My apologies to El Awrence; I got a letter from him on Thursday saying "No!" However, I didn't receive any moves. So I recommend sending letters to France to both ck as well as EA for the duration of this switch, since it seems EA will be back soon. Perhaps.
Anyway, Italy has decided that if at first you don't succeed, try, try again, and this time made it into the MAO. The Austrian armies played cards while the navy actually left the shore for once. Well, at least one of the navies. Some Russians stopped in for a quick tiddlywink game with the snoozing Austrian soldiers in Galicia, but so did the Hungarian division of the Austrian army, who ended up winning the tournament. The Turkish soldiers had an exciting season running first this way and then the other way and ended up exactly where they started- which was in fact true of the Russians who recieved orders, as well. England has also moved her navies to the Norwegian Sea, "strictly to protect law-abiding Russian fisherman," according to the ambassador. The Russian consulate in Norway declined to comment. Or rather, they didn't so much decline as it was that there was nobody there to comment, having there been a hastily painted "Out to Lunch" sign on the wall for the past few days.
Moves are due on Thursday!
Spring 1903
Italy (His Divine Shadow)
A Ven sup. Piedmont
A Piedmont sup. Ven
F WMed to Mid-Atl. Ocean
F Tyr. to WMed
Austria (RUFFHAUS 8)
F Trieste - Albania
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Bulgaria - hold
A Serbia supports A Bulgaria - hold
A Budapest supports A Galicia - hold
A Galicia - hold
Turkey (Taurus)
1) A Con to Bul. (*bounce*)
2) A Arm to Smy. (*bounce*)
3) F Bla to Sev. (*bounce*)
Russia (Chazzy)
A-WAR>GAL (*bounce*)
F-SEV S A-RUM (*cut*)
A-SYR>SMY (*bounce*)
England (Reismark)
A Denmark SUPPORT F Sweden (*cut*)
F Sweden SUPPORT A Denmark
F Edinburgh-Norwegian Sea
F North Sea SUPPORT F Edinburgh-Norwegian Sea
F English Channel SUPPORT French A Belgium
Germany (Coug)
A Mun - Bur (*bounce*) 1:2
A Ruh - Bel (*bounce*) 2:2
A Hol S Ruh - Bel
F Kie - Den (*bounce*)
France (connorkimbro subbing for El Awrence)
A Bre > Pic
A Par > Bur
A Mar S A Par > Bur
A Bel S A Par > Bur (*cut*)
F Spa S F Lyo
F Lys S F Spa
Anyway, Italy has decided that if at first you don't succeed, try, try again, and this time made it into the MAO. The Austrian armies played cards while the navy actually left the shore for once. Well, at least one of the navies. Some Russians stopped in for a quick tiddlywink game with the snoozing Austrian soldiers in Galicia, but so did the Hungarian division of the Austrian army, who ended up winning the tournament. The Turkish soldiers had an exciting season running first this way and then the other way and ended up exactly where they started- which was in fact true of the Russians who recieved orders, as well. England has also moved her navies to the Norwegian Sea, "strictly to protect law-abiding Russian fisherman," according to the ambassador. The Russian consulate in Norway declined to comment. Or rather, they didn't so much decline as it was that there was nobody there to comment, having there been a hastily painted "Out to Lunch" sign on the wall for the past few days.
Moves are due on Thursday!
Spring 1903
Italy (His Divine Shadow)
A Ven sup. Piedmont
A Piedmont sup. Ven
F WMed to Mid-Atl. Ocean
F Tyr. to WMed
Austria (RUFFHAUS 8)
F Trieste - Albania
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Bulgaria - hold
A Serbia supports A Bulgaria - hold
A Budapest supports A Galicia - hold
A Galicia - hold
Turkey (Taurus)
1) A Con to Bul. (*bounce*)
2) A Arm to Smy. (*bounce*)
3) F Bla to Sev. (*bounce*)
Russia (Chazzy)
A-WAR>GAL (*bounce*)
F-SEV S A-RUM (*cut*)
A-SYR>SMY (*bounce*)
England (Reismark)
A Denmark SUPPORT F Sweden (*cut*)
F Sweden SUPPORT A Denmark
F Edinburgh-Norwegian Sea
F North Sea SUPPORT F Edinburgh-Norwegian Sea
F English Channel SUPPORT French A Belgium
Germany (Coug)
A Mun - Bur (*bounce*) 1:2
A Ruh - Bel (*bounce*) 2:2
A Hol S Ruh - Bel
F Kie - Den (*bounce*)
France (connorkimbro subbing for El Awrence)
A Bre > Pic
A Par > Bur
A Mar S A Par > Bur
A Bel S A Par > Bur (*cut*)
F Spa S F Lyo
F Lys S F Spa