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The World 1999 XXII - The Second Rebirth

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  • #46
    Canadian Parliament passes Military Bill!
    In Ottawa today, the Canadian Parliament has passed a bill that will allow the Canadian military to expand to keep up with the rest of the world, and also to aid our allies in their time of need. Similarly, Naval and Air Force bills have also been passed, which will keep Canada's armed forces equal in proportion to each other.

    The Army bill allows:

    - The raising of 60,000 additional regular troops and an additional 200,000 reserves.

    - The purchasing and construction of an additional 200 Tanks, 200 APC's and 200 Artillery pieces, which will allow for a total of 3 additional mechanized divisions.

    The Naval bill allows:

    - The construction of 2 Iroquois Class Destroyers, 6 Halifax Class Destroyers and 7 Oberon Class Submarines for our navy.

    - The leasing of a foreign shipyard, preferrably US or German, for the construction of a carrier and several air defense frigates.

    The Air Force bill allows:

    - The construction of an additional 144 CF18 Fighters for national defense.

    [This message has been edited by gscott23x3 (edited June 04, 2000).]
    We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


    • #47
      Dont have the time nor patience right now to read. So, if Brazil is taken, I wont join. If Brazil isn't taken, I will post later today. Here is a little something for now.


      Brazilian Government Destroyed

      Yesterday afternoon a large airliner smashed into the Capitol District during the inaugeration of the new VP. Inside the Capitol was virtually every member of the government with several exceptions. The National Security Advisor Rich Nazzaro. Nazzaro was to be their first but was held up in the gridlock. Thank God he arrived 5 minutes late, just two minutes after the devastating plane crash. He will become the President.

      "What the hell!" Scream Nazzaro at the top of his lungs.

      "Sir, it is not safe for you here until the fires are put out. Please, we are bringing you back with your family." Dictated a young Corporal.

      Did Rich really want his life to be in the hands of these too-young looking Marines? And what about his family?

      "Who the hell is in charge here Corporal?"

      A young womand ran up to meet them, she was wearing the jacket of the Brazilian SS.

      "I am afraid you are until we figure this out, welcome Mr. President." She said.

      "WHAT! Are you saying EVERYONE is dead?! Where is Thomaz?" Nazzaro was not shaking, his time in the Marines and Intel was enough to stop him. The things he had done.

      "Sir, I am afraid so."

      To be continued...

      OOC: What do you think?

      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
      Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
      The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


      • #48
        Reactions of Slav politics after the German Militaristic Plan

        "Is it the come back of Fascism" - wrote Gazeta Wyborcza, the major Polish daily newspaper, after German Goverment annouced the great plan of militaristic reinforce. All politicians are very aware of this situation, and they are more, and more determined to vote yes, if President of Slav Confederate will announce the plan of strenghten the army. The President of Ukraine said "Even If our nation will have to buy less clothes, despite of strenghten the Military I will accept this project". Majority of Slav People would support eventualy the cost of militarization. In Ukraine 70% says yes, in Poland 82% in Slovakia 58%.

        The speech of President of Slav Confederate

        Today President of Slav Confederate had a speech in the TVs of three Slav Nations.
        "Good morning my dear Poles, Ukrainians, and Slovakian, our great Slav Community. Over 50 years after the World War Two, the World could be in the another great danger. The German Country had returned to the expansionistic policy and they annouced the great plan of militarize their country. All peacefully people should know what it means. The stability in the World for over 50 years was secured because Germans refused to strenghten their army and use it in other actions then defence. The West superpowers, and their elites guarded to prevent of any actions which will allow Germans to restitute their military power. And Im sure that now presidents of Western Countries will say "NO" to the plans of German Goverment. I also belive that German plans is not offensive towards us and we beg German Authorities to not repeat the history. The war is the worst thing I ever know.

        We Slav People remember the days when German Troops killed our ancestors in past days, and we will not reply the mistake which did our Father, and we will secure our borders. We strongly remind to German Politicians, that 1939 is not 2000. The Joined Ukrainian, Polish and Slovakian forces have greater potential then German. We have many more Military bases specially in Ukraine which was the center of scientifical military base in old Soviet Union. I will announce in the comming days the great plan of restauration of the Ukrainian, and Polish Military facilities and the plans of building the new Tank for Slav Forces. We will change our liberal economy, and we will spend large amounts of money to restore the Power to our Army.

        As I said our moves are the answer to German moves and we dont want to be offensive to Germany, and we are awaiting for German answer, we want the peace in our relationships, and we are sure that our fears are unreasonable

        Im very glad to hear the positive answer to our proposition of Warsaw Meeting. We are sure that we will sign the Strong Pact which will protect Baltic States and Slav Confederate nad maybe German Territories from any danger"
        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


        • #49
          Plans of Minisry of Slav Defence
          Slav Defence Ministry annouced the great plans for the Slav Army.
          Three separated armies (Polish, Ukrainian, and Slovakian) will be joined by the United Command Center. The Command Center divided the Slav Forces to three armies (Ukrainian, Polish, and Slovakians). But the integrity of this army will be greater. It will be one body with separate bodies. Some Ukrainian and Slovakian army will reinforce the German Border.

          Current situation of Joined Slav Army:
          400 000 in Regular Field Army
          200 000 in Air Fleet
          40 000 in Sea Fleet

          7500 Tanks (T-72, and T-80 3/4, and T-55 T-62 1/4) (specially Ukrainian)
          Over 1200 Aircrafts of 4 Generation
          (Specially Ukrainian) (with 100 Tactical Bombers)

          over 400 Attack Helos
          and the same amount of Transport Helos.

          Very good antiair defense (specialy Ukraine)
          Over 10 000 BMP-s
          And great amount of artillery

          Many Old Tanks are in storage in Ukraine

          Plans of new tank

          The Slav Goverment annouced the plans of new tank T-80 Black Eagle, which was projected in Ukraine since the times of Soviet Union. It will be using new technology, and will be the respond to German Leopard. As everybody know T-34, T-72, and T-80 was projected in Ukrainian bases and in great amount produced the in Ukrainian factories. So Slav Confederate goverment decided to open this factories and annouced the subsidiary plan which will help investors to create the Factories in Poland which will be producing the new T-80 Black Eagle Tanks on Ukrainian License. The goverment plans to reduce unemployment by hiring the people to Factories which will be producing the new tanks and the ammunition and rifles, and Guns.

          The restructurization of Ukrainian Farmlands

          The Slav Goverment will restrucurize the Ukrainian Farmland and will sell the nationalized lands into private rich hands. The great Ukrainian lands will be producing the great amounts of food to Slav Laborers.

          National Defence Fundation
          The Goverment created the National Defence Foundation where people could locate their money to help the budget of SC. The 87% Slav people declares the willnes to help Country and pay to fundation much money

          [This message has been edited by Luk (edited June 05, 2000).]
          "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


          • #50
            OOC: I'd like to join too.
            Four small countries right?
            Caribbean Islands (Hispaniola, Antilles, etc.)

            The Republic of Atlantis

            Atlantean Statistics
            Government: Republic
            Population: 31,000,000 people
            Capital: Nova Atlantis, Azores
            Major Cities: Havana, Santiago, Port-au-Prince, Santo Domingo, Bridgetown, Caguey
            GNP: 440 billion (35 billion surplus)

            Armed Forces:

            30,000 Regular Troops
            - Organized into 3 Divisions
            400,000 Reserve Troops
            - 40 Deployable Divisions

            Armored Corps
            586 Armored Tanks
            - Organized into 3 Divisions
            401 Armored Personnel Carriers
            - Organized into 3 Divisions
            251 Artillery Pieces
            - Organized into 3 Divisions

            Air Force
            144 CF-18 Fighters
            - Organized into 12 Squadrons

            212 Apache Helicopters
            - Organized into 20 Squadrons

            Atlantic Fleet
            4 Havana Class Battleships
            3 Lemuria Class Submarines
            6 Atlantis Class Destroyers
            Pacific Fleet
            2 Havana Class Battleships
            2 Lemuria Class Submarines
            3 Atlantis Class Destroyers


            • #51
              Brazil's Tragedy and the Making of a Leader

              The jeep pulled up to the Marine Barrack Gates.

              "Why are we here? Where is my family?" Demanded Nazzaro.

              "Sir, they have been transported here for their safety"

              "I dont care!"

              The day went on until Nazzaro was officially the President. What will he do and who will he appoint?

              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
              Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
              The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


              • #52
                May I assume, Bill, given your past bad experiences, that nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons are banned in this thread?


                • #53
                  One of key things of W99 and TW was that NBC weapons were allowed. We'd just shun and ***** at the ******* that used them first, but they were allowed nonetheless. I can only think of one instance when they were used in W99, and everyone calmed down after anyway.
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #54
                    The Revolutions History

                    The worlds powers were asunder. Man was wontonley befouling the planet god had given him. The Atlantic ocean was slowly becoming polluted beyond repair. I an effort to unite and reverse these catastrophes the Atlantean Republic was founded in August of 1997. At first it was a simple movement started by Rico Solonis, our current president. With Rico's help we forced the Cuban government into submission and founded an empire.

                    It all began in 97. Rico had recruited a force of 5,000 men and, in a daring attempt, stormed Catro's palace in Havana. With the dictator in custody of the rebels the government was forced to habd over all power to Solonis. Castro was ousted and sent into exile in South Africa.

                    Over the next year Cuba's infrastructure was restructured from a communist state to a republican nation. Cubans and people left the US and Mexico to come back to there homeland. With our population now doubled, we sought to make alliances with the worlds nations.

                    Atlantis Found

                    Our Atlantic naval fleet was deployed in the Sargasso region on the morning of April 10, 1998 when a strage artifact was discovered protruding from the center of the massive seaweed island. It looked to be a temple of Athenian design. Upon closer inspection it was found to be the last dry land of a destroyed Atlantis. Records discovered in the temple proved not only the exsistence of the island but of the extent of the empire.

                    According to the 'Shianar' the Atlantean history book. The empire had once extended from Mexico to Egypt and as far north as Greenland which at the time was called Atlanticus or northern Atlantis. Mexico had been known as Mu and the people living there were the Muyans or Mayans. In Cuba were the Lemurians, the sister state of Atlantis. In Egypt was the Thebans. To the far north at Atlanticus were the Atlanticans. All these people were united under the flag of the main island of Atlantis. A republic at the beginning of time. Rico comprehended this and began the restructuring of his empire in an attempt to rebuild Atlantis and unify the old empire.

                    The Atlantean Republic Is Born

                    With the information of the ancestors, Solonis set forth on at fisrt a diplomatic mission. Seeking a summit with all world nations we met in Havana and discussed a world alliance based on the ancestors government. Surprisingly, most of the worlds nations rejected our proposal. However, we managed to unite a few nations under the Atlantean flag. Ireland joined reluctantly and only after offering help with the northern ireland dispute. Portugal offered it's nation to the alliance, where we moved the capitol and began construction of Nova Atlantis. Finally, we talked the remaining Caribbean islands into joining our union.

                    The War

                    We were in desperate need of Spain to join us. And at another summit between us and Spain only we managed to create a dispute that has led to war. In September of 1998 we started moving troops onto the border to defend against any attack. As of now we have no intent to invade unless Spain provokes any further action.


                    Our priority right now is with the war in Spain and rebuilding the infrastructure of our nation. On top of that we are building the new capitol in the Azores, which we plan to dedicate much attention to.

                    One of our main agendas was for Greenland (Atlanticus) to be part of the republic. However, seeing that it is controlled by Germany we were hesitant.

                    We would be willing to buy or trade something for Greenland should Germany agree. This is an offical proposal so we expect a response from Germany.
                    And we would like to note:
                    Trade as in some of our military forces such as some of our excess Pacific fleet.
                    We will be offering $1,000,000,000 (1 billion)US dollars for the island. Being funded in part by private and foreign investors.
                    [This message has been edited by WarVoid (edited June 05, 2000).]


                    • #55
                      OOC - Sorry Nap but I got to Brazil first. Didn't you see my post?


                      • #56
                        The United States welcomes all diplomatic offers.

                        The Seventh fleet has been deployed to Taiwan.
                        If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                        • #57
                          I forgot to mention another good rule for W99:

                          Please do not make this story into a hardware hothead thread. (ie dont go overboard with the tanks/planes model/serial numbers etc)


                          To: All Nuclear Powers (countries with nukes)
                          From: France

                          France propses as signing of a NUCLEAR NON PROLIFERATION TREATY to all nuclear capable nations.

                          Signing would mean:
                          --You do not give Nukes to ANY OTHER COUNTRY.
                          --You restrain from using Nukes except as a last resort.


                          To the USA, Germany, Britan, Italy, and Atlantis: We would like to sign a pact. Maybe the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (*hint hint* *nudge nudge* )
                          [This message has been edited by Bill3000 (edited June 07, 2000).]
                          "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                          "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                          Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                          "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


                          • #58
                            OOC: OK. I told everyone i didn't read it all. Oh well.

                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
                            The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep


                            • #59
                              OOC: Hold up! Annexing Algeria!?!?!

                              Fine, I'll take Taiwan then. C'mon Bill, first off, you did absolutely nothing to make Algeria like you. Second, the game just started and you already annexed a country? If you get Algeria, I get Taiwan.


                              To: US
                              From: Imperial Chinese Empire (remember me? )

                              We have detected many ships from your navy near Taiwan, we would like to know why. Our government has changed to a more democratic way and Taiwan was asked to join, must like Mongolia.
                              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                              • #60
                                um... Bill, you can't simply state that Algeria has joined your nation. You can't control the goings-on in other countries.
                                Please try to limit your unrealsim.

                                -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                                AKA GeoDude

                                My E-Mail:

                                Come to my forum: Cool History

