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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • Uh, i would be'll get to write about planning to have the french in france rebel and have fun with that .

    No. We know the Machiavellian plans you have and will not aid you in pursuing them. However, if I can get the Senate's approval, I'll give you some workers well trained in pollution cleanup. Now wait, you said I'm in charge of your army or did a misunderstand you:
    Our infantry and artillery would submit to your command


    • "Citizens of China" belowed the voice of Mr. Communist "as you all know, we have been attcked buy some members of the warsaw pact. These countries have a very distinct reputation for attacking without notice. They feel they are our superior and are acting those emotions. They have destroyed our president and assasinated our deputy comrrade.

      Shouts of anger came from the crowd.

      "Down with warsaw down with warsaw" they shouted over and over until the comreade could finnaly get them to listen to him.

      "They must be stopped!! I call all able bodied men to the armed forces and all others will be set to begin work on rebiulding our glourius navy and starting an unstoppable airforce!!!!. We will beging constructing balistic missles and use them when needed along with our ally, Greece"

      The comrade stepped down and stated walking twords his limosine to take him back to his residence.

      When he arrived there he was gretedby his deputy comreade.

      "What a speech sir, that whole bit about me being assasinated by the members of the warsaw pact really got the anger flowing throug there blood" praised The deputy

      "Well friend, it was only half of a lie" and the commrade gave a quick nod to his guards and shots were fiered. "Sorry friend, but i could't let the word out that you are still alive.


      • wow! over 250 posts in under a week on a forum with under 20 daily visitors!


        • occoops. they didn't destroy our president


          • My Dearest D-I-C-K,

            If America chooses to lead a coalition to deal with Greece, subject to U.N. Security Council approval, we would be glad to offer our meager military forces in assistance. My parliment agrees with me. However, we do need some sort of compensation for the radiation that is flowing into our country. Whether it comes from Greece or the people who attacked Greece with nuclear weapons matters little to us. Fair compensation would be the transferrence of technology to help us in the clean-up and understanding of radioactivity.

            With Respect,

            The REPUBLIC of Iraq


            • The Great Leader walks into his thrown room for a meeting wearing only his “I love Britain” t-shirt and lucky underwear ... 10 minutes latter in the great discussion on his portable pink labtop Its has been decided!!!! The British will join Warsaw. The generals decided that the more allies the better The leader 's only complaint or worry was only that they might not have pink labtops..
              I'm Super Crazy
              My song
              I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • an understanding of radioactivity...right...what makes me think this "understanding" won't be used against me?? Get the greeks to pay you.


                • 10 minutes without a post...amazing. If there are no more posts within 5 minutes I'm leaving until later tonight (actually get some civ played for the 1st time since the NES started )


                  • ok bye everyone...


                    • "Your leadership its time for a nuclean holocost" general apple pie said (I've gotten bored already time to nuke and send in the troops bofore I confirm nukes against grece how does war work???) "yes it is well time to get ready for nukes and war on insanly and crazily stupid GRECE " YELLED THE GREAT LEADER
                      I'm Super Crazy
                      My song
                      I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • can I get some map recognition for my Greek invasion?

                        To All: BEER is spearheading a campaign to destroy the Axis of Evil, and all of its supporters. I have stopped any form of trade with Greece, and have hindered China by stopping my shipments for their former aid in my conquest of Germany.

                        To Free France: I am issuing an apology for the invasion of the former Italian dictator, and Greece, rest assured, Paris is being cleaned up, and the people are not being mistreated in any way. The Axis of Evil is the Enemy now, I hope you realize this.

                        To Greece: Should you refuse to end this Axis of Evil, I will begin sowing your fields with salt.

                        To China: Your declaration of war has made you nothing short of Warmongering Vermin, prepare for WAR!! (hehe, I've always wanted to say that )

                        To Britain: Thank you for joining the Warsaw Pact. I am sorry for the evil which Greece has wrought upon you unprovoked, please aid me with naval power to Blocade Madagascar, so a revolution may happen, and prevent further Greek evils from plagueing this world.

                        To Canada: Your financing of most of my new military production to destroy greece is most appreciated, I hope our friendship grows.

                        The Army of BEER advances into Greece another 1/3 of the way, taking control of the radioactive Uranium mines, Greece is now a shadow of it's former self.

                        The Airforce of beer begins Air superiority missions throughout Greece to assure that no "hidden" missiles will be launched.

                        BEER No longer recognizes China as a viable nation, only as a rebellious Colony of Canada's which must be squashed out of rebellion.

                        BEER gives it's full approval to the Russian Rebellion in Zululand.
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • President John Paul stood on the bow of the great battleship, The Redeemer
                          "Today My countrymen we meet to prepare the next stage of our attacks on the Axis of evil. The Nation of Madagascar, formerly a Zulu province has been taken by the greek dogs, we are here to liberate it, as however the zulu are on the brink of destruction, we shall keep it canadian untuil such a time as it has sufficient infrastructure for self goverment. (plus it's hard enough finding players anyway)"
                          The offensive was sweeping, with greek troops trying desperately to defend Greece, there were'n't enough to defend the distand lands under her control, Madagascar fell quickly.
                          (that's how a war works, keep it real please)

                          Beijing, the site of the Chinese plans for ballistic missiles, was demolished by a ballistic missile, the Canadian president claims that he was only trying to help their researcch by showing them what one could do. A new attack was made in southern China, hopefully eventually there will be a "pincer' effect.
                          Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                          • "Great Britain must Grow I send in all navel ships leaving to ships to defend myself... I'm dropping food and water for any rebelious greeks that will aid warsaw with information and troops I send 750 medics to the aid of any wounded warsaw troops I leave all other war troops in garrison in my capital leader of the great beer army i give you full trust of one of my nuclear launch keys in case any big problem happen in greece" Good luck armey of beer I need in all my navel force no destroy the harbour of greece I would like at least 45% of the territory we win".
                            I'm Super Crazy
                            My song
                            I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            • Not only does greece refuse to end the Axis of Evil alliance she also begins supporting suicide bombers in the cities of your pathetic empires. Warsaw's citiczens are dying by the hundred as are thoise through out the world, everyone will pay untuil, and after peace should i not win! Stronger and Stronger bombs are being strapped to them, i reccomend that you surrender!

                              To Canada:

                              One day Madagascar will be mine again!
                              Last edited by Cap'n Crunch; May 14, 2002, 19:40.
                              You and the Cap'n make it happen!


                              • last setence sorry for bad grammer
                                im seeding all navel force to destroy and Blocade Madagascar I wish
                                I'm Super Crazy
                                My song
                                I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

