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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • PM William Canuk Formally denounces NATO. The Warsaw pactwill win the coming war and William also is building up his nuclear store.

    OOC(Out of Character): Please stop switching civilizations.
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


    • GRRR, no more posts
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • "Criminal Nation? Hah" Chancellor Wilhelm said.
        "Yes it is really redicilous, Poland still haven't move its ships out of our ports!" the foreign advisor replied.
        "Yeah, who is the criminal nation here? Stealing our women, raiding our lands, blocking our ports...."
        "Shall I give the sign to the British allies so that they can open fire on the Polish ships?"
        the military advisor asked
        "Yes, it is about time. Send a message to the USSR which says that we were just protecting our countries. If Poland returns our women quickly and pays a tribute we might forget our invasion of Poland. NATO is backing Germany, so...."
        "Yes, I will send it immediately the foreign advisor interrupted."
        "Oh, wait, also, the list of nations which the UN have posted says that Iraq have nukes. But that isn't true, I just offered him one, but he hasn't responded to that yet."
        "I will tell them, Herr Chanccellor"

        "The British and the German fleets have engaged the Polish fleet!" the Military advisor shouted excitedly. "Our fleets have already destroyed half of the Polish fleet, and we only lost one German and two British ships!"
        "Excellent! That will teach him. I will go to Hamburg now. And from there I will visit the, of course victorious, German fleet"
        "Good, Herr Chancellor. I will meet you there in six hours."

        "So, the Polish fleet is completely destroyed?"
        "Yes, Herr Chancellor! They tried to flee but they couldn't pass a second British fleet, coming from the east!"
        "Great, this will teach them. Make our tank and infantry divisions ready to invade Poland, and ask our allies to send their troops to the eastern part of Germany"
        "I will, herr Chancellor"
        "Finally, I want you to ask for help from our American allies, if the USSR decide to a full scale war. We could certainly use their excellent military against the communists!"
        "It will be done, Herr Chancellor"
        Alea iacta est!


        • (Britain couldn't have attacked from the East, Look at the map idiot )
          China sends support artillery and tanks via USSR
          Agreement with Japan, has a new naval blocade, German Navy nonexistant.
          Polish army becomes large, MASSIVE fortifications at the border.
          Poland develops nuclear weapons, a few are constructed.
          Greek Navy destroys Italian Navy for their support of the attacking of Poland.
          To Iraq: One for you, should Germany get thrashed somehow
          To Allies: I give to you an even distribution of lusty Germany Babes, hold 'em for me til the end of the war.
          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


          • OOC: Wow, amazing, Metaliturtle was able to silence everyne for 11 hours! Btw, since when was the UN built? But wait...I postedit and I'm AMerican, so the Americans must have the UN . Also, the Greek navy has been shrunken to small to represent losses hwile destroying the Italian navy. ALso, what's this about Japansuddenly being involved

            Dubya was anxious. He had just minutes before he would know whether Congress had agreed to declare war on the Warsaw Pact. Tanks and a few of the new mechanized infantry were already on their way to Europe, and subs as well as aircraft carriers armed with nukes roamed the pacific, especially the Chinese coast. And the heart of the military was ready to pour into Canada. And all it would take would be a simple declaration of war, and the worldwide American Empire would be realized. Just a simple declaration of war.

            The telephone rang. Dubya picked up immediately. It was his vice president, Cheney. He said, "Both houses have unanimously--" Dubya smiled "--rejected the declaration of war."


            Fearing the presidents wrath, Cheney hung up. Dubya cursed a few times, and then called his generals together.

            "This is an order: I want all of the important Southern Canadian cities captured. Land troops in Poland behind the border fortifications, and lastly, activate the reserves and prepare to use them. I'm gonna try to get a new draft law passed."

            He then left the dumbfounded generals and returned to the capitol to request a draft.

            One hour later, Cheney called him again: "THe draft bill has died in subcommittee in both houses."

            "What the $*#& is going on?!!!!?!!"

            "All of COngress has suddenly turned Democrat. And no, you do not have the power to fire me." He hung up.

            Despite the defeat of the draft law, the american army is huge but losses in canada bring it back down to large. The airforce is now large and the blockade was broken by AMerican ships. The navy is now small but very advanced and mainly carriers. Some of Southern Canada is (at least temporarily) conquered, as well as some of Poland. Map is updated above.
            Last edited by civman2000; May 12, 2002, 09:12.


            • Six months passed and still Camel lay in his cell. Today he was face down on his bunk watching the drool fall to the floor thinking about holding some cockroach races later in the day. Last year, he had called Guy Ana to blackmail him into getting him freed from Niveneh but months had passed and nothing happened.

              They had long ago found his cell phone and even Uday came down to talk to him about it but by that time he was so drugged up, he could only make horse-like sounds. Whoa, it looked like the left side drool was beating the right side drool to the floor. It also had a more mucus-laden appearance to - I..

              Suddenly, he felt a gentle hand on his neck. He looked up into the light and saw what looked like a beautiful angel with dark hair, kind of a Mena Survari type look to her except darker and talker and... "Whoa." At that point the light went out.

              Moments, seconds, minutes, hours, days, maybe weeks later, Camel opened his eyes. He was in some sort of cave with candles and all sorts of dark implements on the wall. He looked around and saw the angel coming towards him again.

              "Hi, I'm Juda. You are Camel. How are you doing?"

              "F-f-fine. Where am I?"

              "You are at the secret hide-out of the Spice Farm Collective. We have arisen in the past year to oppose your father's illegal drug cultivation and for kicking us off our farms and sending our men into training for a war."

              "Oh. OK. But you're rebels and since I'm the King, you are rebelling against me."

              "Camel, you had to get over this king complex. You are the heir to the throne, sure, but Saddam still lives and opposes the freedom seekers. We need your help to get assistance from the Native Alliance who will support the overthrow of Saddam and keep us out of the coming Holocaust to the north."

              Camel shook his head. She was right. I'm not King. Why do I keep thinking that I am. "Ok, what's this about a Holocaust to the north?"

              Juda filled him in on what had transpired in the past year.

              ".... and then our spies told us that Saddam received a reply from the Germans that they would provide him the nuke technology if he..."

              Camel spit, "you mean, he has a bomb??"

              "No silly. There's no uranium in Iraq, after all..."

              Oh. Camel sat back and thought of those intelligence reports he had received last year. Where was the uranium at, again? Uh... oh yeah, Greece... Oh sh**."
              Last edited by Samuel Johnson; May 12, 2002, 10:53.


              • Dear my most cool leader of Deutschland,

                Of course, we accept your kind offer and look forward to many years of peace and trade between our countries.

                Would you happen to have any maps of Greece, by the way? My wife and I are planning a little camel riding vacation in that area this year.

                Insanely yours,


                P.S. The Whore of Babylon says you owe her 50 Euroes but she said she'll take dollars if you hae them.


                • Melina Mercouri, the most beloved woman in Greece - former movie star and now popular politician, stretched out on the couch like a huge but lithe cat. "Urrrrr... Uday, you were *****in', what is it with you Iraqis, you are so animal-like! I loved it, I loved it."

                  Uday shuddered even as he smiled and leaned over to kiss her. After all, Melina was now about 80 years old and while she still looked like a cat, it was kind of an old cat. The things I do for Saddam, he mused, as he quickly smothered her with the chloroform.


                  • "You know the drill, Beria. This is a "great patriotic war." Pull out all the Eastern Orthodox religious propaganda you can get your hands on. Paint the enemy as in bed with muslims and godless Americans. I don't really need to say this, do I?" Aronovich sized up Beria. The Commissar looked eager, almost like a child at the gates of an amusement park.

                    "The people will be enflamed against the West." Beria lit another cigarette.

                    "Move the Red Guards into Poland. Remember, we are the peace keepers. We fight defensively, and see how eager the west is to escalate the situation. China has sworn to send aid to Canada, assuming the naval treaty with Japan holds. Those Americans will pay for their arrogance."

                    Beria sneered. "Frat boy president, they say."

                    Aronovich said nothing. His old school, Smolensk A and M, was known more for football than academics.

                    "The west expects us to blink...we shall see. Tell Germany that any aggression will be entirely their own fault."

                    "Yes, Comrade." The NKVD man saluted and exited.


                    • Poland gets more ships than before from the Canadian Contractor
                      Poland orders a medium sized air force as well.
                      Poland builds 3 more nuclear warheads.
                      Poland hires Cossack Mercenaries from the Ukraine, Poland has a huge army.

                      Japanese navy sneak attacks British shipbuilding harbors, Britain has no more ship production/repair ability

                      Greeks give Poland a monopoly on Greek Uranium in exchange for high-tech sub plans and a ton of sausages.

                      Chinese Tanks and artillery under Polish control move into Germany, taking all land East of Berlin, Polish army fortifies their position.

                      To Iraq: Womanizing never works to gain nukes, I will deal with you for a price.
                      To Germany: Surrender and we will go easy on you
                      To Nato: Cut Germany off and you will be spared
                      To Warsaw Pact: British shipbuilding is thrashed, kill ships while the killin' is good.
                      To Japan: One nuclear warhead on its way.

                      Mack the Pollack
                      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                      • Uday looked up from the 80-year-old naked body into the barrels of submachine guns. Three Greek police, led by an NKVD man stood in the door. "Apparently you forget that the nation of Greece is a soviet ally, and enemies of your German lap-dogs."

                        "Good God, sir." One of the men stifled vomit as he looked at the two naked bodies.

                        "Relax. If that doesn't disgust you, you're not human."

                        "Anyway," continued the NKVD man. "You are under arrest for crimes against," he looked at the naked old woman's body. "nature."

                        "Let's go lover boy." The men advanced, brandishing clubs.


                        • After the American attack behind the enemy borders had confused the Polish, the European armies attacked the front line. The Polish had fortified their positions, but were still no match for the vast amount of tanks and infantry. The Eurpeans met the Americans just before Warsaw.
                          They divided the tasks: the Americans would invade Poland, the Europeans would go south to attack Greece.

                          "We must act quickly, Herr Chancellor. If the Chinese and Soviet armies are fully mobilized it will be very tough to make any progress."
                          "I am aware of that. Ask for reinforcements from Italy. We should also draft troops in our African colonies and let fly over to here."
                          "Our bombers and British bombers are bombing Athens and other Greek cities as we speak"
                          "Good. Don't forget to try to convince Greek people to join us. They were capitalistic once..."
                          "We certainly will try. But I am sorry, herr Chancellor, I got work to do now"
                          "Yes, don't let me keep you. I will see you again next week."
                          Alea iacta est!


                          • hey, I'm going to be Italy, my ruler name is going to be Mario Corleoni

                            "Tell Germany we will not support her anymore"
                            "why sir?"
                            "Her hostilities have led to us losing our navy, I cannot condone a course of action that will lead to the loss of italian lives, besides, remember the last war? It was Germany that got all of us killed. I am declaring us neutral until I can see a better course of action. Also, send a messenger to Greece asking for their demands for peace."
                            Commander Steve! "what?" Your zipper! "Thanks Martin"


                            • The polish army combined with air support, and led by their cossack mercenaries moves into Germany, taking all the land up to France's border, and North of Austria. Germany has virtually No Army. Meanwhile the American offensive never came because the American congress voted against war, and was tied up in Canada.
                              Polish spies plant a warhead somewhere in the United States, and then kill themselves with cyanide capsules.
                              More nuclear devices have been produced in Poland.
                              The incoming Polish navy from Canada attacks the crippled British fleet in the gulf south of Scandinavia, bringing that whole gulf under Polish control.
                              Mack requests military aid from the USSR.

                              Transmission to the U.S. from Mack the Pollack: Dubya, there is a nuclear device somewhere in your country. If I see that American Flag anywhere near Poland, you might as well give up, because I will NOT hesitate to use it.
                              Transmission to Italy from Mack the Pollack: Wise descision Mario, I offer you a position in the Warsaw alliance should you prove your mettle by restricting trade through your country for the remaining German, French, British, and Danish forces.
                              Transmission to Germany from Mack the Pollack: Your Offensive failed, how do you like Austria? BTW, there is a nuclear device hidden in your country somewhere as well.
                              Transmission to Nato from Mack the Pollack: Revoke Germany's charter, or more lives may needlessly need to be taken.
                              Transmission to Warsaw pact from Mack the Pollack: Let's get 'em fellas!
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • Canuk's forces couldn't stand against america. he knew this, he only had one chance against them as the world erupted into war, he might be taking the war to a whole new level, he might be orderingthe cestruction of the World.

                                The American forces cheered as the Canadians retreated. Then a Tactical Nuke landed in the middle of their formation. this scene was repeated along te American Advance.

                                Conventional bombing of Washington and New York is underway.

                                Advances were made into Oregon. Canada demands the Surrender of the United States on account of the fact that the three Canadian ICBM's are aimed at rather large important Cities.
                                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

