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The World 1999 XXII - The Second Rebirth

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  • #61
    France should not have Algeria. It is unrealistic.

    WarVoid's Atlantis is really stretching the bounds of realism too.

    Nukes and such should be banned. Inevitably, it will lead to the death of the thread. This is not the old World 1999. The posters lack enough restraint to avoid the use of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.


    • #62
      OOC: Unfortunately, I have to concur with Scott. Some of the posters these days wouldn't think twice about nuking their neighbor, we simply don't have the same mantality as we did in the old thread.
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • #63
        I, too, agreee that nukes, chemical, and biological weapons should be banned.

        -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
        AKA GeoDude

        My E-Mail:

        Come to my forum: Cool History


        • #64
          OOC: What Bill did was totally unrealasitic- It shows a need for a moderator. If Bill is unwilling to reserve what the has done- I will have to start annexing former CIS States by election.

          Anyway how about we vote on some things:

          1. Should Nuclear weapons be allowed?
          2. Should Biological Weapons be allowed?
          3. Should Chemical Weapons be allowed?
          4. Should semi-skiled Battle-Posts be required? (Should we make it so the battle posts must at least be semi-good?)
          5. Should we have a moderator? (If we vote to have a mod, we can then vote who to have as mod, and then have a runoff between the top two vote getters unless someone wins 51% of the vote.)

          I vote:

          1. Yes
          2. Yes
          3. Yes
          4. Yes
          5. Yes


          Russia Launches Operation Link Cut!

          In attempt to break off the Chechens supply route from Georgia, the Russians launched a Massive bombing campaign, dropping the equivalent of a Hiroshima bomb in convential bombs on the few Chechen controlled territory, especially concentrating on the far south, killing an estimated 436 Chechen rebels. After this had happened, Russian Helicopeters moved into the south near the Georgian border, and began to disrupt the supply route from Georgia(Not Georgia the American States, but Georgia the country in the Caucasus). Later, the Russians dropped in soldier to permanently cut it. The Checens attakced vigorusly and hit the Russian hard, inflicting heavy casulties. However, Russia could affor casulties, the Chechens couldn't. Realizing this, the Russians continued to move in troops. Casulties were taken, 528 Chechens and 1,512 Russians died in the combat before the Chechens gave up. In the end, Operation Link Cut bled the Chechens severly, and the supply line from Georgia is now held by Russian troops.

          Russia, Germany, China sign alliance!

          President Vladimir Putin today was pleased to announce that the Great nations of Russia, China, and Germany have agreed to an alliance.

          234 traiors caught!

          Russian undercover agents have identified 234 traitors who sold weapons to the Chechens. They shall be spedning the rest of their lives in an Artic Gulag.

          Elite Russian Guard to be created!

          President Vladimir Putin today announced that Russia will be creating an elite Russian guard, to be comprised of the troops who fought the best in the Chechen war. They will be an elite, veteran force for the Russians.


          • #65
            Shouldn't we start a different thread for the voting and stuff?
            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


            • #66
              To China:
              Any move against the The Republic of China will be met with massive retaliation by the United States. We will not tolerate so-called "Democratic" nations annexing other ones. The Seventh Fleet will remain around Taiwan to make sure nothing happens.

              To France:
              The Fifth fleet will be monitoring your activities in the Med. Any move against Algeria will be met with brutal retaliation.

              Say no to Imperialism

              Today President Bolo announced his main foreign policy goal, to stop imperialism in all its forms around the world. To kick off this admirable goal, America has cancelled all debt with the poorest twenty nations in the world. Further it will try to stop imperialism in all its forms whenever it can and will heavily denounce those nations which it cannot stop.
              Starting American territories that are not included as States will be asked if they would like to remain American protectorates or become independant. America is asking for a UN rep to tabulate the votes to maintain neutrality and be fair and all that.
              If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


              • #67
                OOC: Can we please all try to refrain from annexing additional territory by plebiscite? Just because Bill3000 is unrealistic doesn't mean we all have to be.

                Today, the United Baltic States Prime Minister Arvydas Sabonis made an announcement detailing the progress that the UBS has made in recent weeks. He said that the plan of tax breaks and finacnial aid for small companies in the electronics and computer industries has been quite successful, and that Vilinius has begun to become a center for the computer industry in the UBS. It is already home to numerous hardware, software, and "dot-com" companies.

                Utilizing the already strong nationalism and patriotism in the UBS, Sabonis has laid plans for a program encouraging enrollment in the UBS military. THose who join the military will receive an excellent education along with their military training. This has proved highly attractive to many in the UBS's agricultural areas, where it is difficult to earn enough money for a decent college education.

                Parliament voted in favor of a program increasing the UBS's military industrial capacity, which mainly includes the building of several sites for the consrtuction of airplanes, tanks, and ships. These will be distributed throughout the UBS territory.

                The UBS foreign ministry announces that a diplomat will be sent to a meeting in Warsaw to confer with the Slav Confederation's government. The foreign minister also announced that he wished to open diplomatic negotiations with Germany, Russia, and China, including possible treaties.

                -GeoDan, Apolyton Geography Expert
                AKA GeoDude

                My E-Mail:

                Come to my forum: Cool History


                • #68
                  OOC: If a mod is felt to be neccesary i would be glad to handle the job. Otherwise, i'll play as Nigeria.


                  • #69
                    To: US
                    From: China

                    Perhaps you should actually look at who you are talking to. We are changing towards a democratic practice, whether you choose to believe it or not is your choice. Perhaps you should also look at the rampant corruption in the so called "Republic of China". You simply wish to turn a blind eye to spite us, we wonder why.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #70
                      OOC: I take back the Algeria thing.

                      IC: Algeria is regained independence. France says sorry to the world for this.

                      In other news, French Polonisia has been made a French Department, Tahati.
                      "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                      "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                      Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                      "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


                      • #71
                        I do admit my nation is slightly unrealistic. But that is as far as I am going. The rest will be as realistic as possible.

                        And Germany has yet to answer my question on Greenland.

                        We are open to all treaties with foreign nations.


                        • #72
                          Once again, the Canadian Government wishes to express their refusal to acknowledge Atlantean control of Greenland.

                          To Germany: Please, for anything it is worth, keep a hold of Greenland, do not by any means sell or give it to the Atlanteans. If it must be to anyone, be it anyone but the Atlanteans!
                          We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!


                          • #73
                            FALL OF CHECHNYA!

                            Gen. Mushkaz Hashivetz, leader of the Chechnyan resistance, spit it into the cold, bitter wind moving through the Caucasus mountains. His forces had fought valiently, but now he had less than 500 men, and Russian conquest seemed only a matter of time... He still had one option left though.....

                            Gen. Hashivetz led all his remaining troops into a mountain valley. It was an ambush. Russians, informed prior to the attack, came in by suprise. There was no escape, the Chechens were sorrunded. The remaining Chechen Guerillas, died and Hashivetz stood alone. A Russian officer stepped forward, and handed Gen. Hashivetz a piece of paper. It was a check for $500,000 American. Gen. Hashivetz had betrayed his men, and Chechnya, having run out of guerillas, was a Russian province once more.


                            • #74
                              President Bolo was heard to comment...

                              "Come on pussies! Post god damn it!"

                              American fleet units we spotted in the Med today, they had been excersising off the Algerian coast in case France makes a grab for the country.

                              The Seventh fleet has left Taiwan and is headed to Pearl for some R&R.

                              To Mexico:
                              Get your head out of your ass and adopt democracy or else we will come in there and make you. Just a friendly warning.

                              To Russia:
                              Those tanks better stop in Chechnya.

                              To Iraq:
                              Show us where your nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs are and we won't bomb the crap out of you.

                              To North Korea:
                              All aid is cut off, and bombing will commence emmidiatly unless you surrender to Seoul.
                              If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                              • #75
                                OOC: I back into story threading. I think I will give Bolo a little spice in the United States. I am going to be two sets of people. Disclaimer: This is pretend."


                                News -

                                Flint, Michigan

                                A small explosion rocked an automobile plant. This plant has been taken offline for couple of months. There is no news that says what cause the explosion but the main speculation is that a bomb was set off. More news when we get it.


                                A couple of days later in the US Capitol, a man was sitting nervously looking at his notes. The man was thinking of a way to get funding for his project. Then a secatary came and said, "Mr. Thales Koffed, the congress is ready to hear your proposal." Mr. Koffed then composed himself, got up, and went through the double doors. He walk down an aisle have congressional members look at him and whisper at each other. This was an unsettling for Mr. Thale Koffed because he was not used to the environment of this area. He was more inclined research than public talking, but he could not afford a lobbist. Finally he came down to the microphone and started his speech.

                                "Dear congresspeople,
                                There is a matter upmost importance to talk to you about. This is that terrorist groups are changing their emphasis from governmental to industrial targets. We have already seen this in the automotive plant bombing in Flint, Michigan. Now you would say that there was no bombing in Flint, Michigan, but I have been there. I saw the destruction and the only thing that could cause it was a bomb. This is way my organization will need funding so that we can find out where these terrorists will hit next. Also we have to figure out which cities will be in danger if the terrorist gets nuclear weapons."

                                Mr. Koffed then answer questions that people in congress might have.


                                Deep in the Arabian desert, Qui'lin al Rajad was talking via a secure link to an American operative.

                                Operative: "The auto plant bombing was a success."

                                Qua'lin al Rajad: "Good, that will keep the Americans off our backs for a little while, because cannot find our base that great. What other news do you have me."

                                Operative: "Mr. Koffed has asked congress to fund his research, should I take him out."

                                Qua'lin al Rajad: "No I like a good game of meeting of the minds, especially when the pressure is on Mr. Koffed. How are the nuclear weapons parts coming?"

                                Operative: "We got most of the parts, we need a few more."

                                Qua'lin al Rajad: "Here is your next assignment."


