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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • I agree
    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


    • USSR makes a majority. Greece is out of the Warsaw Pact. Reason for this decision: unprovoked acts of nuclear aggression that nearly led to a worldwide nuclear holocaust.

      African colonies? I thought Africa was all independent nations.

      As soon as the smoke clears and we figure out what happened, exactly, an emergency meeting of the UN is being called to determine the division of Europe.


      • I hope to join The Band of Jihad, i could provide all the Nukes/Uranium we could ever need!
        You and the Cap'n make it happen!


        • Dubya has resigned as president. The anti-imperialist movement as a result of the war has brought a new leader to power: **** Gephardt. The US has withdrawn from NATO and turned into an isolationist state. Military is being built up, but for completely defensive purposes. The lands in Guyana that the US took have been returned to Blueb Heaven, the Carribean is granted independence, creating the new nation of Caribia. Alaske is currently being auctioned off to aanyone who wants it and the Northeastern islands have been given to Canada. Map will be posted shortly.

          Edit: It censored out his name...I can't halp it, that's the guy's name
          Last edited by civman2000; May 12, 2002, 21:30.


          • Canada is interested in Alaska.

            we offer to reimburse you in every way for the Nukes as well as paying for the land.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • map, with new europe (including spain, germany is split between italy and poland), german colonies given to poland, caribia, new american borders, unclaimed alaska:
              Attached Files


              • note: Denmark is still independent!


                • anyone else want Alaska? SKILORD, does that include the greek nukes too?


                  • Italy relinquishes all of it's holdings, including it's army and Navy, to Poland.
                    Commander Steve! "what?" Your zipper! "Thanks Martin"


                    • I'm starting a new nation in Alaska called Alaskia, we have oil, and are independent.
                      Commander Steve! "what?" Your zipper! "Thanks Martin"


                      • oh, one more thing, my name is Egbert the Eskimo
                        Commander Steve! "what?" Your zipper! "Thanks Martin"


                        • LOL It seems I have been losing badly (I don't know how, my forces, together with French forces, are way bigger than the Polish but who cares )

                          At least I still got nukes

                          "Things aren't going well are they miltary advisor?" Chancellor Wilhelm asked
                          "I am sorry, Herr Chancellor but these Polish suddenly came up with stone age guys with stone clubs, and we didn't how to handle them. They cost us three tanks divisions and four infantry divisions. Also, when we occupied Warsaw, the population didn't like our culture, and decided to switsch back to the Polish. The 25 tank divisions in the city just vanished after that.
                          And after that we couldn't hold our positions anymore against those Russian devils...."

                          "Our country is going to split between Italy and Poland, Herr Chancellor" the foreign minister said.
                          "That is pretty bad. I am going to Holland then. Just like my father Wilhelm I did after WW I "

                          So Germany don't longer exist, can I take another country, or am I just defeated?
                          Alea iacta est!


                          • can i join?


                            • map will be posted. I've given up trying to keep updating my earlier post . Italy will be gone, Alaska has declared independence. Currently AMerica is demanding a payment of some sort from the new nation in exchange for recognition as independent


                              • map (sorry I'm on a computer that can only save as bitmaps and the file was too big so the southern and eastern edges had to be cut off to be able to attach it):

                                EDIT: Holland added to map (little blue area), although they may have trouble getting independence from poland...
                                Attached Files

