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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • The word "Clusterflub" appears in the TV-censored version of a certain Clint Eastwood war film that I won't name. It's a noun that refers to a confused situation.

    Big wars tend to be clusterflubs instead of the dramatic "wrath of heaven" situation they should be. Someone basically declares themselves the winner, war over, re-color map. I find the diplomacy far more interesting, and actually think creating a rather peaceful climate was a greater achievement than declaring my army "collossal/gigantic" and overrunning someone. Just an opinion.

    With that in mind the UN meets tomorrow (one year has elapsed). Submit important issues for vote! I'll wait until noon or so to put everything on the table. Right now the issues are Indian Immigration/Disease situation, Indian UN membership, South Pole colonization (lots of prime land there, I suppose...edit: tabled by BEER for future session), Greece, Australia, and the World's terrorist problem.
    Last edited by Rotten999; May 18, 2002, 01:14.


    • I think he did Skilord
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • I'm planning to imitate the NES mods at CFC and develop a method for combat so it won't be as random as it is.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • On the situation in India, BEER has established a medical corps, made up of some of the finest medical minds of BEER, to aid the Indian People in their battle against this disease. All BEER medcorps currently are wearing biomed suits so that they will not be contaminated by the Virus. BEER suggests India release some of it's large army to attempt to repopulate as this seems to be a fatal disease. BEER is showing a general concern here, not only for india, but also it's close neighbors, and friends of BEER, Iraq, China, Japan, and Russia.

          BEER would like to know the other nations' opinions on BEERs proposals of Greece and of Antarctica, and to a lesser effect Australia.

          Mack left Woodstock early in the hopes to get a head start on his honeymoon at an undisclosed location, I am Mikalo, the commander of BEER's Navy, respectfully submitting BEER's Stances.

          Mikalo, the one surrounded by beautiful French women.
          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


          • To Egypt

            Canada proposes a deal. I am willing to sell you, for a hefty price, Madagascar.

            Canadian Scientists are working day and night to develop a way to place permanent buildings on the moon, making colinization possible. It will take a while. Permanent Canadian Sattelites have also been put into orbit for the purpouses of Intelligence and *gasp* weather forecasting.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • BEER holds a parade in honor of weather forecasting YAY
              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


              • Canada has a proposal for antarctica:

                It could actually be a helpful testing site for those nations engaged in extraterrestrial (meaning outer space not alien) research ergo several small national centers (like embassies) should be created along with a single large UN funded center for those nations unable to found their own buildings there and as a neutral meeting ground for those nations that have established centers on the continent. Each Center could be supplied with 1 battalion of light troops and the UN center with 1 battalion from each nation or 1 battalion composed of soldiers from each nation.
                Should Oil, or some other precious commodity, be found on this continent private corporations would be allowed to procure it, any substance procured under such conditions and any revenue gained by it will not be taxed by any government, with the exception of tariffs, and will instead be taxed by the UN. Any tariffs that any nation has must be imposed upon said good even in the event that the company selling the afforementioned substance should be a domestic corporation.

                I think a Battalion is an approprite amount of soldiers. I feel that there is a need for trained soldier/peacekeeping personell even in this peaceful effort.
                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                • ((when Civman said that either russia or Beer should break off from warsaw, i dont think he ment just for a big war. It wpuld be fun to negociate with the 2 superpowers. now, everyone just goes on warsaw's side because they are too powerful. of course civman, tell me if im wrong))


                  • Iraq respectfully suggests that the BEER Greek proposal is one-sided. Greek self-determination should be done as a whole or not at all. Why should just the regions under Iraqi protectorship and former Chinese protectorship be given self-determination? It looks like a thinly veiled attempt to remove Iraq from Greece so that the imperialist BEER forces can crush any remaining nationalism in Greece. We note the subtle threats that are being made against Iraq with concern.

                    Also, the Greek version of self-determination does not include an option to continue under Iraqi rule. We have offered the Greek people a voice in our parliment if they choose this offer.

                    If just the BEER proposal makes it to the security council, Iraq will veto. We also will use our right to veto other measures that BEER advances unless this issue is addressed to our satisfaction.

                    Signed Juda Hussein (who survived the attack and is now a candidate for the Presidency)


                    • thrusters, the next time i see you cursing you'll get a short "vacation" from the forums

                      be civil. thanks
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
             my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog



                        "From coast to coast, from town to town and to all ships at sea, this is Walter Winchell bringing you the news of today.

                        We go immediately to Sparta in the BEER-occupied Peloponnese region of Greece where rioting continues and in fact has intensified over the last few hours. Dino DeLaurentis is on the ground there with a report."

                        "Yes, Walter. Rioters on the left who started the current strife in protest against the military draft and what they termed BEER-led racist imperialism were joined by members of the right who protested against BEER's leaked proposal to the U.N. They echoed the words of Juda Hussein and chanted such slogans as "All of Greece or none of it!" and "BEERski go home!" What seems to have inflamed them also is the callous way the BEER troops <> have reacted to the riots causing dozens of deaths of protesters in the past few weeks. While in the past, the conservatives in this region had not participated in the protests, they are now here in full force. Shops have been closed down and the police are trying, I emphasize trying, to enforce a curfew.

                        I witnessed a horrific sight earlier today when two BEER policemen were dragged off the riot line and torn literally apart by the angry mob. I talked with one Spartan shopkeeper who said that if it comes down to it, Peloponnese would prefer Iraqi rule where they would have a voice in the parliment. Back to you Walter."

                        "Thanks - reactions in other cities of Greece was muted except for unconfirmed reports that a massive crackdown is underway in the Soviet held provinces. But unfortunately, our reporters are not allowed access to those areas. In the rest of Europe, Rome, Madrid and Paris held a massive sick-out in support of Greece. This shut down production and is further inflaming the situation.

                        The BEER president,meanwhile, was unavailable for comment and rumors spread throughout Greece that a military coup had taken place.

                        Back in Iraq, candidates for the Presidency made last minute campaign stops to shore up their support. Senator Rafsanjanni who has been accused of several monetary scandals still maintains strong support in the Southern Iraq provinces while Juda Hussein, acting President, has maintained her husband's traditional support in the North. She has been fighting off allegations that her government was lax towards terrorism and was responsible for the escape of Saddam Hussein. We are told that Judah has made a last minute appeal to Dubai to change their vote in exchange for the building of a large entertainment complex which the conservatives in that region reject but the more liberal governor supports.

                        and in other news, a massive monument to former cultural minister Halie Selassie was unveiled on the Iraqi/Egyptian border today to commemorate Halie's ability to transcend cultures. A delegation from the American Caribbean was present and planned later to speak with the Egyptian President about his plans for a unified Africa.

                        In Athens, a sad Mayor Melina Mercouri toured the former site of the Athens music hall. When asked by the workers what would be built here next, she showed her streak of Greek pessimism and replied, "Well, if Senator Rafsannjani has her way, you guys ought to go down and start repairing the ship building facility. If Juda Hussein is elected, I am sure that the music hall would be rebuilt."

                        In Beirut, a massive sign advertising a new apartment complex was now in view of the the studios that Sir Alec Guinness has set up to make Iraqi films. The sign says "HOLLYWOOD HILLS" and can be seen for miles and miles. It has caused alot of complaints from the locals but Sir Alec said that he thought it was great because the film industry was all centered in the suburb of Hollywood anyway and that this would announce it to the world. Quoting Alec, "Iraqi culture is becoming the envy of the world!"

                        In Istanbul, workers protesting overtime and other issues brought the Intelligence Agency construction to a halt. The Iraqi goverment quickly agreed to a pay raise and installed a makeshift theater so the workers could see the new Iraqi films.

                        Police in Gaza announced that they were no closer in solving the case of the murdered General. The Iraqi Investigative Agent who was found at the bloody scene remains in a coma and was said to be fighting for his life. The General had knowledge of our nuclear capabilities but the government reiterated again that Iraqi nuclear secrets are safe and secure.

                        And finally, in closing, on the six month anniversary of the terrorist attack, let us take some time in our day to remember those that were among the thousands lost.

                        This is Walter Winchell on Radio Free Europe. Good day!"


                        • The Jordanian nurse in the Amman hospital looked at the patient. Such a handsome man. She had been keeping his beard trimmed throughout the past six months and had even spent hours talking to him about her life and her problems. She was concerned because she saw his lip trembling. That was different. She wondered what he was thinking...

                          ... He was back on the mountan with his wife, Adar, only this time it was he that was hanging onto to her hand, dangling over the edge. He had been here before many times and it was always the same, over and over. He looked up at Adar and the wind blew away the tears from her eyes. She kept on saying, "let go,let go." Why was she saying that - why did she say that everytime? If he let go, he would die. And so he held on and he knew what would happen next. The burning would start at his feet and then slowly, tortuously climb up his body until only his arm and his head were left. He would look into Adar's eyes one last time and then he would turn into ash and blow across the plains under Mt. Ararat.

                          But this time Adar was more insistent. "Tariq. You must let go. You have to let go. It is time." His eyes teared up and he felt that familiar burning feeling in his feet again. Time for what? For him to join her? His lip trembled, "I can't." She said, "You must. You still have life. You can't cling to me forever. You know how it will only turn out." He wanted to be with her so bad yet still he felt he had unfinished business. And so, Tariq let go and as he fell away, the wind died down and Adar's tears fell down into the valley creating a large lush lake. As he fell backwards into the cool lake, he saw her lift up into the air and like a phoenix flare up into the heavens.

                          When he awoke, there were several people peering down at him. At first he thought they had saved him from drowning in the lake but as his head cleared he recognized the familiar doctor and nurse uniforms.

                          "You've been through quite alot, Agent Aziz," said one rather pretty nurse to his right. "The doctor here is probably going to win the Nobel prize in medicine because of you."

                          The doctor chuckled, "Well, you had a severe infection and we were treating it but it kept on coming back. I did some research with our friends in the Baghdad university and we discovered that bacteria can reproduce and that was what was driving the problem. So..."

                          The Doctor stopped as the patient grabbed his collar. "Saddam? Has he been caught?" The Doctor straightened up and gently removed the hand from his collar. "Saddam? No. No one knows where he is. What's this about?" Tariq wheezed, "what about the Senator?"

                          "The Senator?"

                          "Rafsanjanni, Rafsanjanni," Tariq mouthed impatiently.

                          "Oh yes, you'll be happy to know that she is running for President. Your background file said nothing about your interests in politics."

                          Tariq fell back on his bed and let out a long sigh.

                          "Now, I want you to relax. There's a special visitor who is one his way to talk to you."


                          • ooc: that is a very good stroy

