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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • To All Countries Britain has annouced full peace our srmies have been temporaly dispand we are sorry warsaw about launching the nukes but you never stated "No Nukes"... The Great Leader has posted.
    I'm Super Crazy
    My song
    I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Ming Chung has officially come to power in China. He has sey up a type of governement his people call republic with hopes of moving on to Democracy as soon as possible

      To Beer and Canada, Thank you very much for your support for the peolple of China, your friendship after such atrocities commited by my country will not be forgotton.

      To the soveits, please relinquish hold of your part of Greece to China. This is not a threat, but a request as my country lost vast numbers of our military for to gain control of that region.

      To Britain, I thank you for your aid but you are surly going to make the demise of your self if you continue to use nuclear weapons.

      thank you all, Ming Chung


      • "I can see my house from here!" with those famous words, the Cosmonaut Chekov took the first step on the moon.

        It was later revealed that the Cosmonauts had smuggled vodka aboard the moon mission, and Chekov repeatedly falling down and vomiting was not in fact caused by the low gravity of the moon, at least not entirely.

        The USSR has completed the Apollo program. Their next goal: interplanatary travel, exploration, and settlement. It will be years before they can succeed at that.


        Greek settlement: The Red Army withdraws from western Greece, giving the area to China. The far eastern portion of Greece is traditionally Russian, so we will be adding it to our empire. Roughly a half and half split of the area that was still Greece on the last map. To further appease China, we are giving them Russian wines, no charge. To compensate for the land shift, China is also gifted our Indian holdings. Hopefully this deal will be equitable.

        The USSR agrees with BEER's (sorry I got it wrong last time! Too many posts!) plan to dispose of nuclear waste, and will be appropriating needed supplies towards this program. As for Alaska, we feel Russia should control at least the western portion, adjacent to Siberia. We are open to negotiation, of course.

        Regarding further nuclear aggression: The stance of the Soviet Union is that any nation that uses such weapons is a criminal nation.

        Soviet and Rebel forces continue to pacify Zululand, controlling about two thirds of the nation. The world community is reminded that we are bringing order to the region, and that this backward nation will benefit greatly from Soviet rule.
        Last edited by Rotten999; May 15, 2002, 10:03.


        • The USSR is also willing to aid China with their space program, and extends that offer to any other civilized nation. Working together, we'll make much faster progress.


          • After 12 Americans die after crashing on the moon, demonstraters call for the resignation of the president and vice president. Earlier, many representatives were caught in a major scandal and resigned. they have been mainly replaced by members of the new Imperialist party, which now has the majority in the House. Their leader Teddy Roosevelt who had become speaker of the house is now president. The American capital is moved to LA. He invades and quickly conquers Caribia, crushing marxist rebels. He demands Montana from Canada, saying the man who gave it up was a "raving lunatic." He also demands that the nation of Alaskia join the US, and threatens to invade. Lastly, a fleet was sent to Zululand. A small area in the SOuth has been conquered. American demands that Russia withdraw have been apologized for, and an American force is on its way to try to grab the last piece of Greece. Map (sorry I'm at school i can only make bitmaps with the edges cut off):
            Attached Files


            • Canadian Scientist also launched a rocket today, putting Canadian Michael Donson in orbit of the Earth for 2 weeks, he will be in costant contact during that time.

              The Next step is the Moon, The Canadian Spacecraf to complete that journey is under costruction.
              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


              • will you give us montana or not???


                • "Those Americans...who can figure them?" Aronovich looked past Beria, deep in thought.

                  "The last thing we need is another war, with science our number one priority. It looks like it won't happen, though." It pained Beria to say it.

                  "Agreed. Tell the Americans that we will partition Zululand. The bulk of the nation, currently under Soviet control will not be surrendered. However, we will allow the Americans the remaining third. As a show of good faith, release the POWs we have taken. The people there want Communist rule, not the ineffectual Democracy they had. We are merely giving them that rule. We should keep them on our good side."

                  "Done. As for the space program?"

                  "It is, and will continue to be our main priority. Make it clear that our offer for cooperation with other nations in space exploration is still very much open."


                  USSR summary

                  Huge, Veteran Army.
                  Medium Air Force and Navy.
                  Several Nukes. Several V-2 Rockets (cruise missles). Handful of satellites.
                  Communist Government.
                  World's best spies (NKVD)

                  Our attitudes toward other nations.

                  China: Gracious
                  BEER: Gracious
                  Iraq: Cautious
                  USA: Gracious
                  U.K.: Annoyed
                  Japan: Polite
                  Iran/Persia: Cautious
                  Egypt: Cautious
                  Blueb: Cautious
                  Canada: Polite
                  India: Annoyed
                  Netherlands: Neutral
                  Alaska: Neutral
                  Free France: Neutral
                  Last edited by Rotten999; May 15, 2002, 13:50.


                  • One correction on the map: Greece has been completely conquered by the Soviets, who are in the process of dividing it with China.


                    • Additional: Can everyone post a summary like I did? I think it would be helpful.


                      • The US has withdrawn from the space race. Roosevelt has declared a new era of cooperation with Russia.

                        US summary

                        Huge Army.
                        Large Air force.
                        Medium navy
                        Several Nukes Several V-2 Rockets (cruise missles).
                        Democratic Government.
                        Strong espionage but not ultra-strong

                        Our attitudes toward other nations.

                        China: Polite
                        BEER: Cautious
                        Iraq: Cautious
                        USSR: Gracious
                        U.K.: Cautious
                        Japan: Polite
                        Iran/Persia: Cautious
                        Egypt: Cautious
                        Blueb Heaven: Annoyed
                        Canada: Annoyed (until they give us Montana!)
                        India: Cautious
                        Alaskia: Furious
                        Free French: Annoyed
                        Netherlands: Annoyed
                        Denmark: Cautious

                        Attached Files


                        • We look forward to an era of cooperation with the USA. Edited the summary.


                          • neutral? shouldnt that be polite?


                            • I made the edit after the previous's correct now.


                              • China would be dielighted if Russia would help it with thier space program.


                                Meduim Army
                                Small navy
                                Small Airoforce

                                Gracious to:Beer, Canada, Russia

                                Annoyed with:Britain, greece

                                polite to all other members of warsaw pact EXCEPT Britain

                                Cautious to everyone else

                                no nukes


                                The food crisis in Beijing is now almost resolved. 2 million dead

                                minimal espionage

