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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • #46

    Warsaw Pact:
    At war with Blueb Heaven

    Blueb Heaven
    Blueb Heaven is at war with the warsaw pact but fighting has ceased.

    Band of the Jihad:
    Plotting a nuclear holocaust against everyone

    Native Alliance:
    Newly neutral

    Neutral/Out of alliances:
    India (neutral)
    Guyana (secretly applying for Band of the Jihad membership).
    Last edited by civman2000; May 10, 2002, 19:35.


    • #47
      have they joined teh war with the native alliance yet? Right now there is no actual fihting so they do not get pulled in immediately


      • #48
        "The peace with India has been concluded. We now have a sphere of influence in their nation. The Zulus and Japanese are also suing for peace. It seems the Native Alliance has collapsed, with the Blueb's running to NATO." Beria smiled his cruel smile.

        "We'll extort some money from the Zulus and Japanese, but I have little interest in their territory. You know we Soviets are peace-loving people who believe in self-determination of other nations." Both men laughed.

        "The Aztec situation has me worried. The Fascists are now supported by NATO." The kommisar gestured to the tactical map of Latin America. Our Martian allies seem to be working with the other revolutionairy faction. So they say..."

        Aronovich walked to the map. "We'll see how this situation plays out. In the meantime, keep an eye on the US. Canada has informed us that they have joined the Warsaw Pact. With that check on the Yankees, I'd be surprised if they do anything."

        Aronovich dismissed the NKVD leader. The world situation was increasingly unstable, but who would be foolish enough to escalate local wars, especially after the Soviet victories in India? Aronovich collected the papers from his desk. He had a short goodwill trip planned to Poland...they were going to show him their new submarine and rocket plans, he'd been told.


        • #49
          It looks as though the war with the Native Alliance has ended...although there are rumors of Communist sympathizers plotting revolution in the defeated Nations...
          Last edited by Rotten999; May 10, 2002, 12:59.


          • #50
            full map:
            Attached Files


            • #51
              "Good news!" said the messenger.

              "First time I've heard that since Arky revolted," said civman2000.

              "The Native Alliance has withdrawn from the war! BLueb Heaven is now alone! In fact, our spies have discovered that the Zulus and Japanese are currently figuring out the best way to announce that they're kicking out Blueb HEaven!"

              "So the Native alliance is back to being neutral, and Blueb Heaven is only in NATO."

              What civman said, the natives have kicked out blueb heaven!


              • #52
                this sounds really cool.........i want to join later if its not to late.... i dont quite understand it all now so i will keep reading


                • #53
                  We're all new to this Trickey, or at least I am, so I think you should join right away!


                  • #54
                    iu'm not.

                    Canadian Troops are preparing to join the war with their allies but not officially yet.
                    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                    • #55
                      The following tape fell into the hands of CNN yesterday.


                      Scene: Grungey basement somewhere in one of Saddam's basements. Spy camera is apparently imbedded in the middle of the round table around which four charter members of the Band of Jihad sit:

                      “I can’t keep it straight anymore!” Saddam threw up his hands in disgust. “Blueb? Buuuhlllooobe? Martians? Ghana, f’*S*S* sake… And what kind of name for a leaders is Civman2000? I …ask…you…gentlemen. What the **** are these infidels smoking?”

                      Camera pans left.

                      Abul Nasser (leaning back on chair): “if its anything like Halie Selasie’s weed, then good on ‘em, man!”

                      Camera pans again.

                      Ayatollah Khomeni (snubs out joint):“Did you hear that? Saddam, are your secret police out there?”

                      Camera pans.

                      Halie Sellassi laughs. “Mon, he just will chop off their heads if they bust ‘im.”

                      Camera pans back to Saddam.

                      “What is it with that mon, stuff, Halie, anyway?”

                      Halie laughs again. Saddam’s face turned red and pretty soon Ayatollah and Nassar were also cracking up.

                      “OK,” said Saddam, “Let’s get to the business at hand.” Halie cracked, “I’d rather if the Big Kho just hanned me the bidness, mon,” flicking his Bic at the the Big K’s beard. “Now, knock if off” said Saddam. “Let’s get serious here.”

                      “Um…now what was I saying,” Saddam said foggily. “Oh yeah, let’s, like, you know, do, I mean, join an alliance.”

                      Nasser: “Whaaa?”

                      “Well, everyone else is doing it.”

                      Nasser: “Oooohkay. First, you nincompoop, we already are in an alliance. And it’s a supercool alliance. Band of the ****ing Jihad, man. We got us a super-secret clubhouse and it’s cool that you have stocked it with your Dad’s Playboys even if Big K. won’t look at nekkid chicks. Like, what else do we need, Saddaam???”

                      “Uh..” Saddam placed his left hand girlishly on his hips and then stroked his new Fu Manchu mustache…. “First, no one says nincompoop anymore. OK. Second, we, like have to do something rather than just stare at my Dad’s old playboys and smoke dope. Third, um, what’s was I saying again…”

                      Big K. reumbles, “um, about that, um, Band of Jihad or Hand of Jihad, whatever… hey, I gotta cool idea, let’s get a nuclear bomb and plant it in every Capital of every country that we hate… which would be, um, EVERYONE.”

                      Halie smiled, “oooh, evil sh** man. Yeh, everyone would, like, respect us an’ all. I’m game.”

                      Saddam: “hey, you aren’t even in our alliance. Who invited you anyway?”

                      Nasser (leans over): “Um, he, um, brought the, y’know, sh*t.”

                      Saddam: “Oh yeah, that’s some pretty good shi..”

                      Khomeni: “Shut up already. Let’s talk about the nukes. So, like where do we get a nuke, anyway?”


                      • #56
                        Guy Ana sat back and relaxed while he watched videos of Arky's advancing army. SO close, so close, and he would gain neutrality. THe native alliance was neutral and planned to stay that way (they kicked out the bluebs) but could not be depended on. Perhaps, then the band of jihad might be a reliable defensive alliance.

                        He took out the tape and began flipping through the channels. Ads, ads, ads, infomercial, ads, infomercial, boxing, infomercial, ads, news. He stopped at CNN.

                        After the special report ended, he hit the emergency cabinet meeting button that had been conveniently placed in every room of the presidential palace.

                        Guy explained what had been in the report. Then there was a long silence as all of them thought about what to do.

                        "Let us make a grand alliance to oppose the Band of Jihad," the foreign advisor finally said. "An alliance of everyone."

                        "Except Mars," said the miltary advisor.

                        "If Mars is excluded the whole Warsaw pact will opt out."

                        "Well then we must include Mars," said Guy.

                        "But how can the invasion continue if we ally with them?" asked the military advisor worriedly.

                        "No one knows that Morton is working for us," pointed out trade advisor.

                        "But when his conquests are complete and he hands Mars to us--I fear that eh nations of the world will be outraged."

                        "SO we can't create an alliance without Mars and can't make one with Mars," summarized Guy. "So...we don't create an alliance." He hesitated before spreaking again. "We join the band of Jihad. In secret."

                        THe next morning the Egyptian embassy in Georgetown (GUyanan capital) was destroyed and all inside sent by ship back to Africa.

                        No one else knew that some top secret negotiations took place before they were sent off, and many other nations followed the Guyanan lead in punishing the Band of Jihad for their plotting and destroyed the embassies in their own capitals.


                        • #57
                          which civ are you taking Samuel Johnson?


                          • #58
                            Guyanan foreign minister Jerry Pattison, as ordered, encrypted a radio message to be sent to Arky Morton. It was not, however, the message Guy had told him to send.

                            THe army intelligence officer decrypted it like every other message. And when he was done doing so, he began to get up to deliver it to the general when he stopped and looked at the message closely. He ripped it up carefully, got a new piece of paper, and wrote a routine weather message, so many of which he had decrypted, encrypted it above the message, and put it on the stack labeled "Weather Reports."


                            • #59
                              I was going to take Saddam (Babylon), Big K. (Persia) and Nassar (Egypt) but if someone else wants one of them , cool by me Civman.



                              • #60
                                uh, I think you can only take one...

