas for resources like the USSR and other advanced countries.
In the modern age, Iraq has knowledge of Ecology, Recycling, Rocketry, Space Flight, Fission Nuclear Power and Computers.
I tabled it so india could have a vote, Civman, that's the only reason, it's called object to the consideration of the question in the UN, and is used when discussing something will be unfair to a people of a given country.
BEER agrees all of Greece should be returned, however BEER will remain in control of the Uranium Fields, (no people live there anyway cause it's still polluted and being cleaned) until a strong leader (an actual player who is not a settler made in May 2002, I'm suspecting multiples) shows up and has an opinion which Greece agrees with. BEER will continue its cleanup, and the Greeks in BEER's congress will be sent home, regardless of the rumors sent in by Iraq's underground radio in Bonschnooglia, the Greeks, like all our states, have just as much representation as any other given state, which is why BEER no longer engages in aggressive military action.
Indian situation
BEER strongly supports finding a cure quickly. We vote for closed borders and quarantine until we can learn more about this new danger.
Indian membership
BEER supports independence of this region, and vows to protect this new nation.
South Pole
BEER Vetos until next session.
Terrorism We agree with the sovietsFirst Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...