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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • USSR is now working with China on the space program.


    • China sends workers to Ottawa to help the Cnadian people salvage what they can of thier former capitol.


      • I'm sorry warsaw but, at this time I’m out. i would lle to stay peaceful with wrasaw but it is now time to aid greece. I have sent navel ships to rebuild there harbors and borders also I have set up army posts to stop their enemies from taking the land Sir Ralph has spoken. Also general apple pie would like to say a few words: We have pretty much invited our selves on to the axis of evil. I would like to ask Iraq for their forgiveness and to make a new pack axis of war fare or whatever there tribe is. Iraq, I wait for your response, all other activities are in place

        pinot form

        - Britain builds aa guns

        - help clean up Greece

        -defending Greece

        -Britain builds up missile defenses

        - Sent workers to clean up nuke waste in Iraq and extra food and water.

        -Greenland, Australia, Indonesia all build defenses and harbors

        I'm Super Crazy
        My song
        I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • Britain Is in the process of releasing Greece for soviet control losing navel forces and a few platoons.
          I'm Super Crazy
          My song
          I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • over all sumery i have a death wish lol
            I'm Super Crazy
            My song
            I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • The Board of Envirment of london says it is now clean enough to repopulate......
              I'm Super Crazy
              My song
              I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • Republic of Iraq Domestic Intelligence profile. Eyes only for President and Director Intelligence.

                Senator Fareeza Rafsanjani
                born: 1925, Ur, Iraq
                Father: General Rafsanjanni, deceased
                Mother: Hayat, a direct descendent of King Gilgamesh

                Senator Rafsanjani is personable, pleasant and bright but on occasion, she expresses a strong temper and has alienated those close to her. However, she usually makes up by bribing them with presents until they are happy. She is not a good listener and only likes to hear what she wants to hear. Despite these occasional outbursts, she works well with peers and is capable of directing work.

                She dresses and eats very well and is reasonbly fit for a woman of her age. She is a supporter of the arts and is contributing greatly to the Woodstock Concert to Benefit the Cleanup Workers.

                Her weaknesses are mostly personal - her unpredictable temper, her poor self-image and her lack of knowledge of the outside world (although she did tour Persia and Egypt in her youth). She carries on with a 22 year old pool boy but that is not uncommon among her peer group.

                She did not receive much money from her father's estate after your tax collectors were through with him but as you know mild graft is quite common these days and she has amassed a not insignificant fortune and she lives quite well in her Mother's family's compound in center of the city of Uruk.

                She would make a fine domestic advisor but has amassed so much power as President of the Senate that she may not want the appointment. I would suggest your secret police team up with the taxmen to make sure she continues to be discreet in her graft.

                Personally prepared by,
                Pita Lorrey

                P.S. I will be bringing a young Ms. Barbara Steele, an aspiring actress, to the Woodstock concert at the end of the year. Perhaps you have heard of her?

                The Intelligence Agency construction in Istanbul is coming along. You should see the view!


                Pita, thanks for report - but what do you think about the Senator's loyalty? Does she still hold a grudge over her father? I understand she has made several visits to my father in Tripoli. Please provide more complete reports. I already know her personality flaws! Please do put your people to work.

                Also, please do work closer with Mr. Beria, we do not want to appear as an adversary to the man. Please discuss with him intelligence sharing opportunities that might be had with our new listening posts up North. Also, make sure that the new agency is developing better security of our own secrets.

                Please keep up all other efforts.

                Camel Hussein

                P.S. I am looking forward to my visit to Istanbul and then our trip to Athens.


                Senator Rafsanjanni read the correspondence and threw it down on the table with dismissal. She wrote a message and handed it to her most trusted advisor (and lover), a slightly runty, huge-lipped Greek boy-man who had fled the horrors of Athens and was now exceedingly in her debt - to top it off, he truly was most trusted. He was also quickly learning martial arts.

                She hit the buzzer and a mousey advisor came shuffling in.

                "Tell me, Cara, where the dilletante young prince is partying tonight?"

                "Camel is hanging out with Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford down at the Dubai horse races. He's been there all day."

                "He pains me, this boy." She was only 30-some years old herself but her upper-class upbringing made her feel superior to Camel, the son of the military dictator.

                "His direction of the country is all wrong! His misguided idealism about improving relations with the hegemons that surounded the Republic of Babylonia (as she preferred to call it) would bring this country down. And the idiocy he calls cultural entertainment - whisky swilling women-haters, brainless actresses, poncy English types in turtle necks - it is not the true culture of Babylon," she fumed. The adventure in Greece was dangerous and his continuing goading of the loathesome and unfair U.N. was just a waste of time.

                Cara rubbed her nose and rolled her eyes slightly but not enough to draw Fareeza's attention.

                "Meanwhile, our enemies build up their forces." She got alot of paranoia from her father, she thought. But paranoia was good because it forced you to prepare for the worst case situation.

                "Some day I will rub his nose in it. All we have to do is engineer some sort of failure of his government. Then we will need to have new elections by the Senators. I have enough in my pocket to take over, I know it."

                Cara stifled her yawn and asked the Senator what she wanted her to do.

                "Take a note... no scratch that note... I have an idea - call in that Sicilian henchman who used to be my father's bodyguard. He still owes me a blood oath for failing to protect Daddy."
                Last edited by Samuel Johnson; May 15, 2002, 16:59.


                • To Iraq
                  I'm waiting for your response
                  I'm Super Crazy
                  My song
                  I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • Republic of Iraq summary

                    Medium Army.
                    No Air Force.
                    Small Navy (transport)
                    Nuclear forces - unknown to others in story (ground truth: has two tactical nukes and a transportable missile launcher)
                    Building an intelligence agency headed by Pita Lorrey

                    Our attitudes toward other nations.

                    China: Cautious
                    BEER: Annoyed
                    USSR: Polite
                    USA: Cautious
                    U.K.: Furious
                    Japan: Polite
                    Iran/Persia: Gracious
                    Egypt: Goodness Gracious
                    Blueb Heaven: No contact
                    Canada: Cautious
                    India: Cautious
                    Alaska: Polite
                    Free French: Polite
                    Netherlands: No contact
                    Denmark: No contact


                    • Dude i sent u food and water i want peace and friend i would like o join your tribe
                      I'm Super Crazy
                      My song
                      I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • Dear Great Leader of the U.K.

                        (Juda put down her pen and then crossed it out.)

                        Dear Unprovoked Madman, Pariah of the World

                        (She shook her head. Nope.)

                        Nyah, Nyah-ne, Nyah-nah!

                        (Scratched out)

                        To the people of United Kingdom,

                        The Republic of Iraq acknowledges your apology for the horrible accidental attack of several months past.

                        We also note the U.N.'s condemnation of your irresponsibility and your current poor relations with your former allies.

                        We request three technologies which you know well. These will allow us to continue the great clean-up that must occur in Greece and the sites of the strikes in our desert. We request Ecology, Recycling and Nuclear Power. These technologies are non-military and are reasonable given the horrible accident.

                        The Republic of Iraq awaits your response.

                        Juda checked it for spelling and then had her transcribers make two copies - one for the Senate and one for the President. Two days later, the message was sent via special courier to the United Kingdom.


                        • BEER's relationship with other nations:

                          Gigantic in Bonschnooglia
                          Medium in South America
                          Small in Africa

                          Dominant in Mediterranean
                          Large in Atlantic
                          Small in Pacific/Indian

                          Air Force:
                          Medium in Europe
                          None in South America or Africa

                          Nuclear Arsenal: let's just say, Large scattered nuclear force, ONLY permissible use is for retalitory strikes under the New government of BEER

                          Espionage: Veteran Spies worldwide, second only to USSR. (successful nuclear campaigns in War of Women)

                          Government: (Communistic Republic)

                          China: Polite
                          Iraq: Annoyed
                          USSR: Gracious
                          USA: Confused
                          U.K.: Furious
                          Japan: Gracious
                          Iran/Persia: No stance
                          Egypt: Annoyed
                          Blueb Heaven: No stance
                          Canada: Gracious
                          India: No Contact
                          Alaska: Polite
                          Free French: Annoyed
                          Netherlands: Angry
                          Denmark: Angry
                          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                          • People of Iraq your wish is granted we hope these technologies will help you though this terrible mistake I sand also 500 workers to clean and learn your wonderful culture I hope you will forgive us with your friendship.
                            I'm Super Crazy
                            My song
                            I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                              I'm Super Crazy
                              My song
                              I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • BEER Annexes Holland and Denmarck through cultural means.

                                BEER Proposes an Alaska divided between Canada and Russia.

                                BEER Continues to hold the British Fleet in the Mediterannean until they promise to leave BEER occupied Greece.

                                BEER offers it's African holdings and military to the USSR in Exchange for the USSR's Scandinavian holdings, (Sweden, Norway, Finland).

                                BEER offers to aid in the Russian space program in exchange for the technology needed to Launch the Rocket to the sun.

                                BEER requests that woodstock be a joint venture between BEER and Iraq in the hopes that it may lessen the rift between our two great nations.

                                BEER Atlantic Fleet is being modernized.

                                BEER Army is being modernized.

                                BEER AIR Force is being added to.

                                MACK THE BEERITE
                                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

