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Age of Feudalism: Europe 1000 AD

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  • #91
    Interesting. That's my problem too. Great map, but no scanner. I wonder if we have the same atlas? Is yours "The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History" ?



    • #92
      This map is pretty good:
      The names are in French but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out...
      I'm not sure why we can't use the other one though...
      The establishment of a Hebrew government and the implementation of its plans - this is the sole way of rescuing our people, salvaging our existence and our honor. We will follow this path, for there is no other. We will fight! Every Jew in our homeland will fight!


      • #93
        Considering that I have the motor skills of a gorilla on crack that might not be a good idea
        I have a very nice 1000 AD map of Europe in my historical atlas but I don't have a scanner


        • #94
          [This message has been edited by Boshko (edited June 19, 2000).]


          • #95
            I`m ireland and this is my first story, remember?


            • #96
              I'm taking over the Khazars.

              This includes the white area labeled Turkic Tribes and the land to the east of Kievan Rus.

              Our capitol is at Sarai (near m/d Volgograd).

              So, Geo, when we gonna get this thing started.

              I would recommend you start a new thread for it so everyone can start fresh and know that the game is still on.

              We do have plenty of players.


              • #97
                Why don't we give this its own forum at Valhalla? What do you think WarVoid?
                Long Live Nippon!^gsfc1.gif


                • #98
                  I have already considered that option (in fact, Warvoid offered me a position as co-admin at Valhalla), and I have decided that Age of Feudalism would probably do better here at Apolyton. As soon as I have time (my father had surgery today and my family is trying to move my grandparents into a retiremnt home) I will post a list of current participators in this thread. Eventually, I will get around to starting a second thread (I don't want anyone else starting it though). If I remember correctly, the Fatimid Caliphate, a very powerful nation, was still open. If someone new wanted to participate, they could always pick that. I think Hungary is also open.


                  • #99
                    Sorry about your pop Dan.

                    Just give me a call when you get back and we'll get this thing goin.


                    • Actually, it was the fifth surgey my father's had over the past few weeks, all for the same problem, but this time it worked! Thank goodness. Well, now I'm really involved in the W99 thread, and sicne I can't spend much time online right now I still don't have much time for this one. As soon as things over there calm down, I'll be able to make a list of the participants so far.

                      Just one thing- If you're going to participate in Age of Feudalism once it starts, do research! Please! And sorry that I;m keeping you all waiting! Be patient! And I might need someone to help be moderator, probably a wars moderator. I'm thinking ScottF would be the right man for the job. Any comments on that? So long for now....



                      • Research into the irish?
                        Where am i supposed to find that


                        • Here's the updated list:

                          Byzantine Empire: GeoDan
                          Kievan Russia: GScott
                          Denmark: Bearcat
                          Khazar Empire: Warvoid
                          Germany: ScottF
                          Papal States: Midshipman
                          France: RocMaster
                          Baltic Tribes: Spartan
                          England: Naj
                          Italy: Napoleon Bonaparte
                          Emirate of Cordova: Rand Al'Tor
                          Ireland: Krusty
                          Scots: Fast_Eddie
                          Venice: Boshko

                          Warvoid- The capital of the Khazar Empire in 1000 AD was the twin city of Khazaran-Atil. Atil was the actual capital while Khazaran was the main commercial center. If you're going to participate in this thread, get your facts straight!!

                          So, everyone, please do research on your nation and try to get more participants.

                          Remember, as soon as it starts, the main rule is Be Realistic!!

                          -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                          AKA GeoDude

                          My E-Mail:


                          • Nope I've got the Hammond Historical Atlas of the World...


                            • Oh, I have that one too.

                              I have numerous history atlases.



                              • I'm moving my capitol to Sarai.

